


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well | 21%
Being asked where you're from, originally | 28%
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages | 23%
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians | 28%

Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face | 9%
Hostile remarks to others within earshot | 41%
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance | 17%
Spreading of malicious gossip about you | 6%
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event | 27%

In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels | 24%
People from social backwaters | 17%
People insecure about their own places in society | 28%
People envious of Asian success | 11%
People with little contact with other ethnicities | 19%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout,

I find "new money" to be the white equivalents of Asian sell-outs. The kind of people who adopt all the prejudices of those they aspire to be. Until they make the dumbest gaffe that proves they will never be "It."

curious girl,

"When I think of "Old Money" I think of the New York socialites, with identically dyed blonde hair, that constantly worry about what all the other socialites are saying about them behind their backs. "Her daughter is dating a black man? Oh my heavens!"

Just like the Stepford Wives! It's a horror "classic" that also parodies those uppermiddle class types who are programmed to think alike, look alike, behave alike, and ...presumably do other things in the same manner. All of the women lose whatever individuality they once had.
Asian Dominatrix    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 08:17:08 (PDT)
"You know the most annoying people I've ever met are from TX. They're polite and what not. But they are not flexiable at all."

Just like the old style South African boers who did not give a darn what the world thought of them and their apartheid policies. Mostly native Texan whites exhibit this attitude. That is why Texas corporations such as Enron get into a world of trouble....their state judiciary and business ethics are also inbred. It is also a traditionally racist state...but as to its current situation the jury is out until at least the election day.

"They're more stubborn than some Irish people I know."

The Irish in Ireland are racist...racist towards each other...Ulster Vs Catholics. They have little time for anyone else. Of course when they come to America they become white and become pally with each other and turn on blacks and other minorities.
Sociologist    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 07:23:15 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,

I don't know if the noveau were trying to climb up the established ranks. They just take the values they have and applied them liberally. The difference being that there is more new found money backing these values now.

I know of one person that instead of buying a Bently or some other exotic vehicle upon being sucessful. Bought a broken down early model Mercedes. It was rusted, It was brown, It was diseal. But this person thought it was the best thing since slice bread.

You know the most annoying people I've ever met are from TX. They're polite and what not. But they are not flexiable at all. They're more stubborn than some Irish people I know.
AC Dropout    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 11:09:51 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix,

Why thank you, I am very flattered! I'm of your average middle-class background, and my parents brought me up in a very liberal way. "Open-minded and perceptive", thanks a lot! I try my best because my boyfriend (AM) means the world to me.

Your posts are always very well thought-out and intelligent, though I don't always agree with them. I think sometimes you can be overly harsh towards whites, but I'm sure if I had lived your life and had your experiences I might view the world in the same way. I think, and certainly hope that there are more whites like me than there are bigoted, hateful, closed-minded ones.

AC Dropout,

I agree with you. When I think of "Old Money" I think of the New York socialites, with identically dyed blonde hair, that constantly worry about what all the other socialites are saying about them behind their backs. "Her daughter is dating a black man? Oh my heavens!"
curious girl    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 19:40:06 (PDT)
Another generation,

Hey, keep procreating and generating!

AC Dropout,

That is not entirely true. If anything, dumbass nouveaux can be the most obnoxious because they're trying so hard to climb up. That ugly slit-eyed Trump the Rump (ever notice he's got teeny tiny eyes smaller than Asian eyes?) is a good example with his paranoia about the Japanese and the Koreans.
Asian Dominatrix    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 09:32:26 (PDT)
"Usually, the WMs who marry AFs--and WFs who marry AMs--tend to be middle class or below. They may be well-educated, morally upstanding, and ambitious, but they definitely will not be your Enron/Worldcom/Wall Street types."

All Enron/Worldcom crooks are whites who basically destroyed mostly other whites (middle class whites who are now poor).

"Usually those semi-educated Ivy dumbass fratboys/sorority girls don't even want to have anything to do with minorities, either socially or professionally."

Well, that is why they join fraternities and sororities, to get away from minorities. I heard of a study which showed that higher the minorities and international students on a campus, the higher the demand for joining sororities. For frats, the result was inconclusive.
Sociologist    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 14:03:24 (PDT)