Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most annoying occurrence to which Asian Americans are routinely subjected?
Being told you speak English well |
Being asked where you're from, originally |
Having (non-Asian) strangers address you with phrases in Asian languages |
Being subjected to offensive media portrayals of Asians |
Which of the following is the most common way in which racial hostility has been expressed toward you?
Hostile words spoken to your face |
Hostile remarks to others within earshot |
Slurs or taunts shouted from a distance |
Spreading of malicious gossip about you |
Pointedly excluding you from a conversation or event |
In your experience what types of persons are most likely to show hostility toward Asians?
People with low educational levels |
People from social backwaters |
People insecure about their own places in society |
People envious of Asian success |
People with little contact with other ethnicities |
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To the Whining guy,
Look. My ancestors were here wayyy before yours. Finders keepers you say? Then we should have kept then, right? i mean, we were here first? And survival of the fittest? Ok. Sophisticated weapontry was new to my ancestors. How were we supposed to defend ourselves in a fair fight. The truth is, your ancestors fought dirty like they always have. Well, enough of that subject I think I'm going to get sick talking about that mess. The real issue at hand here is that you want to blame Asians, Blacks and everyone else for your problems. maybe you were not qualified. Maybe losing your job was do to other reasons. Don't use that affirmative action excuse. Its played out and old. I feel that you ARE a racist. Ever heard of 'walks like a duck talks like a duck?" well, you walk like a duck, so you must be...-hmm
your a racist fool   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:59:28 (PDT)
"What are you whining for?"
-White man, certainly you're right in some points. But the question is rather if you could have provided what has happened...As for us Asian immgrants, we tend to be in no way superior. This is our disadvantage in a foreign country.
Since we are actually in the West we Asians can hardly blame the Asian ruling classes for our problems. Thus we should better complain about the products of the Western ruling class which are anti-male feminism (this makes men in general unemployed) and Christianity which calms down half of the poor population.
Regarding "chasing white women": well, such Asian guys are thieves and traitors from my point of view. Just one critical question at last: Why have you whites eradicated all of your ancient customs which would have prevented some of the problems (like "chasing white women") you have nowadays?!
rare stuff   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 09:39:06 (PDT)
Seriously, this is getting so pathetic...we're less qualified than you? Please! It is nobody's fault that your life is not what you want it to be...do you think it is easy rising to the top? do you think that you can just sit back and life will just come out fair and right and just? Get real! We all have to work and fight for ourselves in our lives and it is nobody's fault you lost your job except your own. Maybe instead of using race as an excuse for YOUR failures, why don't you try to be a REAL man and get on with your life. We don't complain, we fight for rights that are as much yours as they are mine. And about the native americans, if they had been armed with guns and manifest destiny and some crazy claim over the world, they probably would have killed you off long before William Penn ever came! Don't forget that it took YOU two hundred years to admit that slavery was wrong! And don't you dare compare your grandfathers to the founding fathers of this country, don't you dare try t compare youself and put yourself in the same light as the heroes of this country...FDR, Washington, Franklin...maybe your grandfathers were some Southern democrats during the Civil War, or more probably, your grandfather probably came from Europe as immigrants generations ago and just "forgot".
Who's fault is it that you got fired? Ours? I don't think so... Balme whoever you want, but i assure you it won't do anything good. Life is life, it's not easy, and don't expect it to be easier just for you...even Messiahs like Jesus went through hell...
Your definition of supremacist is severely warped. Your wife has a black lady friend that you let her visit? Hah? Do you live in Smalltown, Louisiana??? Has September 11th taught you nothing about peace and unity?? First of all, you LET her visit her friend? Please... And why is it such a big deal that she is black? Why does it even matter? Why are you even using EXAMPLES? Oh yeah, and Jap is a racial term used in World War II...who's racist now? Who knows why you got fired but the very fact that you immediately blamed someone based on race only proves your perspective.
Alright, let's have a little history lesson...first of all, the first hominid to leave Africa was Homo Erectus (also the first to use fire), which was later replaced by the Neaderthals, who were replaced by Cro-Magnons, who were finally replaced by Homo Sapiens and finally by Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Native Americans entered North America through the Bering Straight into what is now Alaska and later spread. This happened many of thousands of years before the Middle Ages, so we weren't in competition from the start, and the Native Americans weren't trying to plunder and take all the land...
Anyway, stop being some maudlin white supremacist who needs to grow up, get up, and get a job/life.
Oh yeah, and get you lazy butt to a city (Atlanta is fine) and realize we are now living in, yes we are, the 21st century and are no longer living in the 19th century...
Girl in Stuy HS   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 08:53:47 (PDT)
To: what are YOU whining for?
