Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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Reality bites,
You quote:
As a Vietnamese man, I am shocked what I read some of your remarks. Now I realize that Koreans are not cool like many Vietnamese think. I have not seen any (single one) Vietnamese who has a negative remark on Korean people.
You prove me correct. I always feel closer to Chinese than Korean.
A Viet   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 08:58:54 (PDT)
I haven't read ALL the anti- Korean/Chinese posts in this thread, but guys, this is seriously LAME!
To most people, this just looks like insecure Chinese people lashing out at Korean folks, and angry Koreans lashing back (vice versa)! Stop! You people are retarded, both the Koreans and Chinese here. Asians UNITE!!!
Korean Fellow   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 03:51:24 (PDT)
What a fitting name. You DEFINATLEY be trippin' my friend. Whatever homie. Perhaps YOU should think before you utter such non-sensical shyte.
Korean Fellow   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 03:40:07 (PDT)
>>>>Majority of Coreans have only been in the US for 25 years and have done very well, over achieved according to other people. Whileyou Chinese ahve been here over 200 years and still have failed to assimilate into the American mainstream and treated like outsiders.>>>
A. You're right the Chinese Americans have a much longer history here in the U.S. than the Coreans beginning with the slave labors during the Gold Rush era back in the early 1800's. I'm sure you've heard about the Chinese workers building railroads. Most of them were not educated at all and were brought over (involuntarily) here for the sole purpose of cheap labor. Not to mention how much discrimination they had to endure at the hands of their western tormentors
(the White man), something you Coreans never had to deal with. I also assume you've heard about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
B. Even with all this discrimination, Chinese today still statistically rank ahead of Coreans in both wealth and education.
Reality does bite huh?   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 00:55:24 (PDT)
>>>China is a dirt poor commie country, perhaps the biggest underachievers presently with India. >>>
True, both countries are impoverished, yet Indians along with the Chinese are the wealthiest and most educated minority groups in the world. Much more so than Koreans BTW. The Overseas Chinese are an elite group of 60 million people worldwide that if to form a nation of it's own, would be the third largest economy in the world second only to Japan and the U.S. And don't you even think of poking on Indians boy. We are the undisputed king of software. We send our brightest Indians to work in Technology firms in Silicon Valley, CA along with the Chinese (We both own silicon valley together). And don't even get me started on Indian doctors. Do you even realize how many Indians work in the medical field? Moreso than any other ethnic group. Now before you come back with a lame attempt saying that we Indians also wait tables and drive cabs as well, our poverty rates such as those are far less than the Coreans working in liquor and grocery stores.
Reality does bite huh?   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 00:45:43 (PDT)
Reality Bites,
>>>Who saids Seoul has rampant prostition rate? No more than any other major cities. Where is your stats to back that up?>>>
And where is YOUR backup that Chinese women are unattractive while Corean women are? Or that Chinese guys desire Corean women and not vice versa hmm? Didn't think so.
Racist sophists that spread propaganda are not exactly bearers of reality   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 00:37:33 (PDT)
To Reality bites/ World Cup Korea/Japan,
Your resentment of the Chinese is understandable. You have a yellow face and maybe even a Chinese-sounding surname even though you are not even Chinese! You are probably sick and tired of people misidentifying you for a Chinese. It is not our fault you have a yellow face or you suffer abuse at the hands of white racists. Beating up on the Chinese will not solve your personal misery.
You KA people waste so much time hating the Chinese, the Viets, the Blacks, the Japs, etc. that you people have achieved so little in the last 50 years. How many famous athletes, entertainers, scientists, billionaires, politicians, inventors, artists, Nobel Prize winners are Korean-Americans? Less than the fingers on one of my hands. You guys are the invisible minority that barks like a Chihuahua. The Korean-Americans greatest contribution to America is the poisoning of America with liquor, cigarettes, and junk food and the pimping of their sisters in nightclubs meeting the wrong guys just to make a buck. http://www.stanford.edu/group/reflections/Winter1998/Nonfiction/KoreanPride.html
Yeah, yeah, South Korean soccer team is doing great, and that is the only thing that keeps you kicking. But the reality is that in the next five years, South Korea’s greatest export will be jobs to China. That is what happened to the industrial base of Hong Kong and Taiwan --- all moved to China like tributes to the Emperor. You Korean commie bashers are so indoctrinated with propaganda that you guys just don’t get it when the greedy capitalists strip you of your jobs and retirement savings. Wake up and smell the tapioca tea!
