Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
You said "what makes you think CEO's and even presidents are smart"
Hahaha, I think that the CEO's are smarter than the presidents. The president is not as smart, most of the time the CEO runs/maintains the company. The president is often like the puppet, a political figure-head. Well, at least in the amongst the caucasian world of business.
Take the U.S. president for example. Bush, that dumbass doesn't know jack about how to run this country properly. So, yeah, he's president, but who is actually running the country? His Republican cabinet members.
So, presidents (of countries/or companies) are always so smart. However, I notice that if you compare the presidents of Japanese companies to American Caucasian companies, there is a HUGE difference.
Japanese presidents earned their rankings, white president most often get lucky within their positions. Plus, they are very lazy.
Bush Sucks!   
Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 00:18:21 (PDT)
I think whoever wrote this is wrong calling Koreans stupid. Koreans tend to get good grades in school but are not considered nerds like other asian groups. They keep up with the latest style and get good grades at the same time.
John Lee   
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 20:53:39 (PDT)
LSD, the following are more accurate comparison between some Asian and European countries.
Japan: UK (island country)
Korea: Germany (divided by ideology)
China: Africa or Arab (backwardness)
Actually, here in Asia (esp. Japan and South Korea), the Chinese are very well known as the "Blacks of Asia".
The claim that the Chinese resemble the Jews because the suffering Chinese people's sorrow, mixed with Chinese angers, is comparable to those of the Jews is utterly rubbish. The Jews are very successful race IMO, while the Chinese are very backward and genetically more prone to trouble-making/crimes compared with other Asian people.
China's lack of human rights, rampant corruptions, Sex/AIDS crisis, Chinese jealousy and inferiority complex, Chinese organized crimes, Imposters, etc. are enough reasons why the Jews are nothing like the Chinese, which are more comparable to the the Blacks.
Both Chinese and Blacks need to do something to defaces the highest level of hostility!
BTW, I hope you came here with a desire to have your souls made better, not just money or cheating others.
Sincerely yours.
The Chinese Mentality   
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 12:57:45 (PDT)
If you read through out the Chinese history, the Chinese were constantly colonized by the foreign powers such as Japan (Hideyoshi), Mongolia (Ghengis Khan) and Korea (Koguryo).
The most interesting part of all is the fact that these three powerhouses share the same spoken languages (Ural-Altaic), similar written languages (i.e. Hangul of Korea, Hiragana and Katakana of Japan) and almost same cultures.
On the other hand, the Chinese language and culture are the same or very similar to those of Southeast Asian countries such as Thai, Cambodia and Vietnam (Sino Tibetan family of languages) with the culture of rice farming.
In Japan and South Korea, the Chinese were/are regarded as sub-human class and subject to heavy discriminations, even worse than the blacks of America. And the Chinese hoodlums are big problems across the Asia and Europe and US. Not to mention the cheap one-dollar Chinese hookers (Read China's Sex/AIDS crisis).
World Cup Korea/Japan   
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 11:28:52 (PDT)
You sound like a troll on drug(LSD) trying to promote hatred amongst East Asians.
Get Lost!!!
Trool detector   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 18:17:46 (PDT)
When are you going to stop hating yourself, little prick? Asians or Asian Americans don't need to be compared to Europeans like its some previlaged or to point out their characterstics. All ethnics groups have their own unique characterstics. You obviously have an inferiorly complex, you think white is better? You little ugly homo, its assholes like you who embarrass me.
Get some pride LSD   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 18:05:02 (PDT)
As this was discussed before, the 3 East Asian groups have things in common with one or two of the 4 White Ethnic groups.
The Japanese seem to resemble the Anglo/Germanic or Northern European Whites. Japanese are known to be well groomed, refined, polite, academic-oriented, cold, mechanical, stern and stoic.
The Koreans seem to resemble the Irish. Koreans are stoic but have a tendency to explode and drink just like the Irish. Some people say the Koreans are the "Blacks of Asia". Blacks in this country have been called the "New Irish Americans". Koreans have been stereotyped as being stupid and simple minded just like the Irish Immigrants or the Blacks.
The Chinese resemble either the Italians or the Jews. Depending on family upbringing, the Chinese resemble the Italians, and others resemble the Jews. To a certain degree, the Chinese resemble both. They are known to be expressive, voluble and less assimilated (Italians and Jews). The family is above everything else (Italians and Jews). Dirty or Smelly Neigborhoods (Italians and Jews). The most urbanized and clannish of all of the Asians (Jews). Tend to wear scrappy clothing (Jews). Most are either very money hungry or profession oriented (Jews). Many are stingy and exploitative with their workers (Jews). Others were taught to be mediocre, and are less successful (Italians). Some have a penchant for organize crime (Italians). Many are provincial (Italians). Tend to give names to their sons just like the Mafia "Jimmy" "Sammy" "Danny" "Tony" (Italians).
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 09:16:12 (PDT)
MC Viet
Chill out son! AMTruth was only stating his personal assumption, of course he hasn't met ALL Coreans or Japanese but I doubt you have either. I don't even think he said "ALL" this or that.
I think you are way over reacting besides what he said is pretty accuate from what I've noticed also. I know he wasn't too flattering toward Viets but you have to admit Viet and other Southeast asians have this negative image as gang bangers. But he should of also included Chinese in that category too.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 18:40:46 (PDT)