Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well |
Being asked where you're from, originally |
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages |
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians |
Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face |
Hostile remarks to others within earshot |
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance |
Spreading of malicious gossip about you |
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event |
In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels |
People from social backwaters |
People insecure about their own places in society |
People envious of Asian success |
People with little contact with other ethnicities |
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"I have a job working with customers and some of these whites walk in with absolute hatred in their eyes."
The hatred is more commonplace than some people think. What's alarming about racial hatred is that it's simmering under the surface just waiting to boil over. What's upsetting about it is that it affects asians in two major ways: 1) an ability to earn a living, 2) potential for life threatening violence. Asians shouldn't get too comfortable if they haven't experienced hatred in a while because it's out there. There's nothing worse than being caught off guard because you'll never know what might happen.
it's our country too   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:58:41 (PDT)
I guess it would be annoying to be constantly asked "where are you from?" but maybe people are curious about your culture, and they can't think of a better way to phrase it. At any rate, a couple weeks ago, I met an AM, and he brought up the fact that he speaks 3 languages, "English, French, and something else." I didn't ask what "something else" was, but then he stated that he is "one-quarter French." I said that I, too, am part French, and also Dutch and German. I then inquired about his heritage, and he said that he wouldn't tell me at that point because "sometimes people say things." As though he was used to people making derrogatory comments, and assumed I would do the same? I was a bit put off, since he was the one who brought it up, not me, and after I stated my own ancestry, he refused to state his. I thought that was strange behavior. But now I'm wondering if I was wrong to ask?
"something else" WF   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:53:02 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix wrote:
"Of course there's no proof a black person has to have twice the qualifications"
So you admit to making stuff up?
"but do you think anyone's foolish enough to stipulate that in a post-Jim Crow day and age? Please."
Post-Jim Crow? What century are you living in?
"BTW, Marion Barry got elected in a city which was MOSTLY black with predominant black interests, if I'm not wrong. So, of course, it's possible for him to get elected THERE."
Oh… so are you making the case that blacks discriminate against whites? If you are accusing whites of racism because Bush isn’t the best public speaker, then… well you get the picture.
"One thing you should know, however: data is general and does not include every case."
Of course we are talking in a general case. Individual cases are meaningless statistically.
"For instance, Asians as a whole do not do as well as whites on the verbal section of the SATs and GREs (at last in the past) but this does not mean there were no Asians who scored 700s on that section. In fact, there are quite a few who do."
What point are you trying to make?
"It is therefore possible too for blacks with high scores and grades to not be admitted."
Universities are desperately trying to recruit for blacks into their school to achieve "diversity" that they’d resort to admitted blacks with much lower test score. Now you are telling me they turn away qualified blacks for unqualified blacks? I supposed it is theoretically possible, but is it reality?
"In fact, I know cases of blacks with high scores and solid GPAs who were not able to get into the Ivys--even if they got into some very good schools like Amherst and Williams."
Like what scores and GPAs?
"Deng Ai, no one joins a company and becomes a CEO "overnight." The fact is that minorities do not get the same support and mentoring whites do."
Many companies have associations for hispanics, blacks, women, but no such society for whites. So what is this FACT, you refer to?
"That is, if they are not discriminated at the outset by companies like Enron."
I haven’t heard anything about Enron discriminating against blacks. Maybe you’d like to share.
"How do you know Sociologist has NOT encountered personal and institutional racism him/herself?"
Maybe he has, but he talking about ALL whites from Texas and Louisiana. So he is wrong right off the bat.
"BTW, one need not even encounter such racism individually to know that it exists. Look, if there is or was solid support for someone like David Duke, what does that say about the people who voted for him? Or anyone who votes for representatives with racist/anti-immigrant views?"
Does that mean they all are? Do you have a problem with people slamming all AFs using people like Amy Tan to represent all AFs? So why the double standard here?
"There's still a significant difference even if it sounds like splitting hairs. Note that Sociologist says "Generally I have nothing positive to say about..." He is qualifying the claim by saying that it is his experience. If he were to say "Generally, nothing positive could be said about southern whites," that would be different."
How do you know? Did he tell you he was qualifying this claim from experience? Would you applaud someone for slamming all AFs by qualifying their bad experiences with AFs?
Deng Ai   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 21:42:50 (PDT)
""I doubt “Sociologist” has encountered personal and institutional racism at the hands of Texas or Louisiana Cajun whites. I have lived in both states, and I know for a fact “Sociologist” doesn’t know what he is talking about."
How do you know Sociologist has NOT encountered personal and institutional racism him/herself?"
One does not need to live there. Who elected David Duke to the legislature and where did 60% of the whites support the ex-klansman for governor? I give you a clue. Take a look at the 1991 Governor's race in Louisiana. Get a history lesson Deng Ai. You are wearing blinders.
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 16:11:31 (PDT)
"That is, if they are not discriminated at the outset by companies like Enron."
Read Brian Cruver's book. Enron only hired females who the men can sleep with...not on merit or honesty. Why else do you think it failed?
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 16:08:45 (PDT)
"BTW, Marion Barry got elected in a city which was MOSTLY black with predominant black interests, if I'm not wrong. So, of course, it's possible for him to get elected THERE."
