

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 10%
Chinese | 35%
Filipino | 9%
Corean | 15%
Japanese | 21%
Indian | 10%

Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 16%
Chinese | 33%
Filipino | 12%
Corean | 12%
Japanese | 18%
Indian | 9%

Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese | 17%
Vietnamese | 8%
Corean | 13%
Japanese | 9%
Filipino | 8%
Caucasian | 32%
African American | 2%
Latino | 4%
(Asian) Indian | 7%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Reality Bites,

Just goto NYC and check out the magnet highschool. When race is not a factor, asian flooded the specialized school system of Stuyvesant, Bx Science, and Brooklyn Tech. The same is also true in the UC system. In Stuyvestant, the highest cut off HS, the asian occupy up to 60% of the student body.

Because are Chinese the largest group of asians in NYC. They of course hold the most seats in those schools.

Now chill before I have to slap in your lily white butt, and let everyone watch me make you my gwei-lo b*tch on goldsea.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:25:12 (PDT)

China, Chinese, and Chinese Characters are not mystical forces in life.

Once you realise that, you won't rabble about tao and Tom Hanks. Jeez.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:17:04 (PDT)
Somebody said something about about poor Indians in America. This is based on my experience but I have yet to meet a poor Indian in America. Just about every Indian I've met is a doctor, engineer, or in some other high paying profession. There are lot's of Chinese in high paying professions as well, but there are also those in poverty (Chinatown, Chinese restaraunt workers, etc.) The same can be said about other Asians, but never Indian. The only poor Indians are the ones who live in India. Their overseas status however is almost unmatched in achievement. No other Asian group comes close, not even the Chinese.
JakeTheGreat    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 00:56:43 (PDT)
and Reality Bites' assumptions on the would-be writing style of Stanford students are quite risible as well...

Retarded as always, eh?
chinatown    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 22:50:28 (PDT)
In this day in age, we ask what the hell is ASSIMILATION anyway?

Are Black and Hispanic Men equals to White Men? Are Asian Men as well? The answer is no. Does it matter? Of course not.

If you look at most of the major and big cities across America,many Whites are fleeing to the suburbs while minorities are dominating the urban scene.It seems like the Whites have nothing to represent in the cities anymore, except their trite culture, which is mostly based on overconsumption and complacency.In the cities, the minorities are tougher, sharper, more clever and resilient. Their businesses seem to thrive more than those of the Whites. In fact, it seems like the Whites are being handicapped by this rising tide of non-Whites.

Take NYC as an example, most businesses are minority-based. Only exclusive and upscale businesses are White. With the economy sagging, White businesses are losing out to minority-based businesses.

Who wants to eat in a pricey French bistro restaurant during bad times, when Chinese food can be an option?

Where are the White tailors for White clienteles? The Hispanic tailor seems to be more talented in alterations and charges less, why not try him?

Hell, Pizza and Bagels are now made by Mexicans and Southeast Asians, and not Italians and Jews, so go figure?

Caribbean Blacks and some African Americans are making Harlem what it used to be, They are running some job centers and employment agencies in the city.Many are not even getting public assistance but are giving them to the Whites.

Koreans seem to know more about gourmet food and fine wine than the Europeans, What is going on here?

White politicians in the city need people of color to sustain their term in office..whoever heard of that?

So what is happening to Whites in the Big Apple? Nothing, they're still the elite who collect a fat paycheck from their unproductive nepotistic job. In a decade from now, expect minorities to EQUAL or EVEN EXCEED Whites in knowledge and expertise.

It's not the Non-Whites who need to rethink of themselves but the Whites.

And for those AA Moonies and Sellouts, you're missing all of the fun and action of what you can possibly do by being yourself.
LSD    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 21:08:53 (PDT)
You all yelling back and forth about Chinese vs. Korean superiority are pathetic. If you knew a damn thing about how Asia is today, you'd notice that in Northeast China near the Chinese-Korean border, there are millions of ethnic Koreans, and regardless of the history between our two nations they get along great with everyone else. They have a much better life than they would in North Korea, where most of them came from in earlier generations. And local Han Chinese have a lot of respect for them cuz of their contributions to culture and the economy.

It's always the whitewashed ABCs and gyopos who are starting these dumbass arguments. You don't know your language or your culture, so your only way left of expressing your ethnic pride is to clique together with other members of your ethnicity, and try to act like gangsters by starting turf wars with everyone else. You're a waste of space on bulletin boards and a waste of air in the real world.
T.H. Lien    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 19:18:58 (PDT)
PLEASE GIVE ME A MORE SERIOUS REBUTTAL or I will ignore you next time as you are a waste of my time!!!!!!!!

