Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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it happens
Indians kissing up to whites? Oh please, as i said before you aren't indian so you shouldn't speak for us. And if you want to go into the subject of kissing up, you might as well have said that asians kiss up to whites, if you think that this is just an indian thing, think again, it isnt just us. But i really don't know where your getting your info from, cause i dont know one indian that kisses up to any race.
u got told..yet again   
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 17:03:31 (PST)
NdN gurl,
I never claimed to represent the entire Indian community. I have only spoken from personal experience and observation. I do however feel that you have misjudged me to feel that I am indo-centric. I am articulate, but not indo-centric in any shape of the matter.
"Indians really kiss up to whites"
You are incorrect. The chinese and korean have been well known for this sort of behavior. Look at your very own comments on various boards as an example. You have lost your identity to the point of downgrading your very own along with other cultures in the midst. I have also seen your poor comments of:
"Ohhh I am so intrigued by the thought of having a baby with a Persian or Arab woman"
"Oh I simply LOVE kabobs with RICE!!!"
Also "Persian are so much like my culture. They are sooo beutiful and wonderful. My own culture..well, its okay" Also "Oh, I wonder how the Persian people feel about this" and "How do the Persian culture feel about that"
You are very sad and a shame. You foolishly point the finger and it is ridiculous. People may not agree with everything I express. NdN gurl is correct, people may even feel angry at my words. I do guarrantee one thing is that you are disgrace to Chinese. You wish to be Persian, Arab, White or something else instead of Chinese Asian. I do not wish to be anything but who I am as Asian Indian Man. Too bad sorry for you. It is sad. Unlike you, I am proud in my culture. I find my women the most beautiful and I am never ashame of this. I am proud of my mother tongue being Hindi, and being fluent in Marathi, Assamese,Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi
Sanskrit,Sindhi,Tamil,Urdu and English. Unlike you, I feel no shame for my culture and who I am. You cannot say the same because it is impossible.
Batchu Praveen   
Friday, December 06, 2002 at 13:01:39 (PST)
u got told,
One thing for sure I know is that Indians really kiss up to whites. They even see poor white trash as gods over non-whites (who might be more richer).
it happens   
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 22:48:44 (PST)
Learn to comprehend, cuz what i meant by your opinion being 1 billionth that of the entire indian community's is just that! Your opinion, however skewed it may be, is just as valid as anyone elses, but for others to get angry at it and start stereotyping is stupid because you are only one person's view representing an entire groups, it doesnt work! You, my friend, are a perfect example of what i mean by indo-centric.
NdNGurl..pick up a book   
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 16:17:08 (PST)
"Its very readily seen that the both of you take what Batchu says to heart, a little TOO much, his opinion is 1/billionth that of the entire community"
My opinion happens to be just as valuable and important as everyone elses. Nothing more nothing less. This does not determine inferiority or a superiority.
It Happens,
I came across this article:
("My 3 year old son struck a deal with me. He will say a few words of Hindi if I learn a few words of spanish from him!(he learns it at school). His wife(pretend wife, thank God!) also speaks spanish. So while he pins some wings on me(re.Sangeetha's comment) I am hoping that he will be rooted in enough curiousity like your OD to connect with at least one indian language. How I wish there was a Barney look alike in indian languages")-Amita
Chan ahe...mala articel avadale...
This is an example of how family, pride and community is highly valued in our culture. It also shows that your comment:
"I know alot of Indians and Pakistanis who wish they were Persian, Arabic,etc. If not they wish to be identified with whites whom they call "Aryan").
This is very rare what you are speaking of. In all actuality, most of us do not wish to be White nor otherwise. Just because you wish you were not Chinese does not determine anything. Yes, you wish you were perhaps Arabic, and Persian this does not mean everyone else is unhappy with themselves as you have proven to be. Blaiming and pointing your finger in the other direction does not change the truth.
Batchu Praveen   
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 14:49:50 (PST)
it happens
Exactly who are these indians you know? Most indians are very indo-centric and the last thing they would want to be considered as is arabic, let alone white. So please dont speak for us, you arent one of us therefore you dont know, and don't use the oh so famous "i know a lot of (fill in the blank)" statement to justify YOUR view.
