Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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Oh and speaking of lashing out, LOL Korean people tend to be the angriest out all of Asians. I'll give you an example LOL, about that loser kid Daniel. There was this one incident in P.E. where an innocent white guy simply said he likes to eat rice in which he overheard him. Daniel, being the hot-headed maniac that he is started to lash out at him and threatened to beat him up in the locker room (Like he actually could). Anyways, the P.E. teacher told him to calm down, he didn't mean anything by it. Daniel proceeded to cuss him out and accused him of protecting racists. LOL but that's not all, amazingly Daniel got his dad and filed a complaint about racist comments made toward him. Of course, nobody listened to his nonsense.
Reality does bite huh?   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 00:49:02 (PDT)
I have a really funny story to tell. Anyways, this was a few years ago back in my sophomore year. There was this new Korean kid that moved to my small CA town. He moved in October in which school obviously already started. So this kid is in my World History class. Our teacher was extremely liberal. He said many offensive things but never lost his job because he was best friends with the principal. Anyways, he goes up to Daniel (Korean kid) and asks him "So are you Chinese?" Daniel answers "No". "Are you Japanese" again Daniel says "No". "Well then what kinda Asian are you?". Daniel replies "I'm Korean". "AAH man, you're not a real Asian, you're a fake". And everyone in the class started busting up laughing. Okay and for whoever said that Koreans assimilate better, I don't know where you're from but it's not the case over at my hometown. Daniel was the biggest outcast I've ever seen in my life as was his brother. We couldn't make friends with them if our lives depended on it. They didn't even try to be friendly, he would simply tell us to go away. The honor students/athletes of Asian descent were the Chinese and Indian kids. They were the ones running the school (ASB, Interact, etc). Year after year, it would be an Indian or Chinese valedictorian. As a matter of fact, I got to share the number one spot with a Chinese student. Most of the Chinese kids also had came from wealthy families like the Indian kids too. It's the same over here at MIT, it's always the Chinese or Indians you hear of doing the best. I read from various ethnic sources that out of all Asians, those two ethnic groups did the best in school. While Koreans were not far behind (that I will give you).
Reality does bite huh?   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 00:41:51 (PDT)
Reality Bites,
Just quit while your behind. You're proving absolutely nothing except that your a frustrated kid who is upset that your ethnicity is mistaken for another and you feel the need to knock Chinese for it. Why don't you go about your frustrations in a more productive manner? Go join a Korean culture club or something or start a program discerning between the ethnicities of Asians. It's much more useful than you're constant trash talk with absolutely no back up. Your arguments aren't even based on logic or reasoning, just hateful propanda formed by your own angers and frustration. The fact that you threaten people online alone is enough to label you a joke that's not worthy of serious discussion.
A Chinese American College Student   
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 00:24:14 (PDT)
If "fitting in" and "assimilating" means kissng some white boy's ass, then you can do it. NOT ME!!!
I don't want to be what I cannot be.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 23:38:13 (PDT)
Tennis Player 2003,
You should consider yourself lucky if you could outrank Michael Chang today, even though he clearly is no longer a serious contender in tennis. Fact is, you will wind up being just another punk Korean-American in baggy pants. Yeah, yeah, you already broke your mom's heart by giving up on the very respectable medical profession. Hey, you could always try your luck at being an obnoxious comedian like Margaret Cho, who is the most famous Korean-American of all time. If that fails, you could always go back to clerking in your dad's liquor store in the 'hood.
Yeah, yeah, you Korean-Americans think you are so tough in that baggy pants. By tough, you must be referring to your whacking of your women sending them to the ER. How did you people get so mentally screwed up?
Tapioca Bubble Tea   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 23:03:51 (PDT)
>>>Blah blah blah......more Cantonese rhetoric, really you guys bore me.>>>
Yet you take the time to argue with everyone here on this board. This shows to everyone that YOU are a boring person with nothing better to do than incite hatred between two groups because of your own pathetic frustrations.
>>>Hey, is it the Chinese tourist in Europe trying to pass off as Coreans hoping to get better treatment after the World CUP? LOL!!!>>>
The only thing you Coreans have going for you lol.
>>>All you chinese ever do is talk about the past, China did that , China created that, you people all live in the past.>>>
Atleast we have a past, nobody knows about your culture because most people don't know or just don't care. Sad to say but it is the truth.
