Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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Reality bites,
Koreans are the blacks of Asia because they migrate either into China or Japan in desperate condition. They are also similar to the Blacks because they aren't that "cerebral" as an Asian group. Many Koreans don't think before they act or speak.
My comparisions with the Asians groups to the White Ethnic groups are applied mostly to those in this country not those abroad, although some of this could be relevant with Asians in Asia.
Korean Mentality,
Yes, the Chinese and the Jews have large yet corrupt worldwide networks which give people a hint that these people are a global mafia. This of course is not true among decent working class Chinese and Jews. It's those large companies and associations which are prone to such corruptions. On a local or a provincial level, yes, some Chinese, Jews and Italians have a tendency to become deceitful in unions or companies. Koreans overall don't take part or become employed in these sectors of society since many are self-employed.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 08:25:55 (PDT)
Actually, the Chinese in Taiwan are a little better than the Chinese in the mainland.
Neverthless, most South Koreans and Japanese have no interest in the 3rd world countries like China and its offsprings (Taiwan and Hongkong) and will be unhappy if someone (mostly Chinese) put them on the same level as the Chinese, which the Koreans and the Japanese had assumed to have inferior Chinese mentality.
As for the GNP per capita figures, even the Hongkong, where there's no industry base except the cheap piracy copies of CD, has the higher GNP than the Korea and Japan; the Japanese and the Koreans are great at (at least) 3 things: autos, cell phones and DSL. Not to mention the electronic gadgets and ship building industries.
The only thing that the Chinese are great at is the piracy; the mainland China is already the piracy capital of the World and its offsprings (Taiwan and Hongkong) close behind.
Several years ago, I ordered some cheap illegal CDs from Taiwan and cheap-looking device named "PaiHuang(?)" that copies the programs into the disketts illegally (and, of course, it has broken in several months just like other products from there).
Sincerely yours.
World Cup Korea/Japan   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 00:13:40 (PDT)
I found this interesting quote from Life Magazine:
"To physical anthropologists, devoted debunkers of race myths, the difference between Chinese and Japs is measurable in millimeters. Both are related to the Eskimo and North American Indian. The modern Jap is the descendant of Mongoloids who invaded the Japanese archipelago back in the mists of prehistory, and of the native aborigines who possessed the islands before them. Physical anthropology, in consequence, finds Japs and Chinese as closely related as Germans and English." http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/foster/lifemag.htm
1941 Mentality   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 22:15:50 (PDT)
In all seriousness, what is up with this whole Chinese vs. Korean issue? This is lame. Where's your Asian pride? This racist propagandist, Chinese Mentality's sole purpose was to incite hatred between two groups. Don't feed the trolls. By insulting Koreans back, you're simply doing exactly what he wants. As a person of Chinese descent, I really take no offense to what he said because his comment was obviously garbage and is not worthy of serious discussion. Chinese and Koreans are two very proud Asian ethnic groups, remember that. Don't let one ignorant fool change all of that. Just a suggestion.
A Chinese American student college student   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 21:29:31 (PDT)
Beijing 2008
Who saids Seoul has rampant prostition rate? No more than any other major cities. Where is your stats to back that up? Maybe Beijing has a lower rate due to uncleaniness and unattractiveness of Chinese women,eeeewww. I see all you Chinese boys are salivating over Corean babes all the time, like here in NYC , Chinese guys like to hang out at Corean clubs trying to pick up Corean girls but you don't see us Coreans hanging around yours. Ok, I'm going to reveal something to you guys, Corean babes don't dig Chinese guys, really. They think you're Vietnames. Busboys like you shouldn't try to think just serve my Hunan beef, boy.
Taiwan does have higher per capita income rate than Corea but they have like half the population and since you Chinese like to claim Taiwan as one of the provinces shouldn't you have compared Corea's per capita income to China's? Anyway I don't see your point?
Oh geezzz, China with her zillion people should be able to defend herself against Japan Or Corea. But it still puzzles me how on earth bunch of rag tag pony riding Mongols conquered China and her zillion billion people. Before you Chinese start reminiscing about the good old days maybe should focus on the present. Reality is, China is a dirt poor commie country, perhaps the biggest underachievers presently with India. South Corea presently dynamic innovative, proud county always looking toward the future.
And like Chinese aren't discriminated in Japan? But what does Japan has to do with Corea/China discussion? Aren't all minorities discriminated by the majority?
I can't help but to point out.
Majority of Coreans have only been in the US for 25 years and have done very well, over achieved according to other people. Whileyou Chinese ahve been here over 200 years and still have failed to assimilate into the American mainstream and treated like outsiders.
Reality bites huh Beijing2008?   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 19:29:06 (PDT)
I find the vast majority of posts in this forum to be profoundly disturbing, but, unfortunately not that surprising. Dividing the world into a 'THE SELF' vs. 'THE OTHER' dichotomy is apparently -- and sadly -- a universal attribute of the human experience (and perhaps of all social organisms -- but more on this later).
Being interested in and seeking an understanding of one's culture of origin is worthy of praise. Seeking to denigrate and marginalize the cultures of others in an attempt to appear superior by comparison deserves approbation. In my opinion, it is the sign of a feeble mind and flaccid character. No culture -- because it is ultimately a product of human agency --is immune from some criticism. Thus, attempting to compare cultures and their achievements like teams in some sporting competition is not only non-sensical but points to a certain intellectual and moral bankrupcy.
The instinct to distinguishing between the self and the other may have had some evolutionary advantages -- e.g., protecting the clan from interlopers, strengthening group bonds, etc. -- but it is one of the distinguishing features of humanity that we can, through exercise of intellect and force of will, overcome these baser instinct and aspire to a more rational mode of behavior and world-view.
