

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Asians who grew up in adoptive white families?
I can relate with them as I do with other AA. | 27%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 22%
I make an effort to be understanding of their situation. | 19%
I am unsure how to relate to them. | 32%

Assuming you are an Asian adoptee raised by a white family, which best describes your own feelings?
I feel perfectly comfortable around Asians. | 18%
I make an effort to fit in with Asians so I can reclaim my proper identity. | 38%
I have all but given up trying to fit in with Asians. | 27%
I am comfortable around Whites and see no reason to be with Asians. | 18%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"Why is it that out of all the races in the world, it is only we Asians who believe whites when they say they are superior to everyone?"

Actually Arabs, Taliban and everyone else in between believe that as well. When the Taliban emissary was asked yesterday, as to why they gave western aid workers to come to Afghanistan, pat came the answer: we do not have enough teachers in our country. Let us set the facts straight, there were more than enough teachers in Afghanistan. But, as they were women, they were not allowed to work. So the Taliban preferred the white men over their own women, thus promoting white supremacy.

Regarding people who want to deny their heritage, no one can beat the Lebanese in the US and add to that the Syrians as well. The Arabs blame the US for not addressing the Palestinian issue. The Jews remained a separate entity and voted for candidates who supported Israel. What did the Lebanese do? They passed for white (at least those who could), took Anglo Saxon spouses and basically became white and basically forgot their Lebanese roots, unless it was politically convenient. During the anti-Arab vendata many Arabs who looked white were never suspected as "terrorists." Dark ones got into trouble. Actually many dark skinned South Asians, even from South India got into trouble than Arabs.

Strangely one drop rule does not apply to Lebanese and other Arabs in Louisiana. If it did, 35% of the white population would be classified as Arabs, including many belonging to the KKK and the Nazi Party!!

So, no the Asians do not hold the distinction of successfully whitewashing themselves. Actually, they are not likely to succeed even if they tried.
Asian American    Monday, November 19, 2001 at 17:24:18 (PST)
None of the adoptees I have known have ever given a shit about Asian culture. Some even go out of their way to avoid contact with other Asians. Those who claim to be interested in their Asian roots generally possess the same attitude as those Irish-Americans who are fascinated by their "Celtic" ancestry, but who want nothing to do with real Irish-American communities. There's a difference between genuine culture and kitsch, don't you know.
Philly    Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 15:11:00 (PST)
Both unleashed and westernized Asian write a load of nonsense and emotional crap. Baby selling is going on, no doubt, but there are authentic adoption agencies both here in Singapore and elsewhere. White people prefer to adopt white looking kids from South America and Eastern Europe before they adopt Asians. No doubt this has to do with the racist mindset of the people back in the USA. If the Asian families in the US who are well off adopt kids who really did not have any homes, we would not having the problem of cultural genocide. It is the selfishness of the Asian Americans which is a major problem. Statistics tell us that only 1% of the Asian American families ever adopt, and that too only multi-ethnic Asians. Asians with different bloodlines such as Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese etc. Pure Korean families would not adopt an unwanted Chinese baby and give the baby home. Indians practicing caste system would not adopt Indians of different castes. The result, these babies end up in white homes.