From Chinatown with love.   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 23:43:44 (PDT)
I'm not asian, but in reading all your comments... disguisting. horrible. I can't believe this form of mentality exists to this day. It seems so many need to swallow their pride and prejudices and start to learn to live together more harmoniously. You speak of "Asian Pride," but within your own ethnicity there is so much hatred and belittling. Very shameful if you ask me. And do you think I am in some ethnic majority where I am looking at your problems from some outside vantage point? I am an hispanic. Ethnic majority? I think not. Open your mind for once and see what happens.
I can't believe this s***   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 23:13:54 (PDT)
WorldCup Korea/Japan:
You don't see the big picture do you. South Korea is but a pawn for the United States. The US pumped money and helped rebuild your puny country to build a unsinkable aircraft carrier to help them in their world domination. So Korea has their little successful economy, and your cute cell phones, however, the FACT is South KOREA will NEVER have a WORLD IMPACT EVER. China/US and Europe are the 3 major players in the world. It's funny how other asian countries kick China when they are down this century, however back in the day you were kissing Empire China's ASS. Kinda like a slave finally getting free and spittin on his master. You finally get a clean set of clothes and hide behind big brother USA and you think you are King of the World.
Did you forget that China dominated Asia for 4,000 years? Do you forget 65% of Korean vocabulary is derived from the inferior Sino Chinese language? Do you forget you have been using our written language until the 1950's? Do you want me to give you examples? How about the fact that Korea was China's doormat for millenias and had to pay us Tribute or be destroyed? You Koreans are ALL TALK. You guys don't think before you speak either, a true character of a coward and an idiot. You guys are too emotional, and not cunning. You guys are flat faced surgery ridden freaks.
China's up and coming this century and I sense the fear in your country. China's GDP is growing at 10% a year. And have u visited Beijing before? I think not, it is not dirty and ghetto at all. So shut up you ignorant fool.
Check back on this site in 20 years and let's see where China is at then.
Zhong Guo Pride Worldwide   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 19:18:41 (PDT)
Are you trying to use REVERSE psychology on us??? I think you are Charlie! WE all know (wink , wink) you Southern Chinese and your Southern Asian brethern are consider "blacks" of Asia. And the reason why you consider Coreans "blacks" because we migrated into China and Japan long time ago, hey stupid, like Chinese didn't immigrate into Corea or Japan?? LOL. How do you think Chinese are treated in Corea and Japan? Very poor, not that its right.
What an idiot! Then of course since you "kowtowing" southern Chinese jackasses immigrated to US 200 years before the Coreans did . By your definition then, YOU ARE THE TRUE BLACKS,your own words came back to haunt you, lol.
Not to mention you help create this negative passive sterotype of Asians in western eyes I guess we should all thank you.At least us Coreans stand up for ourselves.
I didn't want to bring this up but since YOU brought it up, I'll set the record straight. You people are an embarrassment to other Asians, every time I hear of Asian crime in the US, its a Chinaman or one of your southern darker brothers. You know I'm telling you the truth. When someone saids "Asian gang" we all know its the Chinese triads or Southeast Asian midget crew, right? No one ever associate gang activity with "Coreans",oh, don't get me wrong I'm sure there are few but very rare.
LSD, you seriously lack self esteem, you keep comparing Asians to Europeans,like somehow that will boost your Chinese image, is that part of your southern, Cantonese Chinese mentality? I guess I can't blame you when you are even considered second class in China by the northern Chinese. I read so may post here by northern Chinese saying they feel no bond with southern Chinese but more with Coreans. Damn that must hurt, so if I were you I get a dose of self esteem before attacking us Coreans, this is one of the things we don't lack.
Don't try to mislead the public, we are speaking of your internationaly infamous Chinese triads, who introduced the concept of the mafia across the world.
The Japanese Yakuza operates in Japan , they really don't have a presence in US or across the world like the Chinese triads. I'm not anti anything, just anti to who is anti Corean. But I only wanted to point out few thing "LSD" chinese clown was so proud of wanting to compare chinese to jews. So proud he must like being labeled corrupt, sneaky, clannish, etc. Hey man Russian jews are so sneaky even American jews don't want nothing to do with them, honest. Ok, Arabs are sneaky as hell, so now its even. Are you happy?
Reality Bites big time huh?   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 18:23:22 (PDT)
World Cup Korea/Japan ,
Actually SK bootleg Taiwan bootleg. It was quite funny a few years ago when I saw Taiwanese companies complain about SK companies bootlegging their bootlegs.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 13:09:33 (PDT)