

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 10%
Chinese | 35%
Filipino | 9%
Corean | 15%
Japanese | 21%
Indian | 10%

Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 16%
Chinese | 33%
Filipino | 12%
Corean | 12%
Japanese | 18%
Indian | 9%

Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese | 17%
Vietnamese | 8%
Corean | 13%
Japanese | 9%
Filipino | 8%
Caucasian | 32%
African American | 2%
Latino | 4%
(Asian) Indian | 7%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

About the whole brain drain problem. It's only Indias problem. China sends their brightest overseas to study abroad and a majority of them return to help their native motherland whereas most Indians simply stay and get richer in the U.S. (Which would explain why Indians are statistically the highest paid ethnic group in America. A majority of them stay and live like kings while the rest of their native countrymen suffer). It doesn't surprise me that both groups are statistically the most educated, but Indians in the U.S. are richer. More patriotic would be a different story. One would think it'd be the other way around, the educated Chinese would stay due to the threat of the CCP and the Indians return because as poor as they are (even poorer than China), they still have a democracy.
Prodigy    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 23:57:47 (PDT)
China, I suppose, has structurally founded in the concept of dialetical, flowing energy-concepts and pragmatism, Asian pragmatism which asserts that it is not only what works that is good but that which works within the harsh historical cycles of movements of the people. Excuse my bent style, but it is an expression of my understanding of Chinese society.

Chinese identity is relatively consistent. Chinese-Americans are not all that different from Chinese people while Jewish-Americans may be very different from the Jews or Israelites in Israel.

Chinese character is based on a belief of the acceptance of common life and the goods of common life and not reaching too high. Philosophy, religion, and other disciplines are irrelevant outside of historical or natural cycles and there is little appreciation of modern philosphers outside of Marx(whom one must admit is rather idealistic and lacks any real sense of reality as something that humans can deconstruct and reconfigure in the post-modern sense of the word even if through sheer linguistic manipulation as a magician makes simple acts look miraculous).

So in China and in the Chinese character, one finds the enjoyment of common life that would be unheard of in the West and a communalism and a sense of shared life within a set of friends or relatives which most Westerners would find stifling.

However, with the venture businessmen of Hong Kong, one does find incredible energy and an acute sensibility and let us not figure that these men are simply interested in money, they are also interested in China as a nation and an identity outside of historical cycles with values which are not simply conditioned into a person.

With patience and even virtue, the common Chinese person goes on and on and in a way, I suppose that the characters that Tom Hanks plays would be the hero of many Chinese-Americans... (the tao in nature giving freely to the formed structures of society and rejuvenating it). But I cannot stress enough that people chthonically determined by natural cycles will simply be muddied in historical cycles and not think outside of their determined and local sphere which either makes them pawns of history or pawns of political manipulation.
In a strange way, we must really reassess our values at a time when a limited amount of resources are available and a limited number of highly talented scientists are available who are able to analyze how to best solve the problems that arise before us. We must have as a concern all of humanity, but all of humanity is intent on self-interest and nature has taken a back seat and our biosphere is, even if everyone may be in cool denial, changing
Steven    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 22:17:08 (PDT)
Reality Bites,

You base this on ONE kid in your Junior highschool? How old are you, 13?
Shut up kid.    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 19:16:01 (PDT)

Sorry if you were offended by our reference to Blacks to make a point. But while we are on the subject, Korean-Americans hate Chinese-Americans so much because we are too Asian and they insult us all the time. They admire Blacks because they are so non-Asian, so unreserved. That is why they are into baggy pants, ghetto talk, and hip-hop. The other types are Jesus-freaks, a.k.a. Moonies, and into all things White.

Korean women are into Black men, Margaret Cho and Chris Isaac, for example. They are in your neighborhood liquor stores waiting to learn the latest hip-hop moves and coolest trend from you. Give them what they want, that non-Asian genes of yours! Korean-Americans have taken assimilation to the extreme; we do not consider Korean-Americans one of our brothers anymore.
Chinatown    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 12:05:08 (PDT)
Many of you argue for assimilation, but if you look at the Asian-American stats and trends, you can clearly see (from a sociological point of view) that the Asian-Americans (esp. the men) are only experiencing "segmented assimilation."