>>>If "fitting in" and "assimilating" means kissng some white boy's ass, then you can do it. NOT ME!!!
I don't want to be what I cannot be.
Edqaef Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 23:38:13 (PDT)y!<<<

>>>That's not my definition. If you don't want to assimilate and do not like whites, why are you here? Why not go back to that giant heap of garbage called "China." You have that right you know in America.<<<

Again, let me ask you: "What do you mean by assimilate?" Assimilate to what and to whom? There is not one nor two different American experiences. All groups have their own subcultures and subcommunities. Does being Chinese-American make you less of an American than say a white-American or black-American?

Do I have to like and kiss up to whites to be here? FYI, I had no choice. My grandfather made that decision 98 years ago. My people were laying up railroad tracks for those whites to enjoy their rides over to settle these western states. Every western state contain the bones of my forefathers who died dynamiting every open space to lay new tracks or got lost away in unforgiving snow and ice avalanches. They lie in unmarked graves to this day. Why should I not hate whites? We did not even get recognition for this feat until recently. I have as much right to be here as whitey does. If they don't like it, they can go back to Europe and you can go back to your stinking kimchee and garlic American-occupied brothel nation.

"Kumsummida" (is that how you say it in Corean?) whatever...
Edqaef    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 18:51:44 (PDT)
Reality Bites,

I have never seen a socially inept or weak Indian-American. On the contrary, they score better with white, Hispanic and black girls than you Corean boys ever will.

At my school, almost all the volleyball varsity and junior varsity teams are full of Chinese-Americans. They dominate the basketball team as well because there are not too many blacks nor whites at our school here in the West coast.

The Chinese boys I knew were more into their import cars than they were into the books. Other races boys could only dream of being like them. Many could not even afford to buy a car.

And, I have seen many Corean boys tried to get jumped into Chinese gangs on campus. One time during an afterschool football game, there were 2 Corean boys once who asked a Chinese gangbanger on how or what they could do to get jumped into this Chinese wannabe gang? The Chinese boy was smoking his cigarette and then asked these 2 Corean boys to extend out their hands and let him burn his cigarette onto them. They did it and it looked so pathetic. And, I am not even going to mention how or what the Corean girls on our campus do to get jumped into these Chinese gangs. And, these Corean kids were not poor. They just needed an identity. One of my Chinese best friend with whom I ditched class with a lot in the 12th grade just lived across the street from our high school. He asked me if I was still a virgin? I was cracking up and say that in our Pakistani culture, we are virgins until marriage.

Well, we ditched and went to his home. I thought he would just let me sip some vodka in his garage. Lo and behold, there were 2 Korean girls and 1 Indian girl with him in the garage. There was a sofa and built in TV inside. But, I just wanted to check out his stored vodka. It was my first taste of alcohol and it burned my face red. He and the girls started getting crazy and he would rub his hands all over them and kissing. I was just sitting there watching this. My friend told the Indian girl to come sit next to me. I did not at first, because she was a Hindu and I was Moslim. But, the evil in me gave way. We had fun time that day and it was like this the rest of our senior year on Fridays. One time I went with them to the arcades and I saw this Chinese-Vietnamese boy playing the game "Street Fighter II". Then, he was playing and fondling his Corean girlfriend at the same time. She did not respond and pretend nothing was happening. She is not the only one like that. One time, there was this Corean girl who went off with 3 Filipino boys "somewhere" after school ended. I was waiting for the bus that day, and when they came back 2 hours later, I saw kiss marks on all the boys faces.

Indians and Pakistanis may not be as assimilated as Corean-Americans, but I would never let my sisters behave like that!

I know what true pride is.
Halil Kureshi    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 18:39:02 (PDT)
Reality bites huh?
Corny story, of course you as the school cook, Hop Sing,

And you as the Korean grocery store owner's kid. BTW I'm Indian, you dolt.

you just smile and kowtow to all your school mates.

The same way you piss your pants everytime you see a black man? Remember the 92 riots?

"Would you like some fried rice with that, Joe?"

Better than Kim-Chi.

Chinese are infamous for cowarding.

And Koreans are famous for being the Asians with no idenitity.

I'm sure you were scared out of your panties whenever that guy came around.

Yeah I'm scared of some outcast Korean kid.

Chinese and Indians as the athletes in school?

