

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following accessories would a stylish AA woman never leave home without?
Killer shoes | 27%
Dazzling eyewear | 6%
Knockout bag | 34%
Stunning watch | 8%
Breathtaking necklace | 16%
Cute cellphone or pager | 7%
Exquisite Earrings | 2%

What's the most important job of a great accessory?
Compensate for so-so clothes | 16%
Serve as your style statement | 75%
Distract from physical imperfections | 9%

Which of the following brands of accessories enjoys the most cache among your Asian female acquaintences?
Tiffany | 16%
Cartier | 20%
Gucci | 22%
Chanel | 19%
Louis Vuitton | 21%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Brands are cool, but really buy them when one can afford to. No point of hurting one's self to impress, but own them because you can. This society, however, does judge people by what they wear. That's of course from my personal experience.
Nersa    Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 19:13:45 (PDT)
you know what I love most?
shoes. If you have great shoes on, it's best if your clothes are plain. then they stand out all the more! and if they are super comfortable and great looking then you're really in luck!
shoes-y    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 15:19:10 (PDT)
ok, I'm going to try to add one more comment to this stupid arguement about Japanese girls being regular prostitutes. I don't think it's true. If you didn't know better, you'd probably think that American teens were turning to prostitution all the time too -but it's only a certain type of person who ends up this way. It's not your run of the mill regular teen. And I'm sure it's the same in Japan.
still don't believe it    Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 19:06:36 (PDT)
I found one too:

"In addition to outlawing child pornography, the new rules also banned sex with a minor under 18 years of age both in Japan and foreign countries. It was introduced to put a stop to the growing amount of prostitution by school girls, so called "enjo-kosai."

J girls are sluts    Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 19:28:00 (PDT)

[Enough of that. Let's get back on topic. --Ed]
Still don't believe it? Read this article, see this line- "While I am critical of the legislation for setting an upper age limit of 17 and therefore not protecting all women from the abuse of prostitution, it will help fight prostitution tours to Asian countries by Japanese, and it also is the first legislative attempt to control so-called "enjo kosai" in Japan in which men pay teen-age girls for dates that often include sex."


question??    Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 19:21:43 (PDT)
hey skanky --

maybe you are, but I am still rejecting this story!! How can this be true?? How can it be just a regular pocket money job??
no way! this cannot be true!    Friday, April 12, 2002 at 06:51:39 (PDT)
I wondered how the Japanese girls had the money for such expensive items.. now I know. It's got to have some truth to it, if it's been in numerous articles and tv shows.
skanky    Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 10:04:30 (PDT)

I saw something about that on tv too, and it wasn't on a trashy channel, it was something respectable like CBC or some other semi-documentary type educational programming. I think it was something that was led into by Geisha stories. I don't know that I believe it even though it appeared on a "non-trash" channel/program slot.

they said it was common (?!!) among not just really trashy ho-type street girls, but also regular school girls and other young adults/and regular people. Sort of like a "for pocket money" type job. I just don't believe it. they showed this girl that looked really cute that wasn't really used up looking, and she was speaking Japanese (which i don't speak so maybe the subtitles were all wrong for all I know...)

still, I just can't believe it.
totally rejecting this story!!    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 15:53:20 (PDT)
I've read a few articles about this and want to know if it's true- that teenage Japanese high school girls will sleep with older, often married, men so they will buy them an expensive status bag, like Chanel, Prada or Louis Vuitton. Is this really the case? I find it sickening.
question??    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 09:54:10 (PDT)
guys in skate clothes r dead sexy me thinks. and as for the cologne thing...nah i reckon ur right. it smells tacky somehow. i like the fresh baby smell..mMm. lol. how they'll achieve it i dont knw.
spantabulous    Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 13:54:07 (PST)