

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 10%
Chinese | 35%
Filipino | 9%
Corean | 15%
Japanese | 21%
Indian | 10%

Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese | 16%
Chinese | 33%
Filipino | 12%
Corean | 12%
Japanese | 18%
Indian | 9%

Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese | 17%
Vietnamese | 8%
Corean | 13%
Japanese | 9%
Filipino | 8%
Caucasian | 32%
African American | 2%
Latino | 4%
(Asian) Indian | 7%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
get real,

Actually Hewbrew National lost their kosher status. There are no more kosher hot dogs. The humanity of it all.

Hey look we give some white people the honorary asian status when they hang around us too much. We call them the egg of the group.
AC Dropout    Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 12:53:06 (PDT)
Were the gypsies chased out of India ?
I see alot of Indians gravitating toward Asians rather than to people of the Middle east, although I think they look more like them. Anyone else noticed this or am I just buggin'?
20/20 ?    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 19:25:20 (PDT)
"You need some "chautzpa!" Isn't that a Yiddish or Hebrew word for balls?
For those whites who can say few Chinese words should we call them " eggroll whites?"
Why do you have a problem just accepting your nationality? I really think you are a JEW or someone of Jewish/Chinese offspring. yes?
Is AC Dropout your spokes person?"

Yeah..I certainly have the chutzpah to be a Chinese!

I'm very proud of my heritage, and NO, I'm not Jewish for the 100th time!

Why do a schmuck like you have to get on my schmooze?

I never said Whites were better than Asians nor did I ever say Asians need to be compared to Whites in order to gain respect!

It just happens that the Chinese, and not the other Asians, share certain similarities with the Jews.

"Your point is what?? I thought according to you NYC is the center of the universe. What do you care what goes on in SF?"

Do you know what is the problem with the rest of America? It's blatantly racist and cold...every freaking racial group out there just hates one other in unrealistic terms. Asians in California have so much Asian pride that they can't even see themselves beyond their Asianness. Whites are so racist out there that multiculturalism to them is like a growing cancer.

"here we also have cheap greasy Chinese food and fatty kosher hotdogs too."

Welcome to America my friend...You forgot to mentioned eggrolls and fortune cookies with a touch of duck sauce to your menu!

AC isn't my spokesperson, but we grew up in NY, and yes, the city and the people are unique. Perhaps our NY rant is not in sync with the White bread society in which you are part of!
LSD    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 16:30:10 (PDT)

Get Real,

"Southern Chinese guy with very low self esteem. I think he calls himself the "kosher" Asian, whatever that means? bwahaha."

Ok, perhaps you live in some boring White suburbia town where people dislike Asians because they look and act different.

No, I actually live in a diverse metropolitian city.

Kosher Asian is a term given to those Chinese in the Lower East Side in NY who are able to babble words in Yiddish because their neighbors were Jewish. Hell, some Whites could even say "Gung Hay Fat Choi" during the Chinese New Year celebrations in NY. You can also ask AC Dropout what is a Kosher Asian.

So just because you intermingle with Jews and can spit out few Yiddish words, they honored you with this title? And you actually wear it with pride? You need some "chautzpa!" Isn't that a Yiddish or Hebrew word for balls?
For those whites who can say few Chinese words should we call them " eggroll whites?"
Why do you have a problem just accepting your nationality? I really think you are a JEW or someone of Jewish/Chinese offspring. yes?
Is AC Dropout your spokes person?

A Black mayor like Willie Brown of San Francisco probably doesn't know a thing about Chinese New Year greetings but he sure wishes Chinese people to hell!

Your point is what?? I thought according to you NYC is the center of the universe. What do you care what goes on in SF?

Have you been to Katz Deli or 2nd Ave Deli? Maybe not, I assume your town is filled with trashy White diners that serve only burgers and fries.

No I haven't, here we also have cheap greasy Chinese food and fatty kosher hotdogs too.
LSD Monday, August 19, 2002 at 16:21:56 (PDT)
get real    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 20:31:33 (PDT)
Just One Korean Man,

All those Turkish, Mongol and Chinese rulers, warriors, emperors I mentioned were not simply just rapists, murderers and terrorists. They were benevolent and strong willed individuals who proved to non-Asians our worth. China's Tang Emperor Li Shimin and Ottoman Turkey's Sultan Suleyman not only conquered many differing races and cultures, they also brought them together under a code of ethics, justice and order.

If whites can worship Columbus and Vikings, so can we worship our own ones too.

We need a platform of pride too.

I have particular attachment to Attila. He was brought and educated in a white Western environment (Roman world) as a child hostage. He grew up hating this society (obviously the same racism we Asians go through in any Western society).
He later paid back the whiteman (Romans and Germans) dearly. Had it not been his kindness and consciousness in listening to the Pope, perhaps the white world as we know it would have perished under his sword. ALL OF YOU, PLEASE GO READ THIS HISTORY!!!

We Asian men in a racist society, are all ATTILAS.
Proud Asian 4 Life    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 20:08:45 (PDT)
Dr. Shah,

Great story, I totally agree. Asian immigrants work very hard. I despise those stuck up idiots who frown upon fresh off the boat asians working unskilled jobs. I hate to be repetitious of what people have already said but people don't work unskilled jobs forever. My dad used to work in a Chinese restaraunt when he first arrived here back in '69 (southern Cali). He, like your dad, saved every penny and throughout all those years of hardwork is now the owner of 22 restaraunts himself. He now lives in a 5200 square foot home with a huge swimming pool. I once asked him, was it your goal to be this rich? He answered "No son, I wanted to secure you and your brother's education". His goal came true, now I know why he was so strict about my grades and wanted me to do better always. I used to get mad at him because he expected so much outta me, now I thank him for pushing me so hard. My only beef with him still is he gets mad at me if I don't speak Chinese to him LOL, he wants me to remain fluent.
Asian Financier    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 17:39:56 (PDT)
Dr. Shah

u r on the defense for indian americans.... for someone saying

"I don't think owning a 7-11 is much to brag about anyways."

read the posts before this and see what this guy was referring to... an indian guy bragging about it.. sayin that its better then some liquor stores/deli's in the ghettos or whatever..

i wish people would read before they post... they see their countries name once and boom!! defense mode!!!
Dr. Shah tsk tsk... and u say u r a Dr.    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:52:05 (PDT)