That's right. We had one Korean kid though on tennis though. He was all talk, like most of you Korean kids.

I have yet to run into an athletic Chinese or Indian kids,really!

I have yet to run into a Korean kid who outdid us at anything, really.

Chinese and Indians kids were pretty quite.

White boys never liked Chinese boys, so it's understandable. They probably pick on you Koreans for it mistaking you for Chinese, which is probably why you're talking so much smack.

Kinda stank though! No joke, putting all kidding aside, really.

Really? The same kinda stench you put in your groceries?

And you know what alot of Corean kids in my school used to stick up for them since they were so quite. I personally didn't pay much attention to them.

Because you're just jealous we're the Asians getting all the attention. OH well, not our fault that you guys are nobodys.

Reality Bites huh? Do try to get another tag name, ok?

No thanks, I'll stick to the one I have just because you love it so much okay?

Anyway, YOU ARE A NERD!!!!!!

Well considering that I was the co-valedictorian of my class along with another Chinese, I'm not gonna deny that. I'm a cool nerd.


Said the 10-14 year miserable, angry, Korean kid.

You're asking me for stats but you don't condemn your fellow Chinese when they make such assumptions??

I ask you for stats because you always seem to want more elaboration from the arguments of your rivals, yet you fail to do the same with yours so I was just pointing that out.

Hypocrite aren't you?

OMG, I am too shocked to laugh. Look everyone, Mr. 14 year old, upset, angry, miserable, Korean kid spreading hateful propaganda is accusing me of a hypocrite. I think this call's for a celebration, let's all go out to the bar and grab ourselves a cold one. It's on me really, I have money unlike certain Asians owning grocery stores.

Ok, when I said " Chinese women were unattractive and unsanitary" any normal person would of reasoned I was just making a retalitory outburst.

HAHA, oh sure when we bust you, you come back and make a lousy attempt to retract your comment. LOLOL nice try kid!

Of course, i haven't met all the women in China to make an accuate statement.

That's okay, you don't possess the ability to make an accurate statement so we understand.

But then you picked this ball and want to make a stink out of it. What's wrong with you? Are you that dense?

Nothing dense, just pointing out the flaws in your argument, among others. That's the strategy, do you honestly not know that? Man you are braindead, seriously.

Ok, where's your stats to abck up Chinese dominating in US schools or economy?

Hmm census bureau, bell curve, articles on the Fortune 500 website. And don't even get me started on Southeast Asia.

Hypocrite. Why don't you provide us with the stats since you're the making the claims, lazy hypocrite.

ANd on the same token, provide us with your stats on some of your comment such as Chinese are unassimilated. DOn't ask me to elaborate my argument when you can't do it yourself. That's what truly makes one a hypocrite.

AH HA! Finally admitt it huh? I told you the Chinese are double faced commies at heart, you steal from Uncle Sam and help the Commies back home. Even when they are pointing their guns at you? haha, what jackasses.
Hey Stamford 2006 , he seems to be contradicting you regarding lack of Chinese commies here.
I rest my case, your honor.

Kid, do you have a learning disorder or something? Or perhaps you just need help with your reading. The overseas wealthy Chinese do not use their money to help the commies, they use it to help the ones who are suffering. The money provides them with educational tools, healthcare, and all this with the CCP disappoving of it which was what I meant when I said pointing guns. Kid, do me a favor, stay in school, your not ready for the real world yet.
Reality Bites Huh?    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 18:27:25 (PDT)
BAWAHAHAHAHA! Looks like I got the attention of the whole damn Chinese take out association?

Nope, my dad is an Electrical Engineer and my mom an M.D. of internal medicine. LOL nice try though, better luck next time junior.

Talk about poison? What do you call all that crap you people mask as food?

Lunch time food (Not authentic or traditional but good business.) Can't say the same about you Korean grocers.

Those damn Chinese restaurants are so INSANITARY!

AS are Korean grocery stores. LOL speaking of one, a few years ago my parents and I decided to take a visit to L.A.'s Korea Town, I needed to use the restroom and the owner of the groceries advised me to go somewhere else to piss because of how dirty is was in there.

Few years ago NYC health department raided some of these places and found roaches, mice, maggots, remains of Chairman Mao, etc. LMAO!

Hey when you insult Mao, you're actually complimenting Chinese. I think it's safe to say 90% of all Chinese want nothing do with Mao.

Why do you think Chinese food is drowned in oil and coated with sauces?
Cover up all that decaying meat and rotting food.

You've obviously never tasted real Chinese food then.

