

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Is Keanu Reeves (Speed, A Walk in the Clouds, The Matrix) an Asian American actor?
No, because few people know he has any Asian blood. | 14%
Yes, because his natural father is a Chinese American born and raised in Hawaii. | 86%

Who is the Greatest Asian Male Star of All Time?
Bruce Lee | 51%
Jackie Chan | 8%
Chow Yun Fat | 15%
Toshiro Mifune | 3%
Jet Li | 6%
Jason Scott Lee | 3%
Russell Wong | 14%

Who is the Greatest Asian Female Star of All Time?
Anna May Wong | 2%
Nancy Kwan | 2%
Gong Li | 50%
Joan Chen | 35%
Tia Carrere | 1%
Ming-Na Wen | 4%
Michele Yeoh | 6%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
ha! i knew reeves had something in him. my mom and brother were like..."no no he's white!" oh, but now i know for a fact. he's a beautiful man (w/o the beard). don't you think?
cb    Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 09:33:34 (PDT)


For an MGM feature
from director Carl Franklin
Starring Denzel Washington

Funny, Asian character actor, 35 or older.
Film shoots 13 days from
mid-June through August in Miami.

Seeking recommendations from Theatre companies.

Please OVERNIGHT a picture/resume or, if possible, request scenes and actors can put themselves on tape.

Contact us at 323/782-8744 or by email at

Mark the envelope "OUT OF TIME" casting
And forward ASAP to:
Mali Finn Casting
303 N. Sweetzer Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Mali Finn Casting - Casting notice    Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 18:11:17 (PDT)
Will Yun Lee, a Korean, was named one of the 50 most beautiful people by People Magazine. I never heard of him but he is GORGEOUS! He plays a part on TNT's Witchblade and has tae kwon do training. His father is a former martial arts competitor in Seoul. The Virginia-born, 27 year old, 5'9 actor will have a role in this fall's Bond flick Die Another Day. He is soooo GORGEOUS, I think he will become a big name if everything goes right in his career.
most beautiful    Friday, May 10, 2002 at 09:10:06 (PDT)
Tia Carrere is the BEST, she's got the body and got the looks !!!

The rest of the names mentioned here in this category, is NOT EVEN Popular...I'm not sure if I have ever heard of them...who are they anyway ?????
Tia Carrere Sexiest and Most Beautiful Asian !!!    Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 13:21:27 (PDT)
Keanu Reeves is the WORST asian actor (I didnt even know he was part asian!). I use to think he was cute when I first saw him on speed...but then I saw Sweet November (dumbass movie) and realize he's a HORRIBLE actor. B/c of this, I have to take him off my 'good-looking celebrities' list. When an actor is being paid millions to do his job...he should at LEAST be good at it!!
be    Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 12:02:24 (PDT)
Tommy Chong's mother is White (Irish) & his father is Chinese (from Canada). I think that they (R.D. & Marcus) have another sister, too!
AsioPhile 81 says be groovy    Monday, April 29, 2002 at 16:34:19 (PDT)
Would love if Asian film producers stop dubbing films... maybe just put subtitiles. You can't appreciate the actor's abilities if it's someone else's voice!
kim sen    Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 16:18:28 (PDT)
what ever happened to Nancy Kwan? she was and is so beautiful and talented. I keep waiting to see an interview of her on the Lifetime channel (b/c they were doing regular interviews of actresses from our parents' generation). But they just only interview white actresses.

Oh yeah, they did interview Vera Wang once...but that was about it.
freckle face    Friday, April 26, 2002 at 14:47:20 (PDT)
Is Tommy Chong (from Cheech & Chong) Asian? Or was that just a stage name? You mean Rae Dawn Chong is part Asian?????????? Anyone know for sure?
surprised    Friday, April 26, 2002 at 14:38:14 (PDT)
Keanu's grandmother (his father's side) was Chinese.
freckle face CF    Friday, April 26, 2002 at 14:35:20 (PDT)
Oh God!!!!! Marcus!!! He is so sexy!!! UUUU!!
Laurana    Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 10:53:11 (PDT)