Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well |
Being asked where you're from, originally |
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages |
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians |
Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face |
Hostile remarks to others within earshot |
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance |
Spreading of malicious gossip about you |
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event |
In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels |
People from social backwaters |
People insecure about their own places in society |
People envious of Asian success |
People with little contact with other ethnicities |
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I find it annoying and counterproductive to be nice to Caucasians in America, because (1) they take it for granted and (2) they see my civil behavior as a sign of weakness and start stepping on me--as if that's okay with me. I am, therefore, in a stage right now where I feel as if I have to step on Caucasians from the start to feel like a human being and to get some respect in my life.
I don't particularly like living that lifestyle, but...
Annoying and Counterproductive   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 08:48:54 (PDT)
Would LOVE to hear more about your jury duty. Are you male or female? How did others respond to your points? How old were those peeps
Asian Dominatrix,
I'm AAM, almost all were older in 50s except for a couple of younger ones. That was among the jury. There was a large pool from which juries were drawn from. Since I was challenged at least four times by defense attys, I didn't get to serve on murder trials or the more severe type but still a felony.
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 07:31:25 (PDT)
kimchi devil,
You're on target, as usual. The middle-aged ones are probably the worst and full of double standards. What really gets to me are the ones who deny racism when you bring it up as a prospective problem. They'll say some dumb crap like "Oh, racism doesn't exist" (like how the f*** do they know?!) or "there's usually only one or two racists per department so you shouldn't worry about places discriminating against you." Little do they realize that "one or two" may be bad enough!
Would LOVE to hear more about your jury duty. Are you male or female? How did others respond to your points? How old were those peeps?
Asian Dominatrix   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 12:49:41 (PDT)
Kimchi Devil...
I just read your post and that is very sad. I haven't read the other post you were referring to from Juror but I'll try to find it. It's not much consolation but please keep in mind that there are people out there that empathize w/Asians. I am mixed, Black, Irish and Native American and my boyfriend is Chinese. I would defend him whole-heartedly against anyone... white, black, etc. I do recall hearing taunts from both groups towards Asians in school when I was growing up but I think it was b/c they were always outnumbered and tended to be more shy, thus making them easy targets for jocks and jerks alike. Anyway, I can't change the world but just know there are plenty of non-Asians out there who respect and defend Asians when they do see them being targeted...even by members of their own race! And there are us women out there that are non-Asian that love you guys with our whole hearts and won't tolerate any biases against you and will stick by your side to fight it. :-)
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 00:08:41 (PDT)
I can believe that! I think most white people here in the states need to be disarmed, neutered and deported. They do not belong in this country. They have proven themselves to be beyond any kind of help and are in many ways no different than the rock-throwing-palestinians themselves, you know, the ones they expect everyone to hate so damn much. And to think of the number of times some "ordinary" white guy "had to" make some goddamn unsolicited comment about native americans. What-the-hell is up with that?!? You couldn't even pay me to hate or dislike indians, what is wrong with these people, huh? Anyone who puts down native americans are kinda sick in the head, me thinks. How amusing when they have their arms around their black "friends" when they go about hating asians also. Strange indeed. But when you look at black/white relations in prison, it's a different story entirely, or so I've read. The true face of race relations without the formalities, the facade, and the masks that people wear. "Hey, I listen to rap too, blah blah blah, why don't you bros like me?" bwahahahaha! A certain quote from a certain movie goes like this and purdy much says it all: "Looks like you're fresh outta friends." LoL.
On a side note, I recall an incident where a white MP made a remark like "I'm gonna make that rodney king s*** look like a playground beating" when I walked past a guard post at a base. No-one else around except me... and a couple of black MPs he was with. Needless to say, it was directed at me, duh. Unprovoked at that too, and all I did was walk by, I swear, that's ALL I did. Strange? White people and their culture are kinda sick. Despite things like this, and things like that, I was far from holding anything against whites for a long time to come. Silly naive me. You can thank my ex-employers and ex-prospective employers for how I feel about them now. That finally did it.
"Racism" by most may be ignorance, but "racism" by some is because you know more than you want to know.
kimchi devil   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 15:16:47 (PDT)
Deng Ai,
Here is a reference as promised. Its not well written but contains tons of facts and charts, which you should like.
Wealth and Democracy : Political History of the American Rich
by Kevin Phillips
A lot of modern industry has come from government programs or money sponsored by govt programs (especially during WW2 and the cold war) such as various drugs and vaccines, research programs in Universities sponsored by government agencies (the laser, nuclear energy, satellite technology), the Internet, the modern computer, etc.
Basically government programs and agencies have made many discoveries that corporations have "borrowed" and made tons of $$$ cash with. I don't think the govt is solely responsible for these developments, but one would find it hard to deny that without govt help/funds, a lot these things would not have happened or would have taken much longer.
And of course I did not even mention like the book does government programs that help small businesses grow and various policies (such as anti-monopolistic ones) that helped contribute to a free market. Basically read the book and tell me what you think about the "facts".
And for a quick read that supports my point try:
To see how pharmaceuticals have stolen govt intellectual property to make mucho $$$. Interestingly enough in the case of AZT, it was an NIH's (govt agency) Asian scientist Dr. Hiroaki Mitsuya that took all the risks to test the drug on a live virus. I also think you will like this article especially since it shows a more evil coporation friendlier side of Al Gore. Read the whole thing and let me know what you think.
So basically I think Bush's idea of cutting govt programs and funds to govt programs is shortsighted and unwise. Again read Fast Food Nation for many examples like how cost cutting of govt inspection programs have lead to large amounts of tainted meat in schools and supermarkets have killed people. And this is just one example.
I think I have provided plenty of facts and references in this post and my last post. For now, I'll rest my case.
Multiplication is better than Division
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 14:43:56 (PDT)