


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well | 21%
Being asked where you're from, originally | 28%
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages | 23%
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians | 28%

Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face | 9%
Hostile remarks to others within earshot | 41%
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance | 17%
Spreading of malicious gossip about you | 6%
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event | 27%

In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels | 24%
People from social backwaters | 17%
People insecure about their own places in society | 28%
People envious of Asian success | 11%
People with little contact with other ethnicities | 19%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I think with China's 20 years of open door policy, mainland Chinese are used to a lot of new things by now. Your not being able to speak Chinese wouldn't be a problem because even a lot of Hong-Kongnese don't speak Chinese (Mandarin), either. English is such a desirable skill in China now I bet people will think it is so cool that you speak English fluently! Don't be afraid. Just go have fun!

P.S. GongLi's movies are really dated. Most mainland Chinese are ashamed of them.
Red Red Seashell    Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 13:49:32 (PDT)
ABC Boomer and Krasavitsa,

Thanks! I'm actually turning my doctoral thesis into a book on populist politics and popular literature in 18thc. Britain. I'd love to write an AA book (nonfiction) but I probably still have quite a bit of catching up to do...
Asian Dominatrix    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 13:55:31 (PDT)
"I don't know if they reacted this way due to the fact that I was Asian, but it was extremely rude and desrepectful. Next time this happen I'm just gonna yell "well, excuse you whitey!""

Oh give me a break, 21 AM. Of course, it's because your Asian. And don't say, "well, excuse you whitey!", say something like, "You freaks of nature!"

AM 10 Billion +    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 13:46:55 (PDT)

Many, many apologies. I guess I'm the dumbass here. A real dumbass.

I hope, tho', you will understand that I thought everyone else believed Ellery to be a white male: no Asian, not even a sell-out can be that defensive of racism enacted by some whites! (Also read his/her experiences in Japan.) For the most part, I've assumed Ellery to be a MALE too since a woman would not have been as relaxed about the issue of white WOMEN as Ellery was. And I guess since some people here do know I'm Chinese-American, I really thought you were trying to slight me when you were referring to the Chinese female sellouts. (I thought, "huh, no one here has ever referred to me as a sellout! What's up?!")

Well, now you know where I'm coming from. Sorry again for my moronic mistake. (LOL, this is probably going to make everything else I say suspect!Time for my whipping, eh?)


Actually, I myself am originally from New York, the Bronx in particular. Which explains my badass attitude. Or dumbass, as Postiron is no doubt thinking...

Honeybunbun (and other offended whites),

I am sorry you were offended. You know, tho', that this is also a site for Asians too. We need our space to express our feelings on Asian identity and yes, vent our anger at the discrimination which still lingers. After all, if you think about it, it would be rude for many of us to bother our own white friends 24/7 about racism (tho' we do discuss it quite a bit.) We use this space to think and write freely about our experience of Asianness here and abroad and not worry constantly about whether we're going to offend non-Asians. This is probably the only space for those of us who do not live in an Asian community.

However, I think I have made it clear--as I have been stating over and over again in many of my posts--that I AM NOT REFERRING TO ALL WHITES or even most whites! Why do you and other whites not get this? Why do you automatically assume that everything on whites refers to you even when we're plainly talking institutional racism, not just in the US but worldwide? When we are talking about the ignorant whites in Hong Kong, we are talking about THEM, not you. We are not saying that all whites behave X,Y,Z, but that those who behave X,Y,Z are almost always white. These are 2 VERY DIFFERENT things. Or put it this way: not all birds fly. But the only animals which fly are birds. Is this clear?

Look, the fact is we Asians do face discrimination, whether or not you want to acknowledge the fact. We are not summarily dissing all whites, but only THOSE who perpetuate institutional racism and stereotypes. Or those who are plain rude. Is it that you prefer us to bottle it all up inside and say everything's "hunky dory?" And oh no, "everything is progressing and ALL whites are wonderful." And then suffer a stroke or heart failure later as a result of psychological repression? Or would you rather that we explode and go on a shooting spree before commiting suicide? No, thank you.

Let me tell you, hbb: If you want to be truly accepting of Asians, you might have to begin by just accepting the fact that many of us are angry at the slights we've faced, and that we have as much right to express our outrage and frustration as did white women when they were not allowed to vote. Or when the Equal Rights Amendment failed. Read your history!! You need to begin by not taking everything so personally, which unfortunately many whites at Goldsea and other Asian websites seem to do. Try and see it from the other side. How would you feel if Asian women were universally admired by the media while white women were put down? How would you feel if you were Asian males and females made more than you regardless of their relative lack of education? Would you not be likely to articulate any dissatisfaction?

For instance, I run across anti-Asian stuff in African-American readings which can be somewhat disturbing. But when I put it in context of the fact that these folks may well have suffered at some time discrimination by hands of Asians--maybe open distrust or disgust on the part of a restaurant or shopowner--I can understand where they're coming from. (Yes, there are unfortunately Asians who are prejudiced against blacks.) If I were actually to meet these people, I would hear them out and say "I know where you're coming from. I know that you may never like our people because there are a few who are very prejudiced. But you should also know that many of us are not and know where you're coming from." I certainly would not tell them to shut up and accuse them of being racist. Which is what I feel many of these white posters on Goldsea have been trying to do: silence me.

As for the Italian-American website. I don't have any real connections with the IA community so I would not feel right participating in their website. There are probably a number who do not live in IA communities and may only want to consort with other IAs in their own cyberspace. The last thing those sorts of people would want is someone barging in from outside asking them dumb questions and/or discussing things not related to IA identity. Just like there are women's groups which do not allow men because there are things that only women understand and the last thing we need is a man getting all huffy and defensive on the subject of sexism.

