Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hold on for a minute,
I see all my Asian brothers (Chinese, Japanese, Coreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Indians) here comparing themselves to whites: Jews, Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Anglo-Saxons, etc.
It is so demeaning and humiliating to see and read this.
I was just on another website defending tooth and nail the image of us Asian men. One poster (Italian-American guy arsehole) wrote of how he satisfied his previous Japanese and Chinese girlfriends and went on to belittle Asian men (you know, the usual sexual jokes).
You guys cannot believe the stuff they write out there about us. They are not as civil as we are on this board. I am sure a good portion of them have these jilted perceptions of us in general.
Even though I read a lot about my Chinese history and struggles with Turkic-Mongol nomads, it was these same Turkic-Mongols who shut the white man's mouth up tight in the past. In my mind all these Asian warriors, generals and kings should be emulated: Attila the Hun, Prince Arpad (descendant of Attila who returned Magyars to Hungary who beat Germans), Sultan Alp Arslan (Seljuk Turk ruler who beat Byzantines), Batu Khan (Mongol conqueror of East Europe), Hulagu Khan (Mongol conqueror of Middle East), Guo Gan (leading Chinese general of Hulagu Khan in Middle East), Tamerlane (descendant of Genghis Khan who reconquered and terrorized Middle East, India and Eastern Europe) and Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent (Ottoman ruler who almost conquered all of Europe but was stopped at Vienna twice).
Then, we also have some fine Chinese generals of our own:
Han Dynasty- General Li Guangli (said to be ancestor of Tang royal family), conquered the Tocharian, Yueh-chi, Wusun and other Iranian tribes of modern Xinjiang and Central Asia. General Ban Chao-drove out the Huns to Europe and also conquered many defiant Iranian, Indo-European tribes in Xinjiang and Central Asia. He reached all the way to borders of Rome and went to journey into Persia as well.
Tang Dynasty- Emperor Li Shimin not only drove away Turkish but penetrated into their homelands and conquered them as well. Was termed the "heavenly Khan" of all Turkish nomads and gained their submission. He and his generals also conquered many Indo-European and Persian tribes along the silk road into modern Iran.
These are the people we should compare ourselves to, not WHITES!!!
We are a proud and brave race, worthy of respect and fear too. We once shook the world and had nothing to fear except the sky's limit. All the brave warriors before us have come and passed, but their spirits and handle of the sword have passed on to us.
It doesn't matter if you are Chinese, Corean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Laos, Filipino, Indian, Pakistani, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, Siberian, Eskimo. WE ARE ALL ONE!!! We suffer the same issues and to them, we are all one and the same.
Why cannot we finally fight this racism and white supremacy once and for all? Why cannot we willingly unite and be as one in such a racialist environment and society? It is something the great nomadic khans and Chinese emperors could never do in the past (at least not without force).
At heart, we are all our own great warrior, khan, ghazi, wushu fighter, hwarang, samurai, etc. WE have the culture, pride, name and honor to protect in the face of unending ridicule, threats, slander and harassment.
Only the sky is the limit...
Proud Asian for life   
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 23:08:45 (PDT)
"you need look no further then your own hard working East Asian parents and grandparents who went the same route. Shame on you..."
The problem is that most of the arrogant, racist, immature, conceited people on this site have no shame (as you can tell by the way they hate on everyone except their own race). But good for you, someone has to remind these people once in a while of where they came from.
Asian Observer   
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 01:43:10 (PDT)
Come to NYC. I'm not say there aren't rich pakistani and indians, some of them are my clients. But there are also poor indians and pakistani in NYC as well. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they are not there.
You sound like me when I was younger. I took the MCAT and got accepted. My parent even left a down payment at the med school to hold my place. But in the end I had to disappoint my parents and tell them I had no interest pursuing a medical career right now. Well good luck convincing your parents.
AC Dropout   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:54:09 (PDT)
Jake the Great;
From what I heard, it's the Jewish and Chinese [minority] who has the highest and respectable position in this country.
little note;
And China is also a respectable country in the eyes of the world, and many non-asain assume asains = chinese [mainly], korean, japanese, and vietnamese.
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 09:02:24 (PDT)
Your post on aug 13 show a little understanding. But do you know why we [chinese] have a little more proverity rates than you [indians] do. We are also more populated in this country than you.