May be Asian Americans would adopt more in the future as they intermarry among other Asians, but right now I am not optimistic. A child who is hungry does not give a damn about culture or traditions. It wants food. Unleashed and westernized asian can better serve our kind if they call us to arms to fight against the trafficking of Asian women and girls into prostitution for the enjoyment of western males. The trafficking of females from Asia is a bigger cultural genocide than the adoption of Asian babies by white couples. At least the kid would not be trafficked for prostitution.
Singapore    Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 17:39:56 (PST)
I never said Asian adoptees should be grateful for being adopted by white parents. All I stated was the fact that in my opinion, Asians who were brought up in a white household seem to be more eager to learn about their Asia-ness, weather it be culturally or racially. They are very unlike other Asians, who grew up with blood relatives, that are so willing to give up their culture and have no problems in denying their roots. I admire these Asian adoptees for wanting to learn more about themselves, their race, their culture, I said this is probably due to the fact that they (the adoptees) KNOW there is nothing special about White culture or the white race. They have an advantage over other Asians who grow up being told that to be white is to be right. Most Asians have a desire to whiten themselves and to disassociate themselves from everything and anything Asian. Let me it clear, NEVER did I mean to glorify the white adoptive parents!!!!!! I'm sure it would be the same if an Asian kid was adopted by a Black couple or any other non-Asian parents, the Asian kid would want to learn more about being Asian than your average Asian would. Basically, what I am saying is most likely, that I am disappointed in my fellow Asians, both in western countries and in Asia, who want to be as Asian-less as they can because they have been fed this crap about white superiority.
Why is it that out of all the races in the world, it is only we Asians who believe whites when they say they are superior to everyone? We should get of our asses and demand the respect we deserve!!! No more of this bullsh*t “perfect minority” sh*t. That is the real cultural and racial genocide. We are the only race who is willingly giving up our culture and race. It’s disgusting
Westernized Asian proud of my oriental roots    Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 03:01:15 (PST)
While I don't agree that all Asians should be adopted by white parents, I do agree that many adopted Asians have a desire to learn more about their heritage, perhaps to gain more of a sense of who they are and who their biological parents are. I believe that adoptees are also in a good position to observe the behavior of Asians who aren't adoptees - perhaps in part because adoptees are tackling the identity complex much earlier and/or longer than non-adoptee Asian Americans. It's inspiring that adoptees are proud of their backgrounds despite how they were raised or where they came from... despite the "cultural genocide" against them, they are still proud and willing to learn and love their Asian heritage.
Stay true.    Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 23:03:17 (PST)
Westernized Asian proud of my oriental roots wrote:
In my opinion all Asians should be adopted by White parents, becasue it seems to me that when Asians are reared by White parents they grow a love and will to learn more about the Asian culture and want to belong to the Asian community and race more than any other Asians do.

This is the biggest piece of horseshit I've heard/seen in a long time regarding this topic. I honestly don't believe the person who wrote this is even asian, much less adopted. This sounds like a piece of crap written by a white person who thinks that asian adoptees should be "thankful" that they were adopted by whites. The cultural phenomenon of whites adopting asians better known as cultural genocide is one of the unwritten horrors of the past 50 years. To date, over 250, 000 koreans alone have been adopted overseas to foreign countries. I am not placing blame on the whites who adopted children(but those who think that adoptees owe them ANYTHING, are sadly mistaken)but placing direct responsibility on the cultures which dictate that selling your children is an acceptable family value and business practice. The fact is, Korea, and certain SE asian countries aren't selling or exporting culture..they're selling children. These children do not come pre-equipped with asian culture, they come pre-equipped with asian faces. China will soon overtake korea as the leading asian country in the transracial adoption category. I am saddened by the numbers of chinese children that will be bought and sold like dry goods at a supermarket because of cultural norms and greedy business men. I think asian nations need to adress some of the cultural values that are currently in place in order to prevent another culture genocide occuring. And please, save your takes about how "that's they way it's always been" bullshit, because I'm not buying it. Slavery was a "cultural norm" in this country for a few hundred years, but that didn't make it right.    Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 01:22:52 (PST)
In my opinion all Asians should be adopted by White parents, becasue it seems to me that when Asians are reared by White parents they grow a love and will to learn more about the Asian culture and want to belong to the Asian community and race more than any other Asians do. I am an Asian guy who lives with my biologic parents, both Asian, and my Asian friends and their family and to some degree my own family have a feeling in which they strive or aspire to become Whiter. I believe we do this becasue we are not white and we don't really apreciate the bennifits and pride we should have of being Asian. On the other hand, Asians who were adopted by White parents have the advantage of knowing that there really is nothing extra special about White people or culture over other races or cultures. It saddens me to see Asians living in Western countries to be so willing to deny their roots and aspire to become "Whiter", but I also realize this isn't just a phenomenum which afects only Asians in western nations, it is even sadder to see that it is just as, or even more so, prevailant in asian countries as well. Let us realize how gifted we are, and how proud we should be to be asians. We are over 50% of the world's population, let's gain respect and love from others by first learning to love and respect ourselves, our culture and our race.
Westernized Asian proud of my oriental roots    Sunday, October 28, 2001 at 02:52:12 (PST)