You are right. However, most of our recent mayors have been clowns, no different from the governors of Louisiana. Everyone pays attention to Barry, because he is black, but Louisiana has produced more than its share of crooks.
DC Native   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 16:06:08 (PDT)
Next time, ask what their ancestral origin is. That will stump them.
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 12:51:10 (PDT)
"I know what you are saying. All I am saying is your claim has no basis today. Maybe twenty years ago it is true, but no longer. Sure, George Bush is not the most articulate president, but that’s no proof a black person has to have twice the qualifications to hold the same position as a white. Looks at Marion Barry, he was caught on tape doing crack, went to prison and when he got out, he still got elected mayor of Washington DC. So, your claim a black person with a minor flaw can't get anywhere doesn't hold water."
Of course there's no proof a black person has to have twice the qualifications, but do you think anyone's foolish enough to stipulate that in a post-Jim Crow day and age? Please.
BTW, Marion Barry got elected in a city which was MOSTLY black with predominant black interests, if I'm not wrong. So, of course, it's possible for him to get elected THERE.
"I posted my links a few posting back on the merit gap between blacks, whites and Asians. Where is your source for this information? A black kid with a 1400 SAT score is almost guaranteed a spot in the Ivies."
I'll look at more of your links--sorry I didn't have time to go through all of them. One thing you should know, however: data is general and does not include every case. For instance, Asians as a whole do not do as well as whites on the verbal section of the SATs and GREs (at last in the past) but this does not mean there were no Asians who scored 700s on that section. In fact, there are quite a few who do. It is therefore possible too for blacks with high scores and grades to not be admitted.
In fact, I know cases of blacks with high scores and solid GPAs who were not able to get into the Ivys--even if they got into some very good schools like Amherst and Williams.
"Because it takes time to become a CEO. You don’t just join a company and become CEO overnight. And because there are fewer qualified blacks to serve as CEOs. As the lower education level of blacks indicate."
Deng Ai, no one joins a company and becomes a CEO "overnight." The fact is that minorities do not get the same support and mentoring whites do. (That is, if they are not discriminated at the outset by companies like Enron.) I don't know about the situation for blacks, but for Asians, you can read Deborah Woo's "Glass Ceilings and Asian Americans." I conjecture that blacks face a similar glass ceiling.
"What are you talking about? I made these statements up, modeled similarly after “Sociologist’s” statements. So why would you assume only whites who don’t know any Asians would make them? Does that then apply to “Sociologist” as someone who refuse to know or understand whites?"
Actually, whites have made those sorts of comments so I did not assume them to be hypothetical. Go to any Asian forum and you will find such remarks. Hell, there have enough here at Goldsea!
"I doubt “Sociologist” has encountered personal and institutional racism at the hands of Texas or Louisiana Cajun whites. I have lived in both states, and I know for a fact “Sociologist” doesn’t know what he is talking about."
How do you know Sociologist has NOT encountered personal and institutional racism him/herself?
BTW, one need not even encounter such racism individually to know that it exists. Look, if there is or was solid support for someone like David Duke, what does that say about the people who voted for him? Or anyone who votes for representatives with racist/anti-immigrant views?
“None of the AFs here have been doing that. We react to negative comments such as "in general, white women are better looking than Asian women." Or "the vast majority of AFs are sell-outs."”
Contrast that with “Sociologist’s” statements: “You can safely assume that I am slamming ALL whites who are US Citizen residents in Louisiana.” And this: “GENERALLY I have nothing positive to say about southern and mountain state whites.”
There's still a significant difference even if it sounds like splitting hairs. Note that Sociologist says "Generally I have nothing positive to say about..." He is qualifying the claim by saying that it is his experience. If he were to say "Generally, nothing positive could be said about southern whites," that would be different.
"Funny you not only didn’t not react negatively to these above comments, but you actually applauded “Sociologist” for doing so. So, maybe I was right about you lacking principle and integrity then?"
No, it just means YOU lack analytical skills.
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 09:18:24 (PDT)
"I work at a job working with customers and some of these whites come in with absolute hatred in their eyes. These people are sick."
You should visit the racial profiling board. These are exactly the kind of people who would use terrorism as an excuse to discriminate and spew their hatred.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 15:51:02 (PDT)
"I work at a job with customers and some of these whites come in with absolute hatred in their eyes. These people are sick."
-Certainly, there's a big chance that these people are annoying and/or sick. But not because they are hateful, they're sick because they don't accept that hatred. White people have often been raised up in a "Christian" way that they are now unable to deal with powerful emotions. They hate, but don't know when, how and especially why they hate.
rare stuff   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 15:22:55 (PDT)
I work at a job working with customers and some of these whites come in with absolute hatred in their eyes. These people are sick.
Hatred Is Not Only Annoying, But A Sign of Illness   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:28:57 (PDT)
people always always ask where i'm from. and when i answer, "new jersey". they counter that with, "no. where are you really from?" it's soooo annoying. in turn, i ask them the same thing too, to give them a dose of their own medicine.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 10:11:55 (PDT)