


(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well | 21%
Being asked where you're from, originally | 28%
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages | 23%
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians | 28%

Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face | 9%
Hostile remarks to others within earshot | 41%
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance | 17%
Spreading of malicious gossip about you | 6%
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event | 27%

In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels | 24%
People from social backwaters | 17%
People insecure about their own places in society | 28%
People envious of Asian success | 11%
People with little contact with other ethnicities | 19%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
what are you whining for?

Are you a supremacist? That is what it sounds like to me. FTP was not whining. He is speaking of what he has had to deal with. You haven't lived his life, therefore you don't know what he's gone through. Yes, you feel discriminated against. So you mean to tell me that there is no such thing as hate crimes and other things going on in this country? White supremacists that kill minorities? What are you, blind? high? out of your mind? So are you saying this doesn't exist? If you are, then your PSYCHOTIC. Don't say that YOu allowed Asians and black into this country out of the goodness of YOur heart. If it were up to supremacists like you, I somehow doubt there would other cultures in this country today. If it were up to you there would still be enslavements of all native americans and blacks in this country. Asians come to this country and work very hard to survive here. Nothing is given to them for free. It is not as easy as you think it is for them. Noone is taking your jobs away. I think you just want to blame everyone for your misfortunes in life. Noone is to blame but yourself. Take a look in the mirror. I was taught that if I really want something in life, that I should work very hard to get it. Good, honest hard work. Not the welfare system and not the easy way out. No. I was taught to Work Hard. So, instead of sitting on your lazy worthless butt and blaming Asians, Blacks and other NON-whites for your problems...DO something worthwhile with your life for a change. Get a job, Get an education and shut up. Noone wants to hear it.
oh cry me a river .. boohoohoo))))    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 09:54:27 (PDT)    []

To: What are you whining for?

That has got to be about the dumbest thing anyone has posted on this website! Why are you even here? It doesn't sound like you even care about race relations at all, to come on here and say such nasty things? Anyway, just to point you in the right direction on a couple of items...first, blacks didn't "ask" to be brought here, recall?? A little thing that whites did called "slavery" ring any bells with you? And blacks still haven't rec'd their 40 acres and a mule...or have you even heard of that? Probably not. And if you're talking about anyone being lucky to be here (in America), what about the whites? From what I recall, the Native (yes, NATIVE) Americans were here FIRST, not whites. Whites did what they have always historically done...they stole and acted savagely towards those they didn't understand and took what was rightfully theirs away from them. Then when they had the nerve to fight back, whites had the audacity to call them the savages! Here's a thought...why don't YOU go back to where you came from if you even have a clue where it is. But I'll guarantee you this much, unless you are Native American, it ain't here!!
Go Home!    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 23:34:07 (PDT)    []
what are you whining for?-
it seems to me that the native americans didn't let you come to this country either, but you still did anyways.

and why are you even on this website if you're just going to bash minorites? you have no excuse.
lark    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 12:49:26 (PDT)    []
Whining? "Kindness of our hearts?" What the hell.

Kick first, and all the reasons for kicking will follow. Why don't these indian-butchers just go back to europe where they really belong. So tell me, who the hell let all of these whites into America? And now the whites are whining about being indians themselves, good grief.

Kindly move your white arses to the nearest white-people reservation or get the hell out of mine country. Thank you very much.

...and don't you be drinkin' from that there river... That there is asian man's water. barharhar hahahahaha.

Honestly, I think these white folks must actually think people of other races need them. They're thinkin: " civilization will crumble without us. They neeeeeed us." I guess with asians in the picture, they're no longer necessary ay, LoL. Is this what p!sses them off sooo damn much about us asians?!? hmmmmmmm.

Ah, I love the smell of burning obsolescence in the morning.
kimchyAe dEViL    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 12:04:41 (PDT)    []
"White americans recieve way more unjustice in this country. We get our jobs taken away because of Asians, Blacks and other foreigners."

Typical whining by white people. You need to perform better in Math and perhaps you would be able to compete with Asians in engineering and sciences. And by the way, Asians and blacks are not foreigners in this country.

"We had that affirmative action making it impossible for us to get a decent job with proper recognition."

