Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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Its funny to see posts like marshmellow poochie's and others, saying that "indians are snobby" well if you would just look at the things you people write about us, you really cant blame us, and i dont quite understand exactly what i said to sound snobby anyway. ANd we DO NOT kill non-hindus, just what the hell were you thinking when you wrote that????? if you didnt know hinduism is the most tolerant of all the religions, thats a fact. If anybody be killing in the name of religion its the muslims, and they proved it when they bombed a hindu temple in india two days ago!!!!! So "least accepted" my a$$!!!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 20:55:13 (PDT)
Could you rephrase what you wrote in English next time? Your point is what?
You don't like disccussing your Indian culture soooooooo why are you here again then?
Are you a muslim Pakistani by chance?
Lookin' like Hollywood   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 20:27:53 (PDT)
Killing non-hindu? No. You don't understand. You see, everything happens for valid reasons. There are strong valid reasons for everything. It is important to stick firmly by a strong belief system within a family community. This is the backbone and strength. I feel that it is wrong to turn your back on this. I think you are making more out of this than there really is. Hindu are not murderers. You do not understand our way of life and what this truly means. You do not understand so you pick apart our culture. I disagree that we are least accepted asian. I feel that we are more accepted than many. We hold true to ourselves as a majority than others.
Batchu Praveen   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 09:07:27 (PDT)
I think Indians are the least accepted of Asians because of certain attitude. Attitude such as Batchu Praveen and NdN girl proves my point. Noone wants to be around snobby folk. The less snobby are the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese people. Everyone knows this. Ii think if Indians would not be so rude and skeptical of everyone who is Non-indian, then things would be different. I also feel that since this 9/11 attacks, they are least accepted because they could easily pass for MiddEasterners. So they are probably more discrimminated against out of all Asians.
Marshamllow Poochie   
Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 11:52:51 (PDT)
With little land of their own to cultivate, Dalit men, women, and children numbering in the tens of millions work as agricultural laborers for a few kilograms of rice or Rs. 15 to Rs. 35 (US$0.38 to $0.88) a day. Most live on the brink of destitution, barely able to feed their families and unable to send their children to school or break away from cycles of debt bondage that are passed on from generation to generation. At the end of day they return to a hut in their Dalit colony with no electricity, kilometers away from the nearest water source, and segregated from all non-Dalits, known as caste Hindus. They are forbidden by caste Hindus to enter places of worship, to draw water from public wells, or to wear shoes in caste Hindu presence. They are made to dig the village graves, dispose of dead animals, clean human waste with their bare hands, and to wash and use separate tea tumblers at neighborhood tea stalls, all because—due to their caste status—they are deemed polluting and therefore “untouchable.” Any attempt to defy the social order is met with violence or economic retaliation.
This is truely sad and inhumane.
India's secrets exposed   
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 21:02:45 (PDT)
Batchu Praveen,
Yeah right. You won't kill a cow but you loving people will kill non-Hindus like they were cattle.
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 17:21:49 (PDT)
learning each day,
You wish to exploit Indian culture by pulling it apart by asking rude question all the time. You only wish to know the negative things about us. You look at us through a microscope. This is ridiculous. Noone cares about what you have to say. Why don't you look withink your own culture for flaws? We are a strong and wonderful culture that you cannot see. You can only see negative and horrible aspects. Its a shame that you are so blind. We are not violent people. We have love and warmth.
Batchu Praveen   
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 10:01:42 (PDT)
Dinesh (aka Batchu)
I don't think I asked any rude questions. It seems to me you're just a repressed jerkoff or maybe too embarrassed about your culture's dark secrets. Don't like discussing taboos?
NdN girl and Still Exists,
Thanks for the info
learning each day   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 19:56:07 (PDT)
Dear Learning Each Day,
You are ignorant and have not idea what you are speaking of. I think you need to do some studying and do true learning before you open your mouth to everyone. You ask very rude question all the time therefore, further humiliating yourself. Stop picking apart the indian culture and look inside your own. I am sure you will find many flaws indeed! Your culture is probably not perfect. For this I am quite sure!
from Dinesh D'Souza   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:14:54 (PDT)
To Learning Each Day:
Found this link at Human Rights Watch about the caste system and how the Dalits, the Untouchables, still continue to suffer:
Still exists   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 10:14:08 (PDT)
learning each day
the caste system is not enforced in india, maybe among some parts but definitely not widely. And in America it is unheard of. Many indian families don't even rememeber to what caste they belongED to. In fact my parents never told me anything about the caste system, i learned of it when i was in 7th grade, that should tell you something about the caste system in America. Those things are old now and are forgotten.
NdNgirl..anything else?   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:37:03 (PDT)