


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well | 21%
Being asked where you're from, originally | 28%
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages | 23%
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians | 28%

Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face | 9%
Hostile remarks to others within earshot | 41%
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance | 17%
Spreading of malicious gossip about you | 6%
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event | 27%

In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels | 24%
People from social backwaters | 17%
People insecure about their own places in society | 28%
People envious of Asian success | 11%
People with little contact with other ethnicities | 19%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I think it might be a good idea to make it illegal for white people to testify in court. Bwarwarhahahaha!

And to think they actually did that to asians. Damn. Maybe in California, LoL.

tic toc
yamchi devil >:->    Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 14:36:52 (PDT)
Annoying and Counterproductive,
Most people in the world will treat you with as much or as little respect as you treat them. If you think it's such a horrible burden to be nice to Caucasian people, and are rude to them, then guess what- they will most likely be rude back to you, which will then just feed into your idea that all white people suck. As for "taking it for granted", why is it wrong to take it for granted that we should expect anyone, no matter what race, to treat us nicely or at least with basic respect?

And as for this: "I can believe that! I think most white people here in the states need to be disarmed, neutered and deported"

Well, I don't have much to say about that. This page has turned into anti-white hatred. It seems that the "Annoyance of Asian American life" is white people. We're not all bad. We're not all racist. We're not all out to get you. You're going to have to learn to live with us sooner or later.
WF dating AM    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 05:52:35 (PDT)

Annoying and Counterproductive,

Absolutely, why give a dog a scooby snack everytime it bites you. I don't know if it's ignorance on the part of whites, or just acting ignorant because they've learned to gain something from it, thus continuing to do it. At any rate they're not gonna stop misbehaving if they're gonna be repeatly rewarded for their lousy behavior towards asians. Time for plan B... DON'T treat whites the way you would like them to treat you. Too damn many asians are making the mistake of expecting whites to have the same mentallity that asians do (on the inside), but fail to realize that instead of learning from it they simply exploit it. After all, why should they stop now when it benefits their asses. Just look at how they are taught to behave, and then how they actually behave... usually two different things. And when it comes to behavior towards asians, things deteriorate even more. There appears to be some serious breakdown in the abilities of whites to empathize across racial lines. As for myself, many a time have I simply tolerated s*** expecting them to, at the VERY FREAKING LEAST, become tired of that crap, and maybe learn from my behavior too. But no, it's just an invitation for more of the same, a weakness as you put it. A weakness? A WEAKNESS?!? What the hell, this is just sad. I suppose another example of how whites justify even more crappy behavior with their lame excuses.

Of course this applies mostly at work, I actually don't care in most other environments where I can just avoid assholes.

Is it any suprise these whites need their religion so badly to "behave properly", and still they can't seem to get it right. I kinda think asians have good behavior built-in at birth. Automatic. LoL ;-)

Asian Dominatrix,

In some cases there are racist whites that are "actually quite nice," to other whites, that is. This comes accross as quite bizarre when minorities see this "change" in behavior directed towards them in contrast with their behavior toward other whites. I'd love to tell, but not now. For other whites, racism is merely a phenotype, or symptom of other issues these people have with some or all minorities. Usually it's the notion that asians don't "belong" in "our country", or those asians are taking "our jobs", and probably a good dose of envy among a number of other things (we already know all this). In the case my employers it seemed much more so the latter of the two. It would always baffle me as to why, with the exception of a few belligerent coworkers, most coworkers expressed little racist tendencies, whereas with my supervisors (at least in management) MOST if not ALL of them have expressed racist views along with some, ehem, "questionable" management with regards to myself (ya like my euphemism? =P). So the few racists just happen to be supervisors? So these people became supervisors while nobody else knows about their ugly attitudes towards those of other races? So racist deeds happen without a single racist in a hundred mile radius? yeah right. An awful lot of racist poltergeists here in the states, LoL. It would appear in many cases that racism is a "crime of opportunity", a symptom as I described. The feelings that lead to it all are there, whether admitted to or not, but most whites argue since they wouldn't do things like that, in reality many would, when given the opportunity, power, and something to hide behind. Not to mention whether or not a given "corporate culture" promotes or discourages any of it. Hence as "rare" as racism may be, it's impact is felt. It's even more complicated when bringing racists who "don't say racist things" into the picture, along with plain non-racist(?) assholes and the influence that racists in an environment have on otherwise "normal" people (i.e. gossip) and their behavior towards minorities. Although some of these people are dumb and loud, many aren't, and much of this shit is "calculated" such that minorities cannot take action against it.

Solution: Attack the core reasons for much of this racism and would-be racism toward asians, that is, the idea "that asians don't belong in America." The word "indian" seems to shut them up real fast. And a can of whoomp ass helps too. LoL.

And funny how the "good whites" always seem to benefit from the dirty deeds of the "bad whites." What the hell is this? The good cop, bad cop routine or something? Why should critism not be leveled against ALL of them? At least once in a while :-)
kimchi devil >:->    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 03:04:24 (PDT)