All the high paid crooks, Chainsaw Dunlop, Martha Stewart, Ken Lay, Fastow and Skilling are all white. If those crooked whites can make it you should stop whining and compete with them.

"You have all of our jobs, and all of our due recognition, and our women too!"

No one owns white women. They are not your women. They are human beings.

"We didn't have to let the Asians and Blacks come to this country."

You did not let blacks into this country, but kidnapped them and sold them into slavery, and perpetuated the worst atrocities in the US South. Many of you are also proud of your actions and continue to wave the confederate flag. You brought in Asians to work on the railroads and not out of kindness of your hearts.

"We are a naturally kind people."

Tell that to the Indians you massacred, black folks you kidnapped and sold into slavery and to white apologists such as Deng Ai.

"We tolerated so much and asked that the Asians, Blacks,and foreigns become civilized."

I think you have the history reversed...when China was a great civilization and Egypt dominated the Mediterranean white people lived up the trees in Germany and performed human sacrifices in the UK and drank virgin blood in Scandinavia. Had Julius Ceaser not invaded Germany and Britain and taught you how to make fire, you guys would still be living up the tree, throwing rocks and stones and eating raw meat.

"Are you all behaving civilized? No."

Why? What is your definition of civilization? Let us take the serial killers and murderers...except for 9/11 they all happen to be white, and as per the US calculation, the 9/11 murderers are classified as white.

"You still continue to be savage."

Like all those white savages who have gone on rampage in schools during the past four years or so...Columbine,CO Springfield, OR, Jonesboro, AR? Give me evidence.
Historian    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:29:21 (PDT)    []

I am sincerely curious about your little experiences. Could you please tell me a few of the experiences that you have gone through? I think White americans recieve way more unjustice in this country. We get our jobs taken away because of Asians, Blacks and other foreigners. We tolerate too much. We had that affirmative action making it impossible for us to get a decent job with proper recognition. I think minorities in this country complain about too much. I don't understand what you all are complaining about. You have all of our jobs, and all of our due recognition, and our women too! Its just a slap in the face. We didn't have to let the Asians and Blacks come to this country. But we did out of the kindness of our hearts. We are a naturally kind people. And this is how you all repay us? Whine Whine Whine about every absolute thing!It shows how you are all sucking out our blood and could care less about us. We tolerated so much and asked that the Asians, Blacks,and foreigns become civilized. Are you all behaving civilized? No. You still continue to be savage.
What are you whining for?    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 08:16:40 (PDT)    []
What people like MJK or other like them don't realize is the racism and the putdowns and Bullcrap us Asians in America have to face. I guess it helps if you are of mixed blood like MJK to function in this society but for the rest of us Pure Breds we have to deal with discrimination on a day to day basis.

I usually speak back to people who try to diss me or think that I'm Asian so I either would Kowtow or not speak back. Many of them are shocked by a Asian who can slander back and not hold back to them. Many of my coworkers know this and try their best to not speak racist things to me though many are itching to say it.

I really don't care for white people or black people here in this country either. One minute they are at each others throats and the next they are sleeping together under the sheets all the while dissing the other ethnicities here in America.

I am pessimistic about the race relationships and I feel it will not get better here. Only an intervention of a God or spiritual awakening would change this problem not when Man is still in command of this earth.
FTP    Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 13:10:35 (PDT)    []
There certainly are rude people in every culture. I am white and lived in South Boston for a short while, but hated it; if you're not Irish Catholic (which I'm not) you just don't fit in. I was treated like an outsider. But overgeneralization is a mistake. Of course if you are being treated rudely or in a racist manner you have every right to defend yourself and fight back.

But sometimes it's just not worth it. I was on the subway the other day, and I was sitting next to an older, shabbily dressed white man. After a little while I realized from the smell that he was drunk. He then proceeded to pull out a boxcutter! and play with it. I quietly stood up and moved far away, rather than creating a scene. The drunk man asked the man next to him, a well-dressed Indian man, what the next stop was. The Indian man said he thought it was X stop but he wasn't sure. The drunk man then got into a rage shouting "Go back to Indian and milk some f***ing cows". The Indian man calmly ignored him. What point would it have proved to fight with a drunk man with a knife? In this case the Indian man kept his composure and didn't let this man get to him.
curious girl    Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 10:58:54 (PDT)    []