Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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thankyou, i was about to say the same thing. Hey batchu, grow up!
Mr. Hann   
Friday, October 25, 2002 at 16:11:16 (PDT)
Baseless Count says
If somebody is saying the same childish idea like: Well Americans, French, Japanese tend to be cleaner, prosperous and more educated than Chinese, Indians, and Koreans. How should you feel?
count basses says
Well Chinese, Indians, and Koreans tend to be more prosperous and more educated than Vietnamese, laotians, and Cambodians. I guess they feel the need to have an inferiority complex.
countless basse .... you doing the exact same thing that countbasse did by making your comment.... americans are dirty!!! have you been to any of their homes?? in what other culture do you media portray their own culture as messy as the usa.....and also koreans are the most successful (education, income) wise out of all minorities in the usa...(read the article comparing 5 asian nationalities here on gold sea) so your statement is wrong ... and basse count... i dont think you have the right to say whos more cleaner,prosperous then who... some countries might be cleaner but thats probably because they have more time because they make more money, and have less children.. its linked that more prosperous(money wise) nations tend to have less children.. and children are a huge mess! that only in the home.. and also in the nation itself they have more funds to clean streets and etc.. and BATCHU PRAVEEN.. talk about not being prejudiced.... your whole statement is prejudice!
just my thought...   
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 06:39:11 (PDT)
And so what are you implying? Are you implying that we have an inferiority complex because we are more prosperous and intelligent than the vietnamese and cambodians?
Intelligence has nothing to do with it my ignorant friend, work ethic and culture are the vital roles for higher prosperity and education.
I have to say that the koreans and chinese are also less knowledgable that us in a great many ways.
Such as? If you Indians are so much more knowledgeable than the Koreans and Chinese, than please elaborate why India is much poorer than both nations. Just because the top 1% elite of your society leaves and finds prosperity outside of your native motherland does not give you bragging rights. You must realize that out of all the Indians on earth, less than 1% of the total population are prosperous. For every wealthy living Indian overseas, there are about a million starving from hunger in the motherland. Atleast the prosperous non-resident Chinese are concerned with the poverty of their motherland in which they've invested to help fund China's development, what's your excuse?
We surpass all other Asian in this. This has been proven and a fact.
Umm an elaboration would be nice, you know what they say, he who asserts himself must prove himself.
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 02:36:14 (PDT)
From Batchu Praveen Monday, August 26, 2002 at 15:02:45 (PDT)
Greetings 20/20. You are misinformed and sadly blind and quite dumb. We indians are asian yet we are much above the ones such as the chinese, koreans, japanese and therefore. We have better standards and hold true to our beliefs unlike the other asians. We are separate from other asian because we have strong religious belief system. We have structure and elite values unlike the rest.
Bottom line is Batchu is a confirmed and certified racist, therefore nothing he says is valid or worthy of serious discussion. I rest my case, your honor.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 16:04:48 (PDT)
Count Bassee,
Please shut your trap, it's Asians like you that give us a bad name thinking and implying that you are better than others. I've met Vietnamese that have outperformed Chinese and Indians, hmm I wonder what a bigot like you would have to say about that. In fact, if you checked statistics in Houston, Vietnamese doctors outnumber Chinese, Korean, and Indian MD's, so much for your little theory about the Viets.
You are no better and as far as your ignorant comment goes:
>>>I have to say that the koreans and chinese are also less knowledgable that us in a great many ways.>>>
False, here it is:
India vs. China: China's GDP growth, exports and inward FDI are all greater than India's. Economic reforms are about a decade behind in India as well. Overseas Chinese are also more affluent and also have a good number of manufacturers; traders and exporters who have helped China boost its exports of manufactured goods.
>>>We surpass all other Asian in this. This has been proven and a fact.>>>
Surpass who in what? Being the most knowledgeable Asians? Hmm didn't know such a statistic even existed. Over in America, you guys have the highest annual median income, that just means that if you gathered all working Indians currently working in the U.S. your median income is a little bit higher than the rest, that doesn't mean anything as other Asian ethnic groups such as the chinese and koreans have also amounted great affluence as well. Okay with that said, show me in any other region in this world that the Indians have dominated the economies of their adopted nations the way Chinese have (BTW you do not dominate the U.S. economy). Take a look at Southeast Asia, Chinese make up less than 3 percent of Indonesia's 202 million yet control nearly 75 percent of the corporate wealth there, with Thailand it's 10% and 80%, Phillipines 2% and 70%, Malaysia 40% and about 80%. Show me in any region of the world that ethnic Indian minorities have been able to accomplish such astounding economic figures. In fact, the Indians living in SE Asian countries are actually much poorer than those in U.S. breaking the stereotype that you guys perform financially better than everyone else in the world. In fact, based on overall figures it's the Chinese who perform the best financially in their adopted nations.
If you choose to not believe me and accuse me of propaganda fine, let me corroborate with these sites:
These sites were all written by Indian authors BTW which prove there is no Chinese bias.
