Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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We indians are asian yet we are much above the ones such as the chinese, koreans, japanese and therefore.
Oh yeah you guys are real above everyone......in poverty that is.
We have better standards and hold true to our beliefs unlike the other asians.
We are separate from other asian because we have strong religious belief system. We have structure and elite values unlike the rest.
And what standards and values are those? I hate to break it to you but your so-called standards are part of the reason your native motherland is so poor and backwards. You guys haven't even abandoned the centuries old practice known as the caste system. LOL did anyone see that one special on NBC lately? An Indian girl who got married to a man her family didn't approve of and for that they hired people to kill her and if you think this is a rare novelty situation, think again. I have Indian friends in real life that go through this kind of hell. Most of them haven't gone as far as murdering their own kids, but a few of them have been disowned.
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 00:05:25 (PDT)
I resent what you said about me. I'm merely trying to better understand your culture you moron. Higher standards of beliefs than us Coreans, Chinese, Japanese? Like how?
Unlike you, I could careless about religion, who's to say my beliefs are correct or more valid? all this killing over religion or philosophy is a waste. You are narrow minded and hope you come back in next life as a fly. lol
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 19:53:38 (PDT)
ok 20/20
yes pakistanis and bangladeshis were minorities but NOT ethnic ones, just religious ones. I know east asians dont take religion seriously, but we dont show how serious we take it either, therefore it makes it easier to conversate between us. lets just leave it at, we just have a lot more things in common with east asians (i.e...eating rice, taking our shoes off, respect to elderly people..and so on)
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 17:48:03 (PDT)
The Moguls used that term because the conqueror (Babur) was a descendant of Timurlang (Tamerlane), who in turn was a descendant of Jengiz Han (Genghis Khan). But, the rank and file soldiers were Turkic and the administrators were Persian.
The Pakistanis were largely converted by the sword. They were originally Indian Buddhists. But, after centuries of attacks by Turkic Muslims, they are now largely Muslim. After the independence from Britain, many Muslims from India (like Perviz Musharaf's family) migrated north to Pakistan rather live under Hindu rule in India. The Bangladeshis are descendants of low caste Indian Hindus (untouchables, etc.) who converted to Islam for more privileges. Same with the Muslims in India.
By the way, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis hate each other, although they are both really "Indian Muslims." Pakistanis are more into strict forms of Islam, given their proximity to Middle East.
Generally, the Pakistanis, Indian Muslims and Bangladeshis deny their Hindu ancestry and kiss up to Arabs (who get the red carpet treatment when they visiting).
Indian, not Arab   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 17:21:44 (PDT)
But, Hindi Indians would prefer to identify with East Asians because Buddhism and Hinduism have shared roots, while they hate Muslims tooth and nail (legacy of Moguls). The Muslims did some nasty things while they ruled India.
Indian, not Arab
Weren't the Moguls descendants of the Mongols? I believe it was Genghis Khan who converted to Islam. It seems religion plays an important role in Indian life. But for East Asians we don't take religion too seriously or at least not seriously as the Indians. Were the Pakistanis and Bagladeshis ethnic minorities in India before the split or part of the same ethnic group with just different religion? Now, I'm half buggin'
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 19:07:58 (PDT)
Greetings 20/20. You are misinformed and sadly blind and quite dumb. We indians are asian yet we are much above the ones such as the chinese, koreans, japanese and therefore. We have better standards and hold true to our beliefs unlike the other asians. We are separate from other asian because we have strong religious belief system. We have structure and elite values unlike the rest.
Batchu Praveen   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 15:02:45 (PDT)
so thats two people, including myself who have responded to you with similiar answers. Its the religion, and sometimes what our (indian) parents instill in us about muslims that make us either stray away from them or just not want to get too involved with them. Religion is important.
Answer your question now??-ndngirl   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 19:49:07 (PDT)
Let's be accurate. There are some Indians (near the north, Punjab, Pakistan) who do look like dark Iranians.
But, then there are those in the further south (more Dravidian blood) who look like a mixture of Filipino and Negro types.
Indian phenotypes   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 17:44:36 (PDT)
Looks aint everything. Just because we look like middle easterners (which btw..i couldnt disagree with you more) doesnt mean we have more in common with them. In fact we have a lot less in common, we dont share the same kind of religion, our religions are the most opposite u could get, and religion plays a big part in both our cultures (probably about the only thing we have in common) im indian myself and have tons of asian friends and thats mainly becuz i can relate to them more becuase culturally we are a lot more alike. I hope you dont keep "buggin" cuz i cleared things up.
NdN ...ASIAN girl..just cuz im indian dont mean i aint asian also   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 18:44:59 (PDT)
AC isn't my spokesperson, but we grew up in NY, and yes, the city and the people are unique.
I don't think AC Dropout share your fetish for Jews. "Schmuck?" You're the only schmuck here kosher eggroll boy. Pretentious Chinese kid, so sad.
I'm sorry I missed you Barmitzvah is that how you spell it?
Perhaps our NY rant is not in sync with the White bread society in which you are part of!
LSD Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 16:30:10 (PDT)
What part of muticultural diverse city do you not understand? I would hardly call Philly a white bread city. Its only about 60% white. As I said before get some real Chinese pride. Shalom
Get real   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 18:19:06 (PDT)
Actually Indians of Muslim background (including Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) do identify more with Arabs and Persians than their own Hindi ancestry.
But, Hindi Indians would prefer to identify with East Asians because Buddhism and Hinduism have shared roots, while they hate Muslims tooth and nail (legacy of Moguls). The Muslims did some nasty things while they ruled India.
Indian, not Arab   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 18:10:58 (PDT)