Sad to say, it appears that most of the posts -- and their authors -- in this specific forum have neither the intellectual rigor, the strength of will, nor force of character to overcome what can only be described as an evolutionary hold-over from the time when the only advantage that human had over other social animals was an opposable thumb and a slightly larger cranial capacity. (And personnally, I'm not too sure about the opposable thumb -- sorry could not resist one ad hominem comment.)
The Rationalist   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 16:18:48 (PDT)
By the way, I think its down right foolish to compare Asians to other races.
Didn't the whole race comparing thing got started by those racist white social Darwinists during the 19th Century?
Reality bites huh? sounds like an anti-semitic.
This is what he/she said:
"As for comparing Chinese to Jews,this could be true both are resiliant, clanish and highly corrupt, can't trust either the southern Chinese, Japanese (not Japanese Americans) or Jews, especially Russian and Isreali jews."
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:30:32 (PDT)
World Cup Korea/Japan,
"In Japan and South Korea, the Chinese were/are regarded as sub-human class and subject to heavy discriminations, even worse than the blacks of America."
IF that is true, then I guess Japan and South Korea are sham democracies, just like America is in its treatment of the blacks (and Native Americans, Asians, Hispanics, minorites in general).
"And the Chinese hoodlums are big problems across the Asia and Europe and US. Not to mention the cheap one-dollar Chinese hookers (Read China's Sex/AIDS crisis)"
Hoodlums of any kind are a big problem in the world. Ever heard of the Italian Mafia or the Japanese Yakuza?
Africa, South and Southeast Asia have a WAY bigger Sex/AIDS crisis than China (Africa's crisis is all over US newspapers and news magazines). Those same magazines say or imply that China's AIDS problems stems from having a very porous border with Southeast Asia.
And by the way, the only two groups that were even succesful in "colonizing" China were the Mongolians and the Manchurians and both of those groups were assimilated into the Chinese culture, especially the Manchus, they lost all of their nomadic heritage, and are virtually indistinguishable from the Han Chinese.
Don't believe me? read any Chinese history book published in the US.
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:24:42 (PDT)
To Chinese Mentality:
Chinese, Africa, Arab = backwardness
"Chinese are very backward and genetically more prone to trouble-making/crimes compared with other Asian people.... which are more comparable to the the Blacks."
Looks like somebody here's a little racist.
Why don't you say what you said on TV or Radio, I'm sure the NAACP would love to come after your blood.
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:06:23 (PDT)
World Cup Korea/Japan,
There is a rampant prostitution industry in Seoul, and it is not only to serve G.I. Joe. During the World Cup, hundreds of sex hotel operators were asked to make their rooms available for tourists, at the obvious displeasure of operators who would rather do business by the hour. By the way, South Korea is poorer per capita than Taiwan, and North Korea is dirt poorer per capita than China.
Beijing 2008   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 08:59:54 (PDT)
To The Chinese Mentality,
Actually the Koreans, especially the North Koreans, are like Africans since a lot of them are dying of starvation. They escape across the border to China in the hundred of thousands and sell their bodies for a "hot dog" (and I'm not talking about the ones that Americans eat!) South Koreans face a lot of discrimination in Japan and are regarded as subhumans.
The claim that the Chinese resemble the Jews is true. The Jews and the Chinese have international networks in virtually all nations. By the way, the Jews also violate the human rights of the Palestinians, have corruption, and organized crime as well.
BTW, I hope you came here with a desire to have your souls made better, not just to make money by pushing cigarettes and liquor lest your liquor store will burnt down again by the blacks you insulted by your racist comment.
The Korean Mentality   
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:21:00 (PDT)
The Chinese Mentality, World Cup Korea/Japan, LSD, racist troll, etc etc etc
Stereotyping is for the feeble-minded.
A Chinese American College Student   
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 19:59:02 (PDT)
Koreans 'blacks of Asia?" Who saids? Never heard that one. I thought Southeast Asians and Chinese were often considered "blacks of Asia." I heard this alot. Since you guys are prone to illegal activities aross America and Europe. Aren't the Chinese ( triads)
imfamous for importing illegal aliens, gambling, drug trade, home invasions? And aren't the southeast Asians infamous for gang activities and dependence on welfare? Coreans don't
have this reputation.
As for comparing Chinese to Jews,this could be true both are resiliant, clanish and highly corrupt, can't trust either the southern Chinese, Japanese (not Japanese Americans) or Jews, especially Russian and Isreali jews.
Reality bites huh?   
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 18:23:22 (PDT)
World Cup Korea/Japan,
You need to follow up on history.
Koguryo was hammered by the Chinese for successive centuries before succumbing to a Chinese onslaught in 6th cent.
The Hideyoshi of Japan was twice beaten in the ass by Ming Chinese armies in Korea (READ: not in China!!!).
Genghis Khan did not conquer all of China. He did half the job (Jurchen empire and Tangut empire). Only his grandson, Kublai was finally able to conquer the Song empire. Even that, the Mongols in China (Yuan) ruled for no more than 80 years.
China never fell like the Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians did. There is still a China today (the size of all Europe).
hey, you need to chill and
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 16:11:44 (PDT)
Chinese people don't need comparisons with any race or groups (esp. with white people). They have their own unique experience and ways. For over 5,000 years, there is still a nation of China. Compare it to the other empires and civilizations that have fallen (Rome, Egypt, India, Persia, Arab Caliphs, Ottomans, etc.). China is just on the path to recovery again, and there will be some who live with caution, fear and envy.
signed by   
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 16:04:21 (PDT)