For assimilation to be full, you need all of the following:

1) absence of the subculture and subcommunity. (ie ability to speak Korean and go to K-town, eat at Korean restaurants etc.).

2) acculturation to the host/mainstream society.

3) parity and ability to join the socioeconomic institutions of the host/mainstream society. (ie jobs and education).

4) eventual absorption/intermarriage with the host/mainstream society.

If you only have some or no parts of these 4 components, then you are only experiencing segmented assimilation, or even downward assimilation.

Trying to fully assimilate is totally different from actually being "allowed" to fully assimilate.

In the case of us Asian Americans, (esp., males) we are clearly experiencing only "segmented assimilation." Our intermarriage and gender patterns and ratios indicate it.

I don't like to lie to myself. Many of us Asian men do not totally feel accepted as full equals in mainstream society, whether it is in our love lives, at the workplace or at school.

If I try hard to assimilate on a road or path of silent death, then I would rather maintain my current ambiguous identity on the margins of society. I still got pride and dignity.

I don't need to assimilate to anything. Who says that one way is the only way? I succumb to neither white nor black supremacy. I don't need to imitate others, no matter how trendy it is. I have never dye my hair blonde nor talked in ebonics jive. This society should and has always been a mosaic of cultures. We only enrich it by sharing and contributing our diverse experiences. Of course, I've got much to learn from other races, but they too, also got much to learn from me as well. This is the true American way.

I had once been ashamed of my Chinese roots. I abhored watching Bruce Lee on TV. I just called myself as simply: "American," and not as "Chinese-American." I grew older and saw the reality. I am no longer as naive as I was back then.

I ain't what you call a militant or Asian activist. That fire has also died out within me as I am getting older now.

I am just proud of who I am when I was born; of who I am when I was a kid growing up happy; of who I am when I was a confused teen; and who I am now as a young man full of life's complexities and experiences.

I don't accept the status quo if it is unjust, but yet, I know that life in my society serves a purpose.
who say's life is fair?    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 02:11:46 (PDT)
Both the Chinese and Jews (maybe Armenians as well) have a tradition of surviving in other lands and prospering despite native hostility and violence. It is not really that they do not want to assimilate, but that they are not allowed to do so.

Just look at the USA for example: many 2nd and 3rd generations of Chinese-Americans, Jewish-Americans and Armenian-Americans have intermarried at high rates despite common perceptions of them being clannish. Intermarriage is the highest indicator or pinnacle of one group's assimilation trends.

It is only in the USA that all groups have this unique opportunity to become as one.
melting pot    Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 01:43:32 (PDT)
Reality're often boring, but there are silly moments not worth going into detail.

Chinese and Indians, I noticed, do the best in school among the Asians. If it isn't a Chinese, then it's an Indian. This year, it's a Chinese (myself). Every ten years, there will be an individual of European descent who is so outstanding it makes your head spin. Coreans are the individuals who sport dyed hair, get C's, and try to socialize with the "in crowd". The fashion conscious ultimately are left in the academic dust. Is it a trade-off, or are Coreans simply inept in their studies? You really almost have to wonder...
chinatown    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 23:01:31 (PDT)
BAWAHAHAHAHA! Looks like I got the attention of the whole damn Chinese take out association? Talk about poison? What do you call all that crap you people mask as food? Those damn Chinese restaurants are so INSANITARY! Few years ago NYC health department raided some of these places and found roaches, mice, maggots, remains of Chairman Mao, etc. LMAO!
Why do you think Chinese food is drowned in oil and coated with sauces? Cover up all that decaying meat and rotting food.
Reality bites huh?
Corny story, of course you as the school cook, Hop Sing, you just smile and kowtow to all your school mates. "Would you like some fried rice with that, Joe?" Chinese are infamous for cowarding. I'm sure you were scared out of your panties whenever that guy came around. LOL
Chinese and Indians as the athletes in school? HAHAHAHA,where is your school located? In Singapore? IN Hong KOng?
I have yet to run into an athletic Chinese or Indian kids,really! Chinese and Indians kids were pretty quite.
Kinda stank though! No joke, putting all kidding aside, really. And you know what alot of Corean kids in my school used to stick up for them since they were so quite. I personally didn't pay much attention to them.

