Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Asians who grew up in adoptive white families?
I can relate with them as I do with other AA. |
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. |
I make an effort to be understanding of their situation. |
I am unsure how to relate to them. |
Assuming you are an Asian adoptee raised by a white family, which best describes your own feelings?
I feel perfectly comfortable around Asians. |
I make an effort to fit in with Asians so I can reclaim my proper identity. |
I have all but given up trying to fit in with Asians. |
I am comfortable around Whites and see no reason to be with Asians. |
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"...Every Asian couple wants boys--nobody wants girls. And then they have the nerve to complain that there are no girls to marry their boys!"
Do you mean in this country (US) or in Asia? Or both? In any case, you make excellent points. I see similiarities between Asian families in Asian countries and Asian families in general in the US. Both tend to favor boys. Female infanticide was practiced before China's one child policy and not necessarily for economic and legal reasons. My point is, couples were so ashamed of having given birth to a girl, that they would immediately abandon her in fields, river banks etc. to die. The lucky ones end up in orphanages or adoption centers. Female babies were a mark of shame and grief to many in China. Mothers of newborn female babies were actually beaten by their husbands' families for that reason. On the other hand, the births of male babies were celebrated with pride.
After decades (or centuries?) of female infanticide, the ratio of marriage-age men to women is now an abominable 6:1. Having said all this, I see a remarkable parallel between the shortage of females in China to the 30% outmarriage rate for AFs. Both result in availability issues although from very different causes. Very strange nonetheless. Perhaps AFs who outmarry are reincarnates of those dead babies? Just joking.
I totally agree with your statement that females in the US are truly wanted and not snuffed out of existence. Adoptees know that they are very fortunate to have such wonderful parents who went out of their way to find and love them. Adoptees are definitely wanted and cherished.
valued female   
Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 14:08:02 (PDT)
to Koryo Hunk
"...Caucasian males are vigorously privileged over Caucasian females...countless cases of wife beatings, killings, rapes, etc. of Caucasian females by Caucasian males in marriages or otherwise"
This is not just Caucasian but every other race including our very own precious Asian race, Koryo. If you replace the word Caucasian with Asian, Hispanic, Afrikan, Middle Eastern, you would be absolutely correct as well.
Fact is, women have been so seriously maligned, subjected to humiliation, degradation, and repression for so long now (since the start of humankind?) that it's almost ridiculous to even begrudge us the few (so very pathetically few) cases where we are given priviledge status. If Asian female adoptees appear to be vigorously privileged over Asian male adoptees (here in the US), then it's about damn time somebody thought females are desirable and not a burden to society, don't you think? At least here in the US, we are truly wanted and not snuffed out of existence (or given away like puppies and kittens) because we lack the physical traits that allow us to carry on the family name in a male-dominated legal system. Every Asian couple wants boys--nobody wants girls. And then they have the nerve to complain that there are no girls to marry their boys!
Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 22:11:56 (PDT)
In China, etc., Asian males appear to be vigorously privileged over Asian females. But, in the U.S., Asian female adoptees appear to be vigorously privileged over Asian male adoptees. Which culture is "superior" from the perspective of a pan-Asian/Asian American perspective? Both appear to me to have equally significant problems.
Furthermore, from my observation of U.S. society, Caucasian males are vigorously privileged over Caucasian females. And this is expressed in countless cases of wife beatings, killings, rapes, etc. of Caucasian females by Caucasian males in marriages or otherwise here in "the land of the brave and the home of the free"--a de facto endorsement of Caucasian male tyranny over the Caucasian female. Does the Eurocentric culture really have anything substantive to pass on to Chinese, etc. cultures?
Koryo Hunk   
Monday, April 08, 2002 at 14:26:23 (PDT)
Most of the adopted children from China are unwanted girls, which is very sad. Girl babies are apparently a dissapointment to the parents, so they give them up and hope for a boy. At least an adoptive couple will cherish that girl and not think of her as a lesser creature.
Friday, April 05, 2002 at 06:44:32 (PST)
Are there any asian women out there who were adopted by swedish-, dutch-, norwegian-, or polish-American? If so, please e-mail me.
jason jmushorn@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 17:39:26 (PST)
If you are in the boogie-down Bronx ghetto. How can you not understand teen-pregnacy. I grew up in the poor section of queens as a kid. You can start with the peer preasure to have sex as a cool thing to do in the black community. Then you can go onto the economic motivation of it. How many 16 year old you know making $600 dollar a month doing nothing, welfare the great motivator. Then you try to explain to me how a poor ghetto kid is going to scrape up $400 to get an abortion in NYC.
AC Dropout   
Friday, February 22, 2002 at 10:22:49 (PST)