Either way, the main reason I responded to the two of you is because it's Asians like you who give us a bad name, always harboring the misconcept that your better than that person etc so I took the pleasure of refuting the both of you. Bottom line is, we're all Asians we should be proud of who we are but not prideful, there is a difference.
Kellogg MBA   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 15:55:03 (PDT)
If somebody is saying the same childish idea like: Well Americans, French, Japanese tend to be cleaner, prosperous and more educated than Chinese, Indians, and Koreans. How should you feel?
Baseless Count   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 18:41:43 (PDT)
Count Bassee,
And so what are you implying? Are you implying that we have an inferiority complex because we are more prosperous and intelligent than the vietnamese and cambodians? I have to say that the koreans and chinese are also less knowledgable that us in a great many ways. We surpass all other Asian in this. This has been proven and a fact.
You are speaking in fabrication. You are obviously someone who appeared to be unclean and some sort of a threat to the doctor. Why else would she have been afraid to touch you? The healthcare profession can be a very dangerous experience. She probably had valid reason for not laying her hands near you. There are many unclean people in this world. This has nothing to do with us being prejudice. We are just highly cautious. And you say cutting in line? Tell that to the rude chinese and korean. They are the line cutters at the grocery, and amusement park.
Batchu Praveen.   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 10:42:01 (PDT)
Well Chinese, Indians, and Koreans tend to be more prosperous and more educated than Vietnamese, laotians, and Cambodians. I guess they feel the need to have an inferiority complex.
Count Bassee   
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:19:00 (PDT)
Someone commented on indian doctors,
I personally have nothing against east indian people. But sometimes they seem like the most prejudiced Asian culture. I went to the doctors office and had a Dr.Mohiuddin. She was supposed to examine me to see if I had cysts. This woman refused to do the pelvic and acted like she was afraid to touch me. It wasn't like I was dirty or something. I have very good hygiene and wear clean neat clothes. I couldn't understand what her problem was. It got so bad with this doctor that I had to go and complain to the director. I found out that she has had some similar complaints from other non_Indian patients. I also find that they behave arrogant at stores and almost always deliberately cut in line, and bump into you without even remotely apologizing. Whats that about? These experiences I have had certainly does not speak for the entire Indian population. I will say that it honesty makes me look at them in a different light.
Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:10:56 (PDT)
Least accepted Asian? Someone told me that the least accepted Asian is vietnamese. In school, the koreans and the chinese looked down on the vietnamese, cambodians and laotians because they had lower economic status. Many of them were FOBs' and the others felt they were better than them. I don't think it was right because, many of the vietnamese/cambodians/&laotians were very naturally kind, intelligent and were loyal friends to the very end. Many people did not see it in this way. I saw them get hit with lots of discrimmination. Its bad enough the whites and blacks weren't nice to them and treated them like dirt. The other Asians treated them even worse sometimes. Mocking their accents, and making fun of their clothes. I remember a straight 'A' student korean girl who could barely speak in english making rude loud stupid sounds, mocking their accents behind their backs. Sad. Those people that thought in that way are nothing but losers. This least accepted stuff is pathetic. Who cares who accepts who. Whats important is the person on the inside. Ethnic origin doesn't mean jack.
who cares anyways   
Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 16:44:22 (PDT)
Wasn't Decon some sort of Rat Poisoning Agent back in the 80s? haha!
Decon the rat killer   
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:35:30 (PDT)
you're exaggerating. Christians are the most aggressive people in the US and in America in general. Ever heard of the KKK?
The most dangerous Indians in the West are those sexual gurus who spread AIDS. But they are not even necessarily Hindus.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 19:50:17 (PDT)
I have to agree with NdN gurl. I think Decon's comment is crazy. This proves in fact that he is a crazy man that doesn't have the correct facts. He is also someone that needs to do more thorough researching. Men like this should keep quiet.
Batchu Praveen   
Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 11:40:14 (PDT)
your statements are just that they are factless, where are you getting your statistics from?? And just to let you let you know there are many sects of hinduism, so even if your statements had any truth to them it really wouldn't apply to all hindus in the name of hinduism.
silly girl my a$$   
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 19:53:20 (PDT)
Actually I'm not a Pakistani or a Muslim. But to lay a few stats on you about how tolerant and non-violent Hindus are, since 1947 40,000 Kashmiri Muslims, 29,000 Sikhs, 45,000 Christian Nagalanders and 18,000 Tamil Buddhist have been killed by Hindus. As far as the bombing in Gujurat is concerned, what about the Babri Mosque destroyed back in 92 and the 12,000 odd Muslims killed by non-violent Hindus silly girl.
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 01:53:20 (PDT)
I think your absolutely crazy for what you wrote, exactly where in the headlines did it EVER read "hindu terrorist attack!!" ummm...hmmmm NEVER!! thats the MOST outrageous thing i have ever heard! Why do you think that most hindus are only indian? The answer is because we don't press our religion on to other people, we DO NOT seek converts, like many other religions, esp. Islam and Christianity. Why do you think we DO NOT eat meat? the answer is because we do not wish to hurt any animal, let alone a human being!! please educate yourself!
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 19:59:40 (PDT)