Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well |
Being asked where you're from, originally |
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages |
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians |
Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face |
Hostile remarks to others within earshot |
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance |
Spreading of malicious gossip about you |
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event |
In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels |
People from social backwaters |
People insecure about their own places in society |
People envious of Asian success |
People with little contact with other ethnicities |
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You have proven yourself to be stupid, by your comment. If you have never met a rude or racist White American then that is good for you. Then you are living in a lalaland dreamworld on Planet Z someplace in the clouds. Try driving through Biloxi Mississippi late friday or saturday night in the boonies. Or being in South Boston after dark. There are racists in every culture and nation you idiot. There are both rude and racist Blacks,Hispanics,Asians and Whites. Don't pretend it does not exist just because you ("""say""") you haven't met any.
"I rarely if ever meet a rude white person!"
I rarely if ever meet someone stricken with leprosy either.
theres rude people in EVERY culture. Noone is immune   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 14:46:04 (PDT)
"I got thrown out of the bar of course and had to walk home by myself. But I dunno what happened to me -- I just completely lost it. I can't wait til I run into that bitch-ass whiteboy on campus, see if he still thinks he can f*** with me."
Usually Nice Guy,
That story really pisses me off. Happened to me at Starbuck's. I was with my buddy one night enjoying a cup and sitting next to two very hot WFs (strangers). We tried to make small talk and were scoring points when some smelly homeless guy sat near us and started up. The usual remarks directed at me and homeboy but this bum started harrassing the WFs also because he could see that this was gonna be a score. I was so pissed that I kept glaring at this smelly bum and tried to swear at him quietly as I didn't want the WFs to see what kind of guys we really were. Finally homeboy had enough and sensing imminent trouble, dragged me out of there. We lost those two WFs because of that a$$hole.
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 13:46:03 (PDT)
"Do not ask me for anything more. It is NOT your place. I'm sure some AAs would be delighted to have a white son/daughter in law. But not I. That is my own personal choice. Respect that."
WF Dating AM,
Don't get too blown away by AA Man.
Sometimes we may react strongly when it comes our turn to dish out the unpleasantries. Out of anger we may lash out at the first White person that comes along but I know that it wasn't meant for you.
Asian Dood   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 13:15:42 (PDT)
Annoying and counterproductive,
A blow to the solar plexus usually does it. I was at a bar in my collegetown in upstate NY, where a drunk white guy provoked me for no apparent reason. It was probably because I was around a bunch of cute WFs. Or maybe it was b/c he made a lame pass at the girl that I had my arm around and was shot down while I was taking a leak in the mens room. (I was with another white buddy and about 4 girls.)
As I sat down again he gave me a glare like I f***ed his mother or something. He again muttered something about 'chinks' and I turned to stare back, then turned my attention back to my friends.
He started calling me a pussy and I said "enough" with a pointed finger and continued with my conversation. After stewing in the corner for a few minutes, he pulled on my coat and I fell backwards from my barstool. I got up and he started to puff his chest out and got RIGHT in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I gave him a hard right RIGHT into his chest. He gasped loudly and fell to his knees. I kneed him in the side of his head and he bascially passed out.
I got thrown out of the bar of course and had to walk home by myself. But I dunno what happened to me -- I just completely lost it. I can't wait til I run into that bitch-ass whiteboy on campus, see if he still thinks he can f*** with me.
(Usually ) Nice Guy   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 21:34:51 (PDT)
Wf Dating AM, you said:
"We're not all bad. We're not all racist. We're not all out to get you."
You're right. But those are RELATIVE STATEMENTS. Who's to say that by "not all", only 10% of white folks are racist? Look at it this way. There will ALWAYS be racist whites (There will always be racist Asians, for that matter.). Perhaps 20 percent are openly racist, 50 percent are closet racist to varying degrees (i.e. they choose not to express anti-Asian sentiments in front of non-whites due to fears of professional/social repurcussions), and 20 percent are ambivalent, and 10 percent truly wish to befriend/marry/live around Asians. For some reason, those numbers sit somewhat well in my gut. I know that my mother's Italian neighbors merely tolerate us. A neutral-toned "hello" when pulling out of the driveway for work was all she got for 6 years. They don't exactly invite us to their Christmas parties every year.
"You're going to have to learn to live with us sooner or later."
I guess I can't dodge that bullet. You're right, we will have to learn to live with you guys. Just as you've had to learn to accept us Asians in your country (It feels weird saying 'your' country when I was born in California, but you know what I mean. I say that for the purpose of discussion.), I think we already are doing that.
With each passing generation and increased intermarriage/and acculturation of 'pureblood' AAs, the ratio of openly anti-Asian whites will drop, as will the ratio of closet racist ones. Maybe the number of truly Asian-friendly whites will stay the same, while the number of ambivalent whites will rise. I myself fall into the ambivalent Asian category. I wish to marry an Asian, and if my kids bring home a white girl or whiteboy, I won't be jumping up and down for joy, but I would probably learn to accept them in time, as long as they aren't insolent little s***s (that would go for any race kid, of course) that just want to go for "sum dim-sum". Do not ask me for anything more. It is NOT your place. I'm sure some AAs would be delighted to have a white son/daughter in law. But not I. That is my own personal choice. Respect that.
Ambivalent AA Man   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 21:22:09 (PDT)
What the f***? Are you guys stupid or something? I rarely, if ever meet a rude white person! Most of them are nice decent people, and of course some bad ones, but you got those in every race! I have NO idea what some of you guys are talkin' about.
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 11:31:47 (PDT)