>>>This is why other Asians don't like you Chinese, your arrogance. >>>
LOL right cause we all know Chinese are the only arrogant asians around. ::::SARCASM MODE OFF::::
>>>As I suspected your a Chinese COMMIE, why are you here in the good old USA!>>>
Dude, how clueless are you? You think a chinese communist would escape to a capilalistic society? Do you even know why there are so many overseas Chinese? To escape communism. LOL that just proves that you're using the whole commie comments as an insulting method for your own personal use.
>>>All you Chinese commies like to bash USA but all want to immigrate here.>>>
If we immigrated here, than we wouldn't be "Commies" now would we? Now hush boy.
I bet you wouldn't have the freedom to express yourself as you do on this website BACK HOME.>>>
Nope, which is exactly why we do immigrate here so we do have the freedom. Your comments are now contradicting itself lol.
>>>Damn pathetic commies, go back HOME!>>>
HAHA right all Chinese are commies. Yeah I'm sure the ones who are impoverished support the very regime that oppresses them. And no we're not gonna go home, we're too busy taking over the schools and the economies of our adopted countries.
>>>Oh, I don't have anything against the Japanese Americans, they tend to be well assimilated in American society unlike you Chinese.>>>
Since you always seem to ask for your opponents backup in their arguments, now it's my turn. Where's YOUR backup? Where's YOUR stats?
>>>As for the Japanese I can't hate them for they have done nothing to me>>>
OH, so now we have it. The only reason you're so resentful against the Chinese is because you've had negative personal experiences with a few of them in real life. LOL, how lame. You're also hateful of blacks probably because of the same thing. You're type of people are so lame. You can't face reality so you hide online talking a mess of trash.
Stanford 2006   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 22:48:57 (PDT)
What LSD said about the Chinese being like Jews is nothing really new. Some 80 years ago, Thailand's King Rama VI called the Chinese the "Jews of the East". Today, they are effectively the region's business class, controlling the bulk of listed companies in the region's stock markets - more than 80% in Thailand and Singapore, 62% in Malaysia, about 50% in the Philippines. In Indonesia, they control more than 70% of corporate wealth. The newest and latest big investors/immigrants in Southeast Asia is the Chinese government, injecting much needed capital to rejuvenate that region. All of Southeast Asia will enter into a trading bloc with China within the next ten years to get access to the Chinese market.
The Jews of the East will unify Asia   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 22:30:26 (PDT)
>>>Yo first, try to be more creative and stop stealing my tag, rag top.>>>
Steal what? My tag is Reality Does bite Huh? while yours is Reality Bites. There's a difference, lol you're alot more clueless than I thought.
>>>Prove it! Where's your stats?>>>
You seem to have a knack for asking the backup of another's argument yet you fail to do so yourself. LOL talk about double standard. Where's your backup about your claims of how Chinese are not as assimilated as Coreans and Japanese. Where are your STATS? Hmmm didn't think so. What about how Chinese women are dirty and unattractive while Corean women are vice versa, etc? Again, didn't think so. As for my stats, read the government census and other various websites. Do a little research and educate before spewing more of your garbage, you ignorant fool.
>>>And ex patriot Chinese would make up the 3rd largest nation? WHO CARES!>>>
Again, you misread my comment. The overseas Chinese makeup 60 million people worldwide. Most of them dominating the Southeast Asian economies as well as the schools (Same can be said about the U.S. except to a lesser degree). But then again, why am I telling you this? No point in educating an ignorant fool.
>>>There are load of Chinese abroad so that wouldn't surprise me but bottom line is China is dirt poor.>>>
Your only argument to rip on the Chinese, same with Indians. Lame, what about their overseas status? As for China being dirt poor, that's not completely true. There are tons of impoverished Chinese but at the same time, they are growing fast economically.
>>>Hey why don't some of that so called elite group of "take out restauant owners" go help out their countrymen?>>>
Wow, even lamer. Why don't some of you elite Coreans stop poisoning others with your liquors and nasty groceries? LOL lemme guess, you think most chinese run take-out restaraunts. Again, displaying more of your non-sensical ignorance (Oh and btw don't even convict me of my liquor store comment, I was simply taking a cheap shot like you). Atleast Chinese take-outs make money, can't say the same about your corean groceries and liquor stores. As for Chinese not helping out their countrymen, you have displayed your lowest level of ignorance yet. The overseas Chinese are obviously wealthy, the educational tools supplied for the mainland Chinese are from guess who? That's right, overseas Chinese and all this with the CCP pointing guns at them.
