

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Asians who grew up in adoptive white families?
I can relate with them as I do with other AA. | 27%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 22%
I make an effort to be understanding of their situation. | 19%
I am unsure how to relate to them. | 32%

Assuming you are an Asian adoptee raised by a white family, which best describes your own feelings?
I feel perfectly comfortable around Asians. | 18%
I make an effort to fit in with Asians so I can reclaim my proper identity. | 38%
I have all but given up trying to fit in with Asians. | 27%
I am comfortable around Whites and see no reason to be with Asians. | 18%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Girls are cuter in general. You can do more things with them. Like play in their hair, have slumber parites, and dress them up. If I had a choice between an asian girl or boy child, I'd choose the girl. Also social workers in the U.S.A. feel the need to place childern with families of the same racial background. Which shouldn't matter along as the child will be placed in a home where he will be loved. That's the reason why there are more Hispanic and Black childern in foster care. Because social workers feel a white family won't be able to provide the emotional support a minoriy child would get from other persons of color. I think who better to teach a person of color in the U.S.A about racism than a white person. So, the white families adopt from over seas because the social workers there don't care that the family is a different color. All they care about is the money and the fact there will be one less child to feed. Racism is over-rated here in the U.S.
yosuone    Friday, February 08, 2002 at 22:09:32 (PST)
its hard being asian and having whites influence you all of your life. i have been told many times that i am not asian enough. and its extremely hard to date asian men too. basically, i think im better off being white.
Kim    Friday, February 08, 2002 at 16:19:48 (PST)
Proud AM:

It is a well known fact that the NAACP and other African American organizations has used lawsuits and the courts to block Whites from Adopting Black babies and children.

A lot of CPS agencies, Orphanages and other Foster Care agencies at the State Level have had so many problems with these organizations, protesting and filing repeated lawsuits to block White families from adopting Black babies that they now operate under the tacit understanding that Black Children can only be placed in White foster families and that the White foster families are made to sign documentation that they won't try to adopt these black children. However, if a black family wants to adopt a black child, it goes smooth as a hot knife through butter.

The problem is that there are many abandoned Black babies and children who need loving families and there are many childless White couples who are willing to adopt transethnically, including black children, but the NAACP thinks that this will "destroy the Black Community."

As a proud African American man who was raised by loving adoptive White Parents, I can tell you right now that this is a bunch of malarkey. Being raised in a stable nuclear family environment is something many of my fellow African Americans do not have the luxury of. Having been raised in that environment has contributed strongly to my success in my education and in my profession.

My parents never tried to hide that I was Black and never tried to make me "lose my roots." They made every effort to ensure that I learned about Black History, about the Civil Rights movement and about the beauty of Black American culture. They fostered relationships with colleagues who were African American so that I would have role models and examples whose faces resembled mine.

They also told me the truth about struggles I might face from other Whites who weren't so open-hearted--ridiculous traffic stops, my possibly being detained because I'd "fit the description" for no reason and such. When I went through struggles like that, they hurt with me and stood by me, regardless of what others thought.

I was lucky that it was easier for my parents to adopt me when I was little. Today, I would have probably grown up as a ward of the state thanks to crap I've described in this posting. If I were unable to have children and were unable to adopt a child in the US because of such idiocy, I'd probably be going the international route because it's easier.

By the way, my wife is also Black. We have two natural born daughters and two adopted children--a daughter from Korea and son from Guatamala. We chose to adopt because I grew up with the benefits of being adopted into a stable family and I decided I needed to pass on the wonderful gift my parents gave me.

So shut your mouth and be happy that those orphaned girls in Asia are being adopted and given a stable home, regardless of the skin color of the parents who want these children.
Devon McCallister    Friday, February 08, 2002 at 12:51:14 (PST)