That's not my definition. If you don't want to assimilate and do not like whites, why are you here?

You obviously missed the point as usual. He means that he's not willing to kiss ass to a white man in order to fit in. He would rather keep to his own identity than to do that. LOL but then again, you seem to have no problem kissing up to a white man.

Why not go back to that giant heap of garbage called "China".

You Koreans obviously love this heap of garbage then considering how many try to escape there each year.

You must be joking? From your writing there is no way you are Stanford material.

Your just jealous.

Your INABITLITY TO UNDERSTAND what I said and your assumptions are hilarious.

I'm not gonna say anything about this one. Actually I am, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are convicting another's inability to fathom.

In your delusional mind, you think the Chinese will take over the US is ridiculous.

When did I state this? Show me kid. When I said we're too busy taking over the schools and economies of our adopted countries, I was referring to the ethnic minorities, non-residents, overseas, etc. Oh wait, why bother explaining, it's gonna go over your head like everything else.

Even after 200 years of kowtowing you Chinese have no influence in the good old USA.

And where's Korea's influence? Oh that's right, you guys have no influence, just puppets owned by bigger powers.

Of course they would, every chance they'll get. Look at all your brethern huddled together in illegal ships bound for USA.

Those illegals are not communist, they're sole purpose of gathering in illegal ships bound for USA is to escape communism. LOL and you honestly have the nerve to accuse me of having an inability to understand. You don't even know your way around your own arguments. Christ kid, stay in school.

Or are you too naive to think all those commies in China really want to live under communism forever?

That was my point, they don't which is why they escape. Thank you for proving my point, you half-wit. Oh wait, that's too much credit, no-wit.

You did say Stanford, right? Are you sure its not "Stamford" in Connecticut? LOL!!

Nope, Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Something you will never be a part of, I'm pretty sure about that.

Sure you would, are you going to say now there aren't many Chinese spies in US universities under the pretense of education?

Again, you change the subject or pretend to not know the issue. I was talking about the immigrants who came to escape. If they're sole purpose was to escape a communist regime, how could they be "Commies" as you have so well put? As for the students, I'm not gonna deny that alot of them could be spies knowing the CCP but that's a whole different topic. You really have a knack for skating around the issue or perhaps you're simply too stupid to understand anything.
Hey "Stamford" guy tell me another lie.

Why would I lie to a liar? Your kinda people seem to know falsity better than anybody.

I think you're trying to hoodwink me, I'm on to your corrupt Chinese mind. Regarding Chinese doing anything personal to me,none. Unless if you count one chinese guy who tried to sell me a fake Tag watch or unless you count the poor service I received in Dunkin Donuts, I guess she thought I took too long to choose. But that's about it.

::::YAWN:::: even you do better than that.

Stanford 2006    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 17:57:49 (PDT)
Whatever your Korean name is here,

You are doing your own people a big disfavor by not only putting down Chinese and Indians, but also blacks, Jews, etc.

Koreans are already known (to some extent, Japanese also) to be the most racist Asians. Ask any American.

Get a life and grow up.
it doesn't look nor sound good.    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 17:44:39 (PDT)
If you Coreans were so tough,

Then why did you let all others do the fighting and warfare in your own nation? Either that, or your kings chicken away from confrontation.

The Chinese fought the Mongols and Manchus for centuries before succumbing. Actually, the Chinese fought and resisted the Mongols longer than any other nation that got smoked out by them. When the Koreans saw that the Khitan, Jurchen, Mongol and Manchus they encountered were too strong to resist, they allowed them to occupy both Korean land and Korean women with no resistance. The Chinese drove out the Mongols within 80 years time and when the Chinese forces (Red Turbans) who chased these Mongols into Korea, the Koreans sent mercenaries into Manchuria to fight alongside Mongols. The Ming and Red Turbans dealt them a blow and pillaged their way into Korea, sacking many towns for over a decade. Only when the new Korean Yi Dynasty sent tributes and women to the Ming court, did they have peace.

The same thing when the Japanese invaded Korea in the late 1500s. You talk aways about your "turtle ships". But, little did you know that it was largely due to the Ming land forces that the Japanese were defeated and sent back across the seas. This happened twice within 15 years time.

When the Japanese invaded Korea again in the late 1800s, it was China who sent in troops again.

In the 1950s, China again sent its troops to Korea.

If you are so tough, why can't you fight in your own wars instead of kowtowing and pimping your women to others?
History teacher    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 17:17:15 (PDT)