Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following Asian nationalities enjoys the highest level of acceptance in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following Asian nationalities faces the highest level of hostility in the U.S.?
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Filipino |
Corean |
Japanese |
Indian |
Which of the following nationalities or ethnicities -- other than your own -- would you most prefer to marry?
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Corean |
Japanese |
Filipino |
Caucasian |
African American |
Latino |
(Asian) Indian |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Counter Little Scrub Muncher,
*HAHA. lame Chinese boy couldn't even come up with something original.
OOOOH figures the racist, socially inept Korean would be screaming right now.
* Racist? Who moi?
First, you 're a liar like some of the Chinese such as "Realist" character I encountered here.
You're accusing someone else of lying? HAHA that's just funny.
* Is this you Realist scrub??? First you hijacked my tag name and posted lies and now what are you crying about?
Second, better leave the Coreans out of you argument.
And what exactly are you going to do if he doesn't? LOL internet threats, yeah what a tough guy our little munchkin friend is.
My dear pygmy dishwasher, try not to take things too seriously. Obviously you're a little Chinese boy with major inferiority complex like some of your comrades. It seems there are more Chinese on this website claiming Persian, Arab, Russians, Jewish, Martian lineage than any other.
I also read such postings but to be fair I think its only one particular Chinese guy who's posting such comments. And just as NdNGurl said its unfair to assume or blame a whole group based on one guy's opinion.
Yet you constantly stereotype and rip on the entire Chinese race based on a few arguments (Arguments in which you start BTW). LOL like AC said, "Wipe the L off your head loser".
* PAHAHA! Like quoting your corny big brother AC Dropout? As my name IMPLIES wuss, I only counter attack all the lying Chinese like yourself and Chinatown who has a habit of badmouthing Coreans then turning around and and wimpering "you started!"
Drop that opium pipe Realist, oh I meant Steven, say no to drugs!
Counter Puncher   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 19:03:02 (PST)
[Okay, let's put away the icepicks and get back on topic. --Ed]
If I wasn't interested or proud of my heritage I wouldn't even be on this site. You are right that there are many East Asian women (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.) who sell-out. But, those people don't even bother to share their stories on this forum or any other Asian forum for that matter.
I'm 3rd generation Chinese-American; no one in my family bothered to teach me what it really means to be well versed in Asian culture and pride. I have come to pick up the pieces myself. It isn't even a coincidence that we are all bound to lose our traditions and thinking in a society like the USA. Pardon me, but I don't where you live? This is just the reality in my society. I'm not one bit mad at you as I know you are trying to tell me to recognize my background and heritage. I do, and if you have followed my previous posts, it seems like I am the only one posting articles on Chinese history (albeit selectively).
About girls, let's just leave it at that. We all have our own preferences (I grew up in a neighborhood where I mostly see Persian and Armenian all my life), and I am not kidding you when I know some couple of Indians and Pakistanis in the USA who go for other than their own girls (at least for dating).
Besides, you don't know the hostility surrounding Chinese people here in USA and the world (esp. vis-a-vis other East Asians). I often felt that I have to step out of my box to know the cultures of others and not have Han Chinese chauvinism as many non-Chinese East Asians put it to be.
I also hope Indian people would someday get over the Aryan fantasy concepts and know that they are and never will be accepted by those blonde Nordics who laugh at the idea of being cousins to Indians.
it happens   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 17:43:30 (PST)
it happens,
"I do find Persian and Middle Eastern women to always be more beautiful than my own East Asian ones. So what?"
It sounds much as if you have transformed into a would-like-to-be middle easterner. No offense, but I think you're excusing sexual urges.
However, many other East Asians don't like middle eastern temperament. (So why do you like it?) I admit I was also impressed when I saw e.g. shiite temperament. But would I do it myself? -NOOO!!!Never! I only like Muslims when they're the only other Asians in my environment. But whenever I get the choice I keep sticking to my own people.
Asians who keep cool when whites go mad are the best, I think. And that's not middle easterners.
east AM   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 15:51:11 (PST)
"I am proud to be chinese but that does not eliminate me from also being proud of other"
Okay I do have to say that it is finally good to hear you say that you are proud. But do you truly mean this? You need to be proud because there are enough weakminded asian in this world who do not carry on cultural tradition with pride. When I say this I am referring to all asian. I am sure there may be asian indian who do this, but if so I guarrantee this is extreme rarity. I think that it is okay to embrace other culture to gain knowledge and experience. I find nothing wrong with that. Losing oneself asian identity is disgrace.
Batchu Praveen   
Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 07:07:16 (PST)
"I do find Persian and Middle Eastern women to always be more beautiful than my own East Asian ones. So what?"-
"I find the Persian face more beautiful than east asian ones"-
"Its jealousy" "International business, blah blah blah"- hahahaaa!!! so funny!!! still pointing the finger and making excuses.
Just listen to him everyone. Just listen. Hahaha! It is amusing yes? Yet quite sad. Too bad for him. Can you all believe him? How does everyone feel about this sort of comment? Sure, I make people angry many occasion with some of my comment and feeling. This one is much worse than any comment or feeling I have ever expressed. At least I have much cultural dignity and pride. This man? He has none. Isn't this so sad for him? I do not hate him. He seems to be basically a nice gentleman. On the other hand, I honestly feel sorry for him. He looks in the mirror and still does not see himself or his ways.
Counter Puncher,
I only mentioned the Korean because of some personal dealings I have had. I do however agree with you and NdNGurl. I should not generalize that all Korean population do this or that. So I am willing to apologize for sounding insulting to them. I did not realize.