If "fitting in" and "assimilating" means kissng some white boy's ass, then you can do it. NOT ME!!!
I don't want to be what I cannot be.
Edqaef Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 23:38:13 (PDT)y!

That's not my definition. If you don't want to assimilate and do not like whites, why are you here? Why not go back to that giant heap of garbage called "China." You have that right you know in America.

Stanford 2006:
You must be joking? From your writing there is no way you are Stanford material. Your inability to understand what I said and your assumptions are hilarious.
In your delusional mind, you think the Chinese will take over the US is ridiculous. Even after 200 years of kowtowing you Chinese have no influence in the good old USA. Where?
" Dude, how clueless are you? You think a chinese communist would escape to a capilalistic society? "
Of course they would, every chance they'll get. Look at all your brethern huddled together in illegal ships bound for USA. Or are you too naive to think all those commies in China really want to live under communism forever? You did say Stanford, right? Are you sure its not "Stamford" in Connecticut? LOL!!

"If we immigrated here, than we wouldn't be "Commies" now would we?"
Sure you would, are you going to say now there aren't many Chinese spies in US universities under the pretense of education? Hey "Stamford" guy tell me another lie. I think you're trying to hoodwink me, I'm on to your corrupt Chinese mind. Regarding Chinese doing anything personal to me,none. Unless if you count one chinese guy who tried to sell me a fake Tag watch or unless you count the poor service I received in Dunkin Donuts, I guess she thought I took too long to choose. But that's about it.

Reality Bites huh? Do try to get another tag name, ok?
Anyway, YOU ARE A NERD!!!!!! A DWEEB!
You're asking me for stats but you don't condemn your fellow Chinese when they make such assumptions?? Hypocrite aren't you? Ok, when I said " Chinese women were unattractive and unsanitary" any normal person would of reasoned I was just making a retalitory outburst. Of course, i haven't met all the women in China to make an accuate statement. But then you picked this ball and want to make a stink out of it. What's wrong with you? Are you that dense?
You state "the Chinese dominate US schools and economy to a less degree than they do in Southeast asia"
Ok, where's your stats to abck up Chinese dominating in US schools or economy? Hypocrite. Why don't you provide us with the stats since you're the making the claims, lazy hypocrite.
You also stated "there are tons of improverished Chinese but their economy is growing rapidly" I never stated China is not growing but ITS STILL DIRT POOR, so where did I mislead you? Did I not tell the truth?
"As for Chinese not helping out their countrymen, you have displayed your lowest level of ignorance yet. The overseas Chinese are obviously wealthy, the educational tools supplied for the mainland Chinese are from guess who? That's right, overseas Chinese and all this with the CCP pointing guns at them."
AH HA! Finally admitt it huh? I told you the Chinese are double faced commies at heart, you steal from Uncle Sam and help the Commies back home. Even when they are pointing their guns at you? haha, what jackasses.
Hey Stamford 2006 , he seems to be contradicting you regarding lack of Chinese commies here.
I rest my case, your honor.
Reality Bites    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 20:07:13 (PDT)
At the high schools, it is usually the Chinese-Americans, Japanese-Americans and Filipino-Americans who are the most outgoing and into sports.

It is also among them where you find individuals who cannot speak an Asian language.
San Jose, California    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 19:48:44 (PDT)
I hate to admit it, but being Chinese is probably the next worst thing after being Arab.

It is not a crime to be of Chinese descent. It is not a crime to be of Arab or Muslim descent.