Among asain international students that comes to america, mostly are Chinese and Koreans. Yes, Indian international student are here too but are not nearly as much as chinese, I believe chinese is 3x more. And a little note to you, when people think of ASAIN, they usually think of us [chinese, korean, Japanese, Tawianese, and vietnamese]. Another note; China is getting more respect from the world now and is weathly as well. Yes I respect your country as well, with the software development. We are all asains.
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 08:45:37 (PDT)
For instance the preference for lighter skin in India was an independent formulation and not based in a desire for European acceptance. Indians had derived color barriers 3000 years ago when Europe was still a wild land. Your assumptions are based in a skin lightness index you adopted from White Europeans as well.
So I guess we can conclude that racism as we define it today originated in India and not Europe. I saw a documentary while back on India and the way higher caste (light skin) Indians treat the "untouchables" (dark skin) Indians were beyond words. Terrible!
They treat their animals better. I think the caste system in India is a real detriment to its progress.
I've also heard that Indians have some Negroid mixtures particulary in the south.
Understanding India   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 07:35:35 (PDT)
It is a little known fact that in every country around the world Indians, as a minority, perform financially better then the host nations average; with no exceptions.
The same can be said about Chinese. Especially those in Southeast Asian countries. The ones in the U.S. are doing pretty good making more than the national average last time I checked. They'd probably do better minus all the illegals working in factories and restaraunts like someone mentioned but like someone else also mentioned, these low skillers don't stay working there, they work enough to save money and start businesses of their own.
A Chinese American College Student   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 00:15:05 (PDT)
Whoever claimed that Chinese have a reputation for criminal activity. That couldn't be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, Chinese are stereotyped to be very nerdy and smart who excel in school and prosper financially in their adopted countries period. Now do Chinese criminals and gangs exist? Of course, but so do Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino, and even Indian ones? Are they all labeled with the criminal reputation as well? LOL you probably got the whole idea from watching Rush Hour or any film by a Chinese action star. Lame
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 00:06:09 (PDT)
Someone here made a crude comment about the Indian people's body odor. Well, I guess it is food (they eat too much curry and ghee). It is the same with Koreans. If they eat kimchee day in and day out, they smell like it too.
But, I got to say that Koreans lack body odor compared to your average Chinese. I am southern Chinese and my armpits kinda smell (although not as bad as other races) if I don't slap on my deodorant. Koreans can sweat a lot and I still rarely smell anything in the locker rooms.
we all have peculiar smells   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 21:35:06 (PDT)
I agree. I can't stand the Asian snobs that look down on another simply because they work an unskilled job as if that's all they're good for and can amount to nothing else. It's the same as the Indian cabbies and Chinese restaraunt workers. LOL, do these people honestly think most of them are gonna work those jobs forever? LOL
A Chinese American College Student   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 18:34:23 (PDT)
Indian immigration policies are not idiotic. It's smart on the part if the US. And it's FACT. Indians are not on the same playing field as say the sucessful smart Coreans.
"He shows us how neoconservatives have used the success of South Asian immigrants to argue that America now offers a level playing field and that if other minorities, particularly African-Americans, have not achieved as much success, it is due to their own lack of initiative. Yet Prashad demonstrates how the U.S.'s extremely selective immigration policy (from 1966 to 1997, for example, 83% of Indian immigrants to the U.S. were professionals) has led to the myth and deception of the 'successful race.'
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 18:15:45 (PDT)
"look me in the eyes when you give me my change"
dude i dont hate indian people.... i'm corean.. so whatsup??? and also i dont think owning 7-11 stores is much to brag about anywayz.... i dont hate indian people but even if i did i can promise u that i would NEVER be jealous of indian people for owning 7-11 u have my word.... hahahahhahaha funnie stuff
7-11 hahaha   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 16:13:14 (PDT)
What can I say... I think I mentioned that my analysis was not exactly rigorous, just sensible observation from my years.
"What has the great and wealthy South Koreans done for them?"
Don't be foolish, son. You know damn well (I do hope anyway), that S. Korea cannot directly help with the situation in the North yet they do as much as possible through indirect means. Man, there are still tens if not hundreds of thousands that still have immediate relatives there so your statement of not doing anything is plain idiotic. Also, as a U.S. citizen, I've never had the opportunity to travel in N. Korea so I can't say much about it from a personal standpoint. Had I actual experience there I would have surely mentioned the cities in N. Korea. I did mention Vietnam though... much poorer than China, yet still cleaner, healthier, etc. So it seems that low GNP does not necessarily have to mean a filthy existence. Fair enough?
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 16:06:19 (PDT)