

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 10%
Chinese | 35%
Filipino | 9%
Corean | 15%
Japanese | 21%
Indian | 10%

Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 16%
Chinese | 33%
Filipino | 12%
Corean | 12%
Japanese | 18%
Indian | 9%

Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese | 17%
Vietnamese | 8%
Corean | 13%
Japanese | 9%
Filipino | 8%
Caucasian | 32%
African American | 2%
Latino | 4%
(Asian) Indian | 7%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Reality bites the imposter,

Look, you strike me like another typical rash Korean. You don't think before you lash out at someone.

The reason why I compared Asians groups in America with the White Ethnics is not because of self-esteem but the fact that certain immigrant groups can resemble others.

Koreans immigrants in China and Japan tend to protest violently when something unjust happens to them. Something that Blacks are known to do in this country. Yeah, we Chinese might be cowards because we suffer in silence. Many Blacks are not cowards. Guess what? Jews and Italians in this country have been stereotyped as being cowards by the Anglos and the Irish back in the early 1900s. Now doesn't this strike a similar comparision how Koreans perceive the Chinese, HUH?

The Chinese in Japan have been treated with mutual respect. It's the Koreans in Japan who have been bullied by the Japanese.

As for the Chinese practicing corruption in America, this is true. Now when do hear of a Japanese or Korean dude in America smuggling drugs, exploiting workers and siphoning money from the govt? You hear of Jews scheming to make $$$ and Italians running mob businesses..something you hear about of the Chinese in the big cities but rarely of Koreans and the Japanese.
LSD    Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:36:58 (PDT)
The real reason why Korean-Americans hate Chinese-Americans so much is because of this inner fear and frustration that other Americans misidentify them as Chinese F.O.B’s. After all, Koreans have a yellow face and Chinese-sounding surnames, and I as a Chinese-American have been misidentified as a Korean many times. Therefore, Korean-Americans strive so hard to be Americanized, and try to differentiate themselves from the Chinese as much as possible even if it means having to revise their history. That is why Korean-Americans wear baggy clothes, talk ghetto, sport short haircuts, drive lowered Hondas, and insult the Chinese every chance they can. It has little to do with past history because the Chinese have always dealt with the Koreans humanely.

This topic is about the level of acceptance of the various ethnic groups in the U.S. We Chinese don’t have to stoop down to other races and try to do a cheapo American imitation. We are what we are, warts and all. It is the other peoples that have to learn to tolerate us. We will continue to wear spectacles, speak Chinese, dress respectfully, and drive conservative cars. If others can’t accept that, to hell with them; they are the ones with the attitude problem. In the end, we will persevere. It is Chinese culture that has endured, and the Chinatowns just keep on growing. We survived the Mongols, the Manchus, the Japanese, and we will surely survive the Korean-American Chihuahuas who will too pass on to self-destruction.
From Chinatown with love.    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 23:14:14 (PDT)
Reality does bite huh?,

Okay so you Chinese and Indians are the most educated and wealthiest overseas minority groups in the world moreso than the Coreans (As much as I hate to admit it, it's the truth). You guys constantly brag about how you prosper all over the world. Let me ask you this though, why can't you prosper in your own native countries? Hmm why is it that both Coreans and Japanese can prosper overseas as well as in their own native land while you Indians and Chinese can only do one? You guys constantly brag about your overseas status, yet don't even bother to help those who are suffering in your native land. Talk about low. You Chinese especially, always so concerned about wealth and education (Nothing wrong with this of course) but so concerned that you guys have failed to assimilate in the countries that you've immigrated to. You always have and always will starting from the early 1800's with the Gold Rush era in the U.S. to the recent harassment in Indonesia and various parts of Southeast Asia and the funny thing is, you Chinese people take all of it. You don't even stand up for yourself. Where's your pride, your guts? Nowhere to be found. You think we Coreans would let ourselves be harassed like that? No because atleast we have pride. Why are the Chinese always such outcasts? Did you know where the white man gets the stereotype of the wimpy, nerdy,lack of social skills asian? It's from you Chinese. Atleast we Coreans know how fit in. The school I went to had very popular Coreans while the Chinese were all what I depicted above. We Coreans know how to do well academically and assimilate at the same time, while you Chinese only know how to hit the books. You guys are nothing special at all, just trend after trend. Go to school and make big money, same with the Indians who go to medical school. Just another Indian doctor, whoopteedoo. Brag all you want about your wealth and education levels, we have those too as well as assimilation.
Tennis Player 2003    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 22:37:09 (PDT)
A Viet,
You guys and southern Chinese are cousins, no? . Look alike to me.

Reality does bite huh?
Yo first, try to be more creative and stop stealing my tag, rag top. You wrote
"Even with all this discrimination, Chinese today still statistically rank ahead of Coreans in both wealth and education."
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 00:55:24 (PDT)

Prove it! Where's your stats?
And ex patriot Chinese would make up the 3rd largest nation? WHO CARES! There are load of Chinese abroad so that wouldn't surprise me but bottom line is China is dirt poor. Hey why don't some of that so called elite group of "take out restauant owners" go help out their countrymen? Why don't all you intelligent rag top computer nerds stop fleeing your country and help India? Heard of the India's brain drain? Shouldn't the educated classes stay put and help develop dirt poor India? Well at least China is starting to develop but India is busy developing nuclear missles when their children are starving to death. Don't even get me started on India, Your shade better than Africa and I'll tighten that cloth on top of your head, so hush boy.

From Chinatown with love:
Blah blah blah......more Cantonese rhetoric, really you guys bore me.
Hey, is it the Chinese tourist in Europe trying to pass off as Coreans hoping to get better treatment after the World CUP? LOL!!!
All you chinese ever do is talk about the past, China did that , China created that, you people all live in the past.This is why other Asians don't like you Chinese, your arrogance.
As I suspected your a Chinese COMMIE, why are you here in the good old USA! All you Chinese commies like to bash USA but all want to immigrate here. HAHAHAHA
I bet you wouldn't have the freedom to express yourself as you do on this website BACK HOME. Damn pathetic commies, go back HOME!
Oh, I don't have anything against the Japanese Americans, they tend to be well assimilated in American society unlike you Chinese. As for the Japanese I can't hate them for they have done nothing to me and its not their fault if their gov't don't wish to teach their children the truth about their history.
Reality bites    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 19:35:07 (PDT)