I was still in high school when all that bombing the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia and air pilot incidents occured. Those white kids would look at all the Asian kids in class like we did a crime or something, when they didn't even know that it was our own country (USA) at fault here. The Chinese gangsters and the white racist football players would have occasional fights on campus. It was all racial. I swallowed it all in those 4 years time.

Did I go wrong and join a Chinese gang on campus just to hide my frustrations with racism in society? HELL NO!!!

It just made me fully aware of where I stand and will always stand in this society.

Don't blame us for not assimilating. Cuz, we were never extended that kind of welcome to begin with.
Proud Asian American Male    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 19:30:52 (PDT)
Reality does bite huh?

he had every right to be mad.
Mr. Hann    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 18:48:27 (PDT)
>>>The Chinese and Indians in the US are like the Chinese and Indians in their home country. Very rich and very poor. Zero middle class. Much of their success is based on immigration polices only allowing the most educated to enter the country. Thus leaving their countries with nothing while making the US stronger. Nobody really respects them because they do all the nerdy labor, brain intensive work. Doctor, Silicon Valley, chinese food etc. >>>

I hate to admit it, but there is alotta truth to this comment. However, as a second generation Chinese American I feel thankful and lucky for the educated Chinese who get to prosper (Same with Indians). I also feel for the ones suffering as are my parents. But two things, many overseas Chinese are interested in helping out their native land in spite of the CCP. My dad is a Real Estate Developer and my mom, an accountant so they're banking it up pretty big. They, along with many wealthy Chinese Americans I know donate money year and year to help those. Same with the Indian families we know. I know that since both countries are so over-populated and impoverished, it's not gonna do a whole lot but we're still doing our best. Another thing, many educated Chinese who raid the top schools in the U.S. come here strictly for education and return to help China. China sends the most overseas students to study abroad and about 40 percent return to help their own countries economy which is a good thing.

A Chinese American College Student    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 18:09:10 (PDT)
>>>Insecure Chinese is right.>>>

Insecure is when a person must talk a mess of trash online to a bunch of people to make himself feel better about his own ethnicity. Remember you anti-Chinese kids were to first to incite hateful comments. We're hardly insecure at all, as a matter of fact, I think I can speak for all of the Chinese on this board when I say we take all your hateful propaganda with a grain of salt.

>>> But Coreans have the right to defend ourselves from the likes of LSD ( offical spokeman of these illegal commie Chinese),>>>

The same way we have the right to defend ourselves from comments you make towards us do we not? LOL and I'm very much legal thank you very much.

You stike me as a little half pint insecure cook. Does your chest puff up with pride when some white guy says to you " hey Hop Sing ( the cook from Bonanza)>>>

Hey atleast they're right about his ethnicity. The reason the white guys don't mistake you for another Korean is because they don't know about your culture, much less care.

>>>you Chinese are like the Jews, so corrupt and conniving,>>>

While both ethnicities have it's good and bad points. There is nothing wrong with that comparison. The Jews are depicted as smart and successful, nothing wrong being compared to that at all.

Silly dumbass>>>

Coming from you, that's like Chris Rock calling Eddie Murphy the N word.

>>>You're damn right I'm going to protest when someone do me wrong unlike you wusses takeall the crap in silence,>>>

We didn't do you no wrong, you were the first to talk trash, buddy.

>>>All the Italian Americans I know AREN'T proud of the mobster image of Italian Americans,99.9 % of them have nothing to do with the mob,>>>

Compared to the number of overseas Chinese which is around 50-60 million, the same can be said about the Chinese. You think the doctors, lawyers, accountants, pharmacists, real estate brokers, business entrepreneurs of Chinese descent want or have anything to do with the Chinese triads?

>>>WOW! You must know more about the insight of Corean Americans than Coreans?>>>

If you're so upset about his ignorance of your culture than why do you choose to be so ignorant about ours? LOL another double standard and example of hypocrisy.