We all need to be open. But Hunnybunbun, you need to be open too. Even if it means something uncomfortable like reading about our poor experiences with whites (or blacks). That is the only way out of the vicious cycle of racism!

PS. BTW, if an Asian or any other person is rude to you, be rude back. But don't use the word "chink" or "gook" unless that Asian has insulted you first with a racial slur.
Asian Dominatrix    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 13:46:49 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix:

But, I am still not sure what the whites really want. First, they want us to assimilate, and when we try to, they shut the doors on our faces, going by the experiences of my friend, segregate themselves in iron-gated communities abroad or wave the despicable confederate flags on our faces and remind us of the slavery of our ancestors. Then they get mad when we demand reparations and say that they had nothing to do with slavery. Well, if they glorify the symbols of slavery and call it their right and heritage they should have the responsiblity to pay up for the ill effects of slavery. they I have no problems sticking with my black cultural center. What I find unfair is that the same white sorority sisters who shut the doors on our faces do not want us to have a black cultural center or separate Greek houses
Black Crimson Tide    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 12:30:12 (PDT)
Another example of annoying discussions:

When I was at school and topic of a lesson was somehow morality I -besides some Christian conservative mates- critisized the just-for-fun-attitude: I used the normal standard language and explained my comment (seldom enough that there was a possibility for a non-white to make a comment at my former school anyway) detailedly.--And immediately a wf mate became oscene and accused me to be a sexual pervert just because I had the appearance of a conservative male. That many whites relate everything which they don't like to perverted sexuality is one of the most disgusting features of the modern Western culture.Even some white intellectuals dare it!!I can't understand why those people cannot keep such dirty rubbish out of a discussion, it is heavily insulting!!
rare stuff    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:57:15 (PDT)
When I was still at school I would have liked it if there had been other proud Asians besides me in my class. Sometimes the offenses of certain teachers became unbearable: the white teachers like to discuss political, religious etc stuff with their pupils,but factually pupils like me were excluded with the comment: "You are the only person on the world who thinks and feels like that." Gladly I knew that many Russian and Turkish mates felt that the same as I: that it is fact that non-whites,non-Westerners and non-white-washed people are excluded from each and every public discussion.
One of the most idiotic comments of a wf teacher that I heard in such a situation was:"Smile at me!" -If there had been only one "tough" mate on my side (who wouldn't have cared about hid grades) I could have said: "I'm not your b***o,you f*t w***e s******g racist c**t!"
No remorse that I left that school -that subconscious racism was one of the reasons.
rare stuff    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:32:29 (PDT)
21 AM,

if a white guy shrugs his shoulder it will probably mean that he doesn't know (where you find parking space) --fast style communication,not meant as an insult. Or do you know a country where something like shrugging his shoulders has the meaning of an insult??!
rare stuff    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 11:05:15 (PDT)

Ah you are in the state known as the soul searching Asian. Many asian children in college go through the phase of looking for answers in the homeland.

"attitudes there towards Chinese who come from the West and can't speak Chinese?"

It is common enough that people expect it. But there are a lot of friendly people in China that will try to help you. I would recommend entering a good Chinese language program when you are there.

"I'm thinking of going there and getting in touch with my roots, but i don't want to get disappointed by people treating me with hostility. Does anyone know what it's like living there?"

If you plan to go bumming it as a student, I can tell you get ready for some culture shock when using a public toilet. There is not toilet, just a squatter. If you live in an urban area, be prepared for some crowded living conditions.

"Is it still really authoritarian?"

I didn't think so. I mean I was never stopped by a cop. Okay once I ran a red light in ShangHai. Then played dumb and showed them my American passport and spoke broken Chinese. They let me go with a warning and told me to get an international driver's license. My first and only time on this planet getting out of a traffic violation. The downfall of not being born with boobs. Other than that there are 2 billion people there. There are a lot of police there. So you feel safe that no one is going to mug you or try to rape you. Actually there are a lot of organized neighborhood watch, left over of old communist ideals, so you can actually feel pretty safe walking around at night. Not to say that there is no crime in China. But it is safe.

The more rural the area the less Mandarin is spoken. I mean it's nice. But do you enjoy going to outpost towns in the outback of OZ? Being a city person myself I enjoy Shanghai and Beijing, because they are more familar and convenient. There are clubs and a nightlife and entertainment. God sake there is plumbing in the city. Trust me I still have nightmares about using the communial ditch in rural communities.

Just remember on these types of soul searching trips. The journey is more important than the destinations.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 10:58:40 (PDT)
21 AM:

It's hard to know, isn't it, whether behaviour is racist or just plain rude. It takes years of bad experiences to tell the subtle difference.

I hate rude behaviour, but what i hate even more is excessively "polite" behaviour - this actually annoys me more than ordinary rudeness. I'm referring to people, especially white women, who talk to other whites in a normal voice, but when they see you they automatically put on a cheesy, condescending smile and talk to you in a sugary tone of voice to try and hide their racist thoughts. BLEUGH!!!


Maybe you don't get Asian Dominatrix's postings because you're not Asian. What she writes rings very true to me, and apparently also to most other Asians on these boards. So with all due respect, maybe you should not criticise what you do not understand. There is a BIG difference between ordinary, indiscriminate rudeness and racially moticated rudeness. And responding to racism with harsh comebacks is not only perfectly acceptable, but important. Nobody is suggesting Asians be the first to shout racist remarks. When whites stop initiating the racism, minority races will stop handing it back.

What makes you think Asians should give a sh*t about what white people come to these boards for? We only care about what *WE* are here for, which includes expressing ourselves. Lots of Asians agree with Asian Dominatrix and like reading her contributions. That's the sweet reality. Like it, lump it, or LEAVE!

krasavitsa    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 10:44:13 (PDT)