

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Asians who grew up in adoptive white families?
I can relate with them as I do with other AA. | 27%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 22%
I make an effort to be understanding of their situation. | 19%
I am unsure how to relate to them. | 32%

Assuming you are an Asian adoptee raised by a white family, which best describes your own feelings?
I feel perfectly comfortable around Asians. | 18%
I make an effort to fit in with Asians so I can reclaim my proper identity. | 38%
I have all but given up trying to fit in with Asians. | 27%
I am comfortable around Whites and see no reason to be with Asians. | 18%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I was gonna say that the males in the society are valued moreso than the females, and they are the main ones put up for adoption, but I really don't know if that's the case.
T.B.    Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 10:15:26 (PST)
amusing ,

I guess you can chalk it up to Asian male dominant societies and Western's "Woody Allen" complex.
AC dropout    Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 18:55:08 (PST)
I think white families adopt only Asian females because white people perceive Asian females as submissive and easily controlled. Also, whites objectify Asian girls as toy dolls, China dolls. It is cute for them to have an Asian girl than an Asian guy. It goes to show me that white people are the most racist people on earth. There are plenty of black and hispanic children waiting to be adopted in the U.S., but these white families would rather travel half way around the world to hand pick their perfect subservient Asian girl.
Proud AM    Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 14:14:51 (PST)

"It is estimated that more than 100,400 Korean children were adopted by US families between 1955-1998. An estimated 141,000 Korean children were adopted world wide during that same time period. The South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare reports that 42% of these adoptees are male and 58% are female."

These are just statistics for Corean adoptees.

I wonder if the sex disparity has anything to do with a larger percentage of Corean females being put up for adoption than Corean boys, or with the possibility that even American-born girls are more likely to be adopted than American-born boys.

I have some Caucasian friends who adopted a Corean girl, then a few years later, when the biological mother had a son, my friends adopted him, too. Sister and brother are growing up together.
The reasons may be innocent    Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 13:54:48 (PST)
"She liked to smoke pot,...When she came back her attitude was totally different."

Many Asian countries have death penalty for those who possess weed or pot. May be she valued her life more after going to Korea.

Asian American Male    Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 13:16:21 (PST)

The reason why mostly girls are adopted is because it is VERY RARE for Asian Families in Asia, even the poor ones, to give up their sons. In China, the one-child policy only is allowed to be violated in rural areas for people whose first child is a daughter. where people need to try to have a son to help work the land. Many times, families are so desperate to have a son that they ABANDON their daughters as little kids so they can try to have a son.

Sons are considered more valuable in those societies which is why there are a lot of infant and toddler Asian girls out there to be adopted. Many of these White families who want to adopt don't care about the ethnicity of the child they adopt. In the US, the NAACP has done everything in it's power to make it nearly impossible for White families to Adopt orphaned or abandoned black children.

As a result of this, those families looking to adopt have go the international route--primarily Asia and Latin American nations where boys are treated as more valuable than girls. The end result is that the bulk of the children adopted internationally end up being GIRLS.

Korean American Adoptee who loves her White Family    Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 12:19:36 (PST)
Why is it that white people only adopt Asian female childs? You rarely hear them picking up a boy?
amusing    Monday, February 04, 2002 at 18:33:12 (PST)
I once dated a Korean raised in America. She had white parents. She wanted to be called Korean. I said, "What about corean American? or just plain American?" She said, "No, I am just plain Korean."

She liked to smoke pot, so I dumped her ass. I told her she should go back to korea and find out what a wonderful place that is. She went there and taught English. When she came back her attitude was totally different.

I wonder why?

Son of M.A.S.H. doctor    Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 12:08:01 (PST)