>>>Topic of Chinese hardly ever come up in the minds of Corean Americans , only when someone mentions "Asian gang or illegal boat people">>>

Yes and when people mention poor liquor store and grocery store owners, we think of you guys (LOL sorry just had to cheap shot that one). In all seriousness, most of the Korean kids I know are very respectful and admire the Chinese and vice versa. As for Asian gangs, no offense to any Southeast Asian but they tend to do that more than any other Asian group. LOL but you probably didn't know that.

>>>Assuming your assumptions are true, why don't you ask yourself why Coreans would do everything in their power to disassociate with you?>>>

Because you guys are upset that you are always being mistaken for Chinese by the white boys. It's an understandable frustration, but talking all this non-sensical trash is not gonna assist your problem in any way. It just fills that empty hole in your heart that your anger ate away.

>>>I would think if you Chinese had a postive image we wouldn't , right?>>>

Nope as I've said before, the only reason you try so hard to dissociate yourselves is because your angry about being mistaken for another ethnicity and you strive for individuality (which there is nothing wrong with). However, is it our fault that whenever a white boy sees an oriental person, he automatically thinks Chinese?

>>>So why get mad at us when we point out all the negative images you already are aware of?>>>

Atleast I recognize our ethnicities negative images, can the same be said about you? Whenever we point out your negative images, you get all paranoid, call us names, and try to deny it by asking us for verification when you fail to do the same thing yourself with your own arguments. Hmm another double standard, geez we should play count.

>>>And what's wrong with trying to assimilate?>>>

Since when did anyone say assimilation is bad?

>>>You mean we shoud be more like the Chinese and live in seperate inner city ghettos called Chinatowns from the mainstream population?>>>

Umm I hate to burst your bubble, but many Koreans also live unassimilated lives. You do realize there are Koreatowns in most of the big cities in the U.S. right? The biggest one being in L.A. Yes, there are more Chinatowns but that's because there are more Chinese people.

>>>could it be why you are persecuted in every host country you immigrated to?>>>

No we are persecuted because no matter where we go, we always tend to make more money and educate ourselves better than the rest (Atleast that's how the native persecutors see us as). So they're upset that a small minority can achieve so much in their home country, so that leads to angery and jealousy but in spite of all the persecution, we still manage to prosper.

>>>Another example of Chinese arrogance. Hey I heard that the Chinese immigrants in Jamaica has asslimilated,>>>

Yes and we're the most educated and wealthiest minority in that country :-)

>>> hey LSD say hello to your black relatives. LOL!>>>

LOL, why all this hatred against African Americans? Still crying over what they did to the small Korean businesses in L.A. back in 92?

>>>Indians, who cares? Some Indians are darker than blacks. Or always getting mistaken for terriorists or Puerto Ricans.>>>

Yes and it's called IGNORANCE, you should be familiar with that term. You mean you actually support the ignorant trolls who generalize Indians as terrorists, yet throw tantrums when your people get mistaken for Chinese? LOL how many double standards are we gonna get from you today? LOLOL!

>>>Funny how these ex patriot Chinese and Indians brag about how wealthy they are thanks to British colonialsm. Enjoyed being the servants of those Brits for over 200 years, as for India 400 years?>>>

Hey, in spite of all our suffering we still prospered so let it be a lesson to all of us.

>>>Nothing to brag about when your countries are still dirt poor.>>>

Nothing to brag about when your culture still has no identity.

Stanford 2006    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 18:00:51 (PDT)
Are u Koreans forgetting something?
You bash that China is a dirt poor communist country, did you forget that your country is the only country that is still separated?

Did you forget North Korea is the poorest most isolated asian country? North Korea's GDP is growing at an astounding -5%. HAHA!

Talk about a corrupt government, North Korea spends their money on nukes while their people starve to death. They are so stubborn, they won't even accept foreign aid. You think China is dirt poor? Did you watch the Dateline NBC where they showed North Korean women being sold as brides to Chinese men for a dollar? If mainland Chinese are poor, I don't know what you call the North Koreans. Your country is still separated and you guys cant do anything about it, do you know why?
BECAUSE THE USA controls south korea foreign policy and CHINA controls North Korea. The Koreas are like hand puppets for the two superpowers in the international game of chess. Place the pawns near the opponent, so you have a advantageous strike point if there is ever a conflict.