Ok, this is just bizarre. I understand you are upset that you have lost jobs but have ALL the white men at these places you worked lost THEIR jobs as well? If not, perhaps it's YOU. Would you have felt any better if you had been replaced by whites? Wouldn't you STILL have been unemployed? Or if they had replaced you with a white woman, would you then hate ALL women and especially white women. Would you then hate your wife? Affirmative action promoted women (of all races) over white men as well, you know. Besides that, saying that your wife has a black friend sounds just like the old stereotype of whites saying, "Oh, but I'm not prejudiced. I have a black friend!" Let's face it, whites are known for keeping some of their racism in the closet and smiling in people's faces, while calling them N***ERS behind their backs! As for the comment "He has no respect for her yet she says she loves him.", sounds like you're sister's an idiot. She shouldn't take that from ANY man. What if he had been white and treated your sis like this? Would it be ok then since it was a WM? Bottom line is that a man is treating your sis like dirt and you should be pissed off about that alone, not the fact that he's a "Jap" as you called him. And so what that your sister's friend married a black man? You just said you didn't have a problem w/your wife having a black friend. AGAIN, you are displaying the typical white man's attitude of "it's ok to have black friends but Heaven forbid you date one of them!". That's how it's always been w/most whites. If she's happy, what do you care? Do you like her or something? Aren't you married?! "Whats wrong with being with a good White man?" Absolutely nothing!! Problem is, you don't sound like one! I've dated plenty of good white men and I'm not white. I'm mixed. Got news for you...they would consider you a racist by your comments and would want nothing to do with you. If you are a Christian, then you should understand that you are to love everyone as you love yourself. Until you can learn to do that, you are going to blame all the problems in your life on other races. What would be the result if you never encountered another minority in your life? Who would you blame your misfortunes on then? Gotta wonder!!
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:26:35 (PDT)
Keep Whining White Chap...Slavery was abolished in 1863, and you do not own the white women!
Billy Yank   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:10:41 (PDT)
"Everybody's is all fired up just because I stated some facts. The fact is you Asians and Blacks took my job away. You are the reasons for me getting laid off!"
"Wanna know why? Because a damn foreigner accused me of punching the clock too late everyday. It just makes me PO'd!"
May be you did report late to work.
"You unqualified foreigners taking my jobs away!"
Instead of whining why dont you write your GREs or MCATs and beat the crap out of the foreigners in the academia? Do you even have the brains?
"I see that you are all chasing White women."
Perhaps you should chase black women.
"When? I had nothing to do with indians. They trekked here from someplace, asia or something. This was not their country."
The whites sailed from somewhere far away. This was not their country either.
"This was open game for whoever wanted it."
It still is, and that is why minorities are doing to you what your ancestor did to the Indians.
"You all don't appreciate the blood sweat and tears my fathers shed to create this country."
No I dont. Becuase they did not.
"You owe us at least a thankyou and an apology for ruining this country!"
America first owes an apology to blacks for slavery. Once you give that apology we will consider it.
White Boy Whining   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:08:45 (PDT)
"I came to this board because I just have alot on my mind. I also have been through alot. I lost my jobs to unqualified foreigners. I was more qualified for the job, I have been there for 4 years for pete sake! And what do they do? They hired Asians and Blacks and ended up laying me off."
They have been laying off a lot of Americans...white, black, Asian and Hispanic and moving operations abroad. This is precisely the problem I have when xenophobes abd pea-brained folks such as Tom Tancredo and ex-governor Richard Lamm say when they should try to find an American. No, in this global economy no firm "has to find" an American. They simply move their operations out of the country laying off the other Americans they have employed so far. It is a global economy. So get over it. There are three different ways of fighting it:
(1) All those folks who oppose immigration including Tancredo should join the folks demonstrating at G-& meetings to fight globalization. Because, if people are not allowed to move to jobs, jobs move to people. That is globalization;
(2) Make a racist, white cultural argument and say that we have earned enough money and we want to keep our neighborhood white even at the expense of jobs. This is the isolationist argument;
(3) Deal with immigration and globalization;
"Its things like this that makes me angry. I feel like its the fault of the affirmative action and civil rights. I don't feel that I'm a supremacist."
Just like an abused spouse is in denial you are in denial.
"My wife has a Black lady friend who visits her. If I had a problem with the Blacks then why would I let my wife hang around Monique?"
Because she may divorce you, if you dont and get a restraining order if you threaten her.
"So no I am not a supremacist."
In denial typical of all supremacists.
"I also just feel that injustice is mostly given to us."
That is news to me. I never knew of white slaves and black or Asian slave drivers.
"Foreigners have taken our jobs our women."
Blacks and Asians are not foreigners. When would you get that into your thick skulls.
"My sister is dating a Jap."
"Jap!" And you are not a racist or supremacist?!!!
"He got her pregnant. He has no respect for her yet she says she loves him."
Not very different from many white guys.
"Then my sister's friend just married a Black man two months ago."
Good for her
"I just don't get it. Whats wrong with being with a good White man? Whats wrong with it? This is the crap that annoys me."
If you are not a bigot, why dont you marry a good Asian or black woman. Or do you consider black and Asian women to be lesser than white women.
"People that go on and on about the indians being the real americans. The indians trekked her from asia or someplace."
Indians are real Americans, because they were here first.
"America was open game for whoever. It was survival of the fittest. Everyone complains and complains off the sweat and blood my grandfathers shed to make this country what it is today! And it is being destroyed by the foreigns now!"
America is open game for whoever. It is indeed the survival of the fittest. Everyone LIKE YOU complains and complains offf the sweat and bllod my Asian grandfathers from Hawaii shed to make this country what it is today! And folks like you who elect Tom Tancredo and other bigots are destroying this country now!
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 15:00:36 (PDT)