Batchu Praveen   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 20:25:56 (PST)
AM, NW Knights, and to some extent counter puncher
You all have made VERY valid conclusions. I have NOTHING against the chinese, i have not attacked "it happens" or any other person based on what ethnicity they are, i am attacking their views. This is why i first started to reply to "it happens" ignorant comments on indians, because Batchu has something against the Chinese, so he had to go and attack the Indians. That's childish, and it happens had already said that whenever someone rips on his ethnic. he gets "jumpy" why don't both of you see (Batchu and it happens) that when it comes down to it we are all ASIANS, and a minority at that, work together instead of against, you only get more accomplished with more numbers, and i think it's safe to assume that the chinese and indians are positive representatives of the asian community, and only those who are ignorant don't consider indians a BIG part of this community. We need more people like "AM" because he has a good mindset, and is open minded.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 18:32:22 (PST)
Indians have an advantage over Asian in Asian countries
Hmm that's funny, I see no economic domination of Indian minorities in any of the Asian countries I've been to. Most of the successful Indians are actually living in North America or Europe.
because they get to go over to America to study more.
Yeah it's called the top 1% brain drain.
Did you know Indians make up the majority of Asian foreign exchange students.
Nope, Japanese make up the most, Chinese and Korean following after.
Calvin Liu   
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 17:10:46 (PST)
I can't believe I'm actually going to support Batchu for once, but here it goes:
Counter Little Scrub Muncher,
OOOOH figures the racist, socially inept Korean would be screaming right now.
First, you 're a liar like some of the Chinese such as "Realist" character I encountered here.
You're accusing someone else of lying? HAHA that's just funny.
Second, better leave the Coreans out of you argument.
And what exactly are you going to do if he doesn't? LOL internet threats, yeah what a tough guy our little munchkin friend is.
I also read such postings but to be fair I think its only one particular Chinese guy who's posting such comments. And just as NdNGurl said its unfair to assume or blame a whole group based on one guy's opinion.
Yet you constantly stereotype and rip on the entire Chinese race based on a few arguments (Arguments in which you start BTW). LOL like AC said, "Wipe the L off your head loser".
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 17:07:00 (PST)
You don't make any sense if you say Indians kiss up to Whites. The sentence you just wrote is not even worded correctly in term of grammar.
Indians I don't think kiss up to white because they just don't. They face the same prejudice and hardship of being Asian, and yes I do believe Indians are Asian, why wouldn't they be their country share the Asian Continent.
Indians have an advantage over Asian in Asian countries because they get to go over to America to study more. Did you know Indians make up the majority of Asian foreign exchange students.
I think if Indians and other Asian bond together we will make a strong force in American society. Lets keep our facial and skin difference aside and work together to build a powerful Asian-American community in America.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 07:33:15 (PST)
Actually there does seem to be quite a few Chinese who like going around claiming how 'close' they are to Persians and how they have lots of genetic and cultural contributions from them, and vice versa. Not only here but on other parts of the Internet as well. Probably 'cuz there are "caucasoid" and truely Aryan. And then these Chinese have the gall to accuse others (Koreans, Indians, Flips, etc.) of being white-washed.
Monday, December 09, 2002 at 07:28:37 (PST)
"Ohhh I am so intrigued by the thought of having a baby with a Persian or Arab woman"
First, you 're an liar like some of the Chinese such as "Realist" character I encountered here.
Second, better leave the Coreans out of you argument. I also read such postings but to be fair I think its only one particular Chinese guy who's posting such comments. And just as NdNGurl said its unfair to assume or blame a whole group based on one guy's opinion.
Counter Puncher   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:51:49 (PST)
I do find Persian and Middle Eastern women to always be more beautiful than my own East Asian ones. So what? It is the obvious fact and what can I do about it? Nobody says I am born and must only like the women from my own race and features! Yes, I do find the Persian face more beautiful than the East Asian ones. So what? It is just a preference and in this day and age, it is not even an issue.
it happens   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:24:03 (PST)
Why do Indians keep having this image that they are Aryan when a look in the mirror reveals the truth?
Indian airlines staff snub Chinese and Japanese customers who sit first-class while catering servilely to poor whites from Eastern Europe.
A lot of sites, I have seen Indians trash China and the Chinese. Yes, including those Persian ones. A lot of it is jealousy that international business is focused on China and not India. India was democracy and market economy for 50 years but nothing has come out of it. So now, China is taking off after 3 decades of market reforms and this is where the resentment between Indians and East Asians originate.
it happens   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:22:01 (PST)
Batchu, Ndngurl,
I am enlightened enough to appreciate the cultures of others. And, yes, I have said the same things I said on various Persian and Iranian sites. They are more hospitable and welcoming because they know many of themselves might have an East Asian ancestor down the line. You should know that Iranian genes is 8% East Asian mtDNA and paternal ones can be higher. Moguls, Turks and even Chinese have come to settle down in Iran. I read about this in www.iranian.com in the history section. So, why is it self-hate where there does exist the link between Chinese and Iranians? How do you think Iranians got the word "chap" (printing) and "chai" (tea)???
I am proud to be Chinese and American, but that does not eliminate me from also being proud of others. If you any lick of Chinese history, during our Tang Dynasty, everything Persian was the vogue and adopted. Anything from food, dress, music, religions and yes, even limited amount of mixing. The most coveted female dancers were Sogdians and Iranians, many of whom ended up concubines of Chinese aristocrats during Tang.
I am only following an old Chinese tradition my friend.
it happens   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 17:14:47 (PST)