>>>Why don't all you intelligent rag top computer nerds stop fleeing your country and help India? Heard of the India's brain drain? Shouldn't the educated classes stay put and help develop dirt poor India? Well at least China is starting to develop but India is busy developing nuclear missles when their children are starving to death. Don't even get me started on India, Your shade better than Africa and I'll tighten that cloth on top of your head, so hush boy.>>>
Reality Does Bite huh?   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 22:19:48 (PDT)
The Chinese and Indians in the US are like the Chinese and Indians in their home country. Very rich and very poor. Zero middle class. Much of their success is based on immigration polices only allowing the most educated to enter the country. Thus leaving their countries with nothing while making the US stronger. Nobody really respects them because they do all the nerdy labor, brain intensive work. Doctor, Silicon Valley, chinese food etc.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 21:16:52 (PDT)
"To most people, this just looks like insecure Chinese people lashing out at Korean folks, and angry Koreans lashing back (vice versa)! "
Korean Fellow
Insecure Chinese is right. But Coreans have the right to defend ourselves from the likes of LSD ( offical spokeman of these illegal commie Chinese)
You stike me as a little half pint insecure cook. Does your chest puff up with pride when some white guy says to
you " hey Hop Sing ( the cook from Bonanza) you Chinese are like the Jews, so corrupt and conniving. haha
Silly dumbass.
You're damn right I'm going to protest when someone do me wrong unlike you wusses takeall the crap in silence, no wonder everyone think you're wimps.
Moron, do you even know what you write? You are actually proud that Chinese are considered low life corrupted pricks. Go back and reread your post. Dumbass, all the Italian Americans I know AREN'T
proud of the mobster image of Italian Americans,99.9 % of them have nothing to do with the mob.
From Chinatown with love states:
" real reason why Korean-Americans hate Chinese-Americans so much is because of this inner fear and frustration that other Americans misidentify them as Chinese F.O.B’s. After all, Koreans have a yellow face and Chinese-sounding surnames, and I as a Chinese-American have been misidentified as a Korean many times. Therefore, Korean-Americans strive so hard to be Americanized, and try to differentiate themselves from the Chinese as much as possible even if it means having to revise their history. That is why Korean-Americans wear baggy clothes, talk ghetto, sport short haircuts, drive lowered Hondas, and insult the Chinese every chance they can. It has little to do with past history because the Chinese have always dealt with the Koreans humanely."
WOW! You must know more about the
insight of Corean Americans than Coreans? Topic of Chinese hardly ever come up in the minds of Corean Americans , only when someone mentions "Asian gang or illegal boat people" then we insults you. So don't be so paranoid.
Assuming your assumptions are true, why don't you ask yourself why Coreans would do everything in their power to disassociate with you? I would think if you Chinese had a postive image we wouldn't , right? So why get mad at us when we point out all the negative images you already are aware of?
As for kids dressing in baggy clothing, its called "FAD" kids of all color do this, should get out more.
And what's wrong with trying to assimilate? You mean we shoud be more like the Chinese and live in seperate inner city ghettos called Chinatowns from the mainstream population? could it be why you are persecuted in every host country you immigrated to? Another example of Chinese arrogance. Hey I heard that the Chinese immigrants in Jamaica has asslimilated, hey LSD say hello to your black relatives. LOL!
Tennis player 2003:
Indians, who cares? Some Indians are darker than blacks. Or always getting mistaken for terriorists or Puerto Ricans.
Funny how these ex patriot Chinese and Indians brag about how wealthy they are thanks to British colonialsm. Enjoyed being the servants of those Brits for over 200 years, as for India 400 years?
Nothing to brag about when your countries are still dirt poor.
Reality Bites   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 18:45:51 (PDT)
Its so funny even when there are no Blacks present some posters here still find a reason to mention BLACKS in a negative light. How pathetic using BLACKS in your context to denounce one another.
"Reality bites,
Koreans are the blacks of Asia because they migrate either into China or Japan in desperate condition. They are also similar to the Blacks because they aren't that "cerebral" as an Asian group. Many Koreans don't think before they act or speak."
As a black man I am confident enough to express myself in the form of text with the absence of using anothers race or creed to re-enforce my point and I'm certain if asked you would refer to yourself as articulate. Some of your choosen words could easily have been replaced, of course only if you wanted to do so that is.
Pissed -Off   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 15:28:48 (PDT)