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WHat the heck?!,
This is a total Asian issue in America. Nobody cares about height too much in Asia.
I never knew about this issue until I join an Asian club in College and some guy asked me if I thought he was short. He was 5'6" and I was like as long as your feet can touch the ground and your head doesn't hit the top of the door you're fine.
Have anybody been to old Boston and old Philedephia and looked the the doors on the building. Or seen an old suits of armor in a museam. They are all under 5'4" tall.
AC dropout   
Monday, December 17, 2001 at 09:09:09 (PST)
Interested student of origins of East Asian peoples,
First of all, Ural Altaic has no relation to Indo European languages. The typologies are different.
The attempt to include Korean and or Japanese with the Altaic branch of the Ural Altaic linguistic family has not been solidly proved (Britannica journal of lingual studies). Although, there still exists many common features that may link them to it. Most scholars now put off Korean/Japanese as a separate language family branch.
Turkish, Azerbaijan, Turkic people in Iran, Finnish, Hungarian and some Turkic tribes within Russia are Caucasoid. Most likely, these people are for the most part descendants of the original Indo European native population who adopted the language of the invading Mongoloid/Altaic military elite (Turks from Central Asia) who comprised too small a number to change the racial portions of the native Caucasoid races although they may have changed their language and or religion.
Now, the Samoyed, Ugric, nomadic Turkic peoples of Siberia and northern Central Asia, Tatars, Mongols, Manchus are all pure URAL-ALTAIC. They are the ORIGINALS. And, they are still purely MONGOLOID with no Caucasoid mixing.
Koreans and Japanese are far from being close to Middle Easterners/Europeans on the genetic distance scale. But, Chinese (esp. northern) and Tibetans are seemingly midway between the Koreans/Japanese and the Middle Eastern in terms of genetic distance.
Ainu language has some Japanese and Amur Gilyak features due to borrowings, but its linguistic affiliations are also unknown.
The Amerindian and Eskimo languages are also not affiliated with Ural Altaic. They have their own branching.
Chinese Human Genome Project   
Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 21:32:20 (PST)
You know what I think ?
The han chinese (excluding all minorities of China) are, unlike what many people think, are very light skinned and tall. How did we ever get a reputation as being short? Must be from those Kung Fu guys...KUNG FU stunts your growth! Anyhow...Traditionally, a tall man in the Chinese Empire(found from pointless ancient census books), measure (after translating to modern measurements) is 7 feet tall!Now it may be exagerrating, more like 6'6 prob...
Chinese from the 19th century are short because of the malnutrition from all em wars and poor leadership of the manchurians, a non chinese people.
You have to understand that most of the short chinese, are actually not Chinese people, they were just conquered by the manchurians, and look at the climate in china?It is a good place to be tall! Just like Korea, but not japan, u can see they have short legs.
Bottom Line, people vary in height...
ANd to a historical chinese man, being called short and classified with the southern barbarians is very insulting.
No offence..but most chinese people from china think like this...I was shocked when I came to america...
WHat the heck?!   
Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 04:14:39 (PST)
to Chinese Human Genome Project,
you may be right on the genetic evidence regarding the origins of Ainu and Amerindians.
i still have some questions however...
if you claim that there is no relationship between Caucasoids and NE Asian peoples, how do you explain that NE Asian languages (such as Korean and Japanese)are similar to Caucasian languages? Korean and Japanese are in Ural-Altaic language family, which also includes Turkish, Finnish, etc. and is related to Indo-European languages.
I think the languages spoken by Ainu and Amerindians is also related to the Ural-Altaic family.
Thank you for any replies.
Interested student of origins of East Asian peoples,   
Friday, December 14, 2001 at 23:53:11 (PST)
Interested student of origins of East Asian peoples,
It is evident that the first ancestors of the Mongoloid peoples arrived from Southeast Asia and then upwards to China and Siberia. (this is from the out of Africa theories and proven through DNA analysis).
The Ainu may at first look a little like Caucasoids phenotypically, but the genetic testing shows they are closer to Australoids/Polynesians (genetically closest to the Taiwanese Polyesian aborigines). Their full beards are also shared by Australian aborigines. The only difference is that Ainus have lighter pigmentation compared to Australoids and less flat noses (could be due to weather/climate adaptations). And, many Ainus are short compared to average Europeans/Mideasterners.
Yes, the DNA tests also show that Amerinds (Native Americans) have a Polynesian strain in their genes, which attests to an Ainu relation. The Kenniwick Man is known to be close to Ainus, but so far genetic testing has failed to link him with Caucasoids. Again, proving that both Ainus and Kenniwick man are Polynesian derived.
I really don't think Caucasoids ever got further than western Siberia and the western regions of China in their migrations. Modern Siberians do not show any linkages in their DNA to support this theory.
On the otherhand, it may have been possible some Caucasoids may have sailed to North and South America (via Scandinavia, Spain, North Africa, etc.) concurrent with the early Amerind migrations from Asia and Siberia. At that time, the Americas were probably not as widely separated by ocean to both Asia and Europe as it is now.
Chinese Human Genome Project   
Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 21:16:56 (PST)
About a year ago, there was a conversation on this site about racial origins. One Chinese man said that Hispanics are not a real race. He said that Latinos are a mixture of Black, Indian, and Spanish. On the other hand, he made it seem like the Chinese were high and