u got told..it happens!   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 16:21:35 (PST)
sad isnt it and facts
As i have said before you are both sad and very much need to get your facts straight. Now living in america, a lot of your conclusions can be percieved as somewhat true. But the world is not america alone, other countries such as england recognize indians to be "asians" and chinese japanese, and koreans to be "orientals" the first thing that comes to mind for them and other European countries when the word "asian" is brought up are indians and pakistanis, NOT chinese etc. And when i said "thats a lot of diversity" I meant that only three asian groups out of the total number that make up the asian community are being represented, it was you, sad to say, that interpreted it as looking all the same. And yes you did imply that indians were not represented well in the asian community, thats is FAR off from the truth, and silicon valley is just one of many examples, that is why i brought it up. And to "facts" we are not seen as middle easterners, at least not in the minds of WELL educated people, which im assuming from your statement you are not. And lets get this straight, our ENTIRE community is EXTREMELY diverse. The only group of indians that were esp. hard hit after 9/11 were the sikh punjabis, because of their turbans totally unrelated to the taliban. I myself being a light skinned gujarati, have not felt one bit of discrimination, so to say we are thought of as 'middle easterners' is even stupider than saying all east asians are the same. Most Americans, is very vague, for all we know "most" americans could mean beer drinking red necked illiterate folk, so whose to say what's most? And how could you explain the violence felt by pakistanis and indians after 9/11..hmm simple, i already stated why for indians, but for pakistanis, they're mostly MUSLIM! so it's very easy for them to be discriminated against. It's very readily seen that both of you take what Batchu says to heart, a little TOO much, his opinion is 1/ billionth that of the entire indian community, so why are you so worked up?
NdNgurl..lets get real   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:39:59 (PST)
i love east indians
jello knight00@hotmail.com   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:17:40 (PST)
Batchu Praveen,
I don't have the slightest idea of what you are trying to imply. I have travelled the world over to know and appreciate the cultures of others.
Oh, yeah, whatever, I know a lot of Indians and Pakistanis who wish they were Persian, Arabic, etc. If not, they wish to be identified with whites (whom they call "ARYANS").
That's true, but the Chinese from mainland China, as well as the Russians and Ukrainians I met were still more civil compared to Armenians from the former USSR. Armenians are still a very Middle Eastern influenced people, although they are Christian. I know that people in the Middle Eastern culture is taught to speak louder and be aggressive in communication, but you find less of that amongst the Middle Easterners in USA because they come from higher classes who are more Westernized.
TK Chang,
Exactly that is what I was trying to say.
it happens   
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 22:59:48 (PST)
Steven you know that your words are infantile.
Who's Steven? My name is Calvin, idiot. Oh and infantile or not, just about everyone who's argued against you thus far has been able to prove a valid point. SO yeah infantile but valid HAHAHA
There is no need for me to elaborate on something that has already been proven as a fact.
You can prove a subjective argument?
Indians are so recognized within the Asian community.
Really? Is that why the first thing that pops up into a non-asians mind when he hears the word asian are Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans?
I am quite accepted by colleage and workmates.
But how does that prove your acceptance within the Asian community?
Your point is quite irrelevant indeed, unfortunately.
Oh no my ignorant friend, it is very relevant. I made the statement that the Indian community is not a recognized figure in the Asian community and not nearly as recognized as the oriental community, you responded by telling me that you are accepted by your colleagues. Well let's start with the fact that you did not elaborate your situation to me. Who are your colleagues? If they are fellow Indians then that is already invalid. Because being accepted by one of your own does not mean being accepted by the majority. If they are white then, you've made a valid point. However, ask them if they think of people like you when they hear of the word Asian.
In England I was accepted as well as here in the United States. I have not once felt shunned, even after the 9/11.
Well that's good, but like I said, your acceptance does not speak for your entire community.
Sad Isn't it?   
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 17:12:32 (PST)
>>>Oh please, we indians not recognized in the asian community?, and what asian groups make up this community? koreans? chinese? japanese?>>>
Sad to say but it's the truth, when people think of Asians they do not think of Indians but rather orientals.
>>>Thats a lot of diversity.>>>
Just because we look the same does not mean our cultures are the same. That would be like me saying you Indians are one in the same with the Arabs and we know that is not true.
>>>We are just as successful if not more so than the chinese, silicon valley is full of indians.>>>
True, but I've never denied that.
>>>You know you shouldn't take what batchu says to be true and then base all indians off of it, don't be mad at us for him.>>>
Okay, I apologize it's just when someone rips on my culture and ethnicity I tend to get a little jumpy. I think I can speak for everyone when I say "No one cares what Batchu thinks".
Sad Isn't it?   
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 16:56:53 (PST)
You are one disturbed guy. No one associate Asian Indians as "asian" in US, don't you know that? Asian Indians are seen as middle easterners by most
Americans, closer to Arabs. How else could you explain the violence many Indians and Pakistanis suffered after
9-11 throughout the country?
In England Indians are well accepted?
Are you nuts? Heard of Paki bashing?
Indians and pakistanis are often the targets of random violence by white kids and black kids. East Asians ( Japanese, Korean, Chinese)are much , much better received than Asian Indians and Pakis. Matter of fact,East Asians aren't even grouped together with Indians and Pakistanis, we are refered to as "Orientials" while rest including Indians are refered to as "Asian."
I don't dislike Indians or Pakistanis but you have to get your facts straight.
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 15:47:27 (PST)