So you koreans better just keep your traps shut.

How long do you think Korea would last if China invades. I say a week at most.

Zhong Guo Pride WorldWide    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 14:39:50 (PDT)
Tennis Player 2003,

The most famous Asian-American of all time is Bruce Lee. He is a symbol of Asian male masculinity and sexuality as well as Chow Young Fat, John Lone, and Jet Li. Were it not for the Chinese (and to a lesser extent Japanese-Americans), all ethnic groups originating from South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia would be almost invisible in America. And it is not just in Hollywood, just wait until that giant of a man Yao Ming starts stomping on the court on national TV.

The best-known Korean in the world is the infamous Kim Jong-il, the evil leader of commie North Korea, a nation troubling the world with its dirt-poor illegal immigrants. What a nerdy-looking man he is with his bad haircut and staid clothing. He is on the newspaper all the time up to some mischief. Then the Koreans have Margaret Cho as the female spokesperson. What a dynamic duo. Thanks for your great contribution to the image of Asians, my kimchi dog-eating bros.

Let’s all boycott Korean owned businesses. They are clearly a racist people. During the Second World War, they collaborated and joined the Japanese Imperial Army and committed rape and pillage with greater brutality on other Asians than the Japanese themselves. During the Vietnam War, 300,000 South Koreans served as mercenaries and were very efficient in clearing out villages in South Vietnam with a deprived mind.

The future of a nation can sometimes be seen in the geographical shape of its nation. For instance, Italy resembles a boot, and it is the producer of much fine leather shoes. Look at the map of the Korean peninsula, it resembles a rabbit kowtowing to China, its women are playboy bunnies in seedy nightclubs to entertain Chinese men.
Tapioca Bubble Tea    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 12:46:20 (PDT)
OK Reality, Tennis playa and the rest, it's true, you Korean guys have balls, that I will give you. I also admire how you guys don't take a lot of shit from other peoples and I wish that Chinese were more like that. What I mean to say is I'll take how we Chinese are, more or less and just add some Korean balls to it. This way there will be less harassment from everyone else. I know for a fact if you don't act wimpy then it's less likely people will treat you like a wimp. But on the other hand however, I think that a lot of female abuse we've been hearing of on various Asian boards these days may be from you guys also. Better have a look at that cause you guys have some fine women which no one will dispute.

One main thing, as someone once said "can't we all get along?". If we Chinese and Koreans could be true bros. then I believe we will be much more powerful than we are now. We need to be able to become allies in our struggle because there exists a common foe who seeks to best us and our women mainly. And yes they are our women and don't let others say otherwise. So let's join forces and kick major ass and after that's done then we can go back to kicking each others' asses, ok ?
RIGHTEOUS DUDE    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 11:40:28 (PDT)
why is it that everyone must lash out at another country?? i think corean and chinese r both perfectly fine... just different cultures =) i'm corea so what? does this mean i'm wearing baggy pants as some of u mentioned "coreans in their baggy pants" and lashing my anger out at the chinese???? hmmm do u really think?? i'm wearing my jcrew shorts =) oh no... does this shock you?? my goodness ... i rarely think about chinese-americans the way some of u put seems all coreans ever do is think about how to hate the chinese more and vice versa for the chinese....
in my opinion coreans are just the way they are due to history.... always looked over because of japan and china lingering by... so of course ~~there will be some anger towards the two nations especially japan....

i seriously think most of you have way too much time... because in reality ... this topics u guys keep on writing about who hates who and why... doesnt even come up as a topic to talk about ..... i admit on rare occasions it does.. but it isnt that big of a deal we're only human..
vtbcx5    Friday, August 09, 2002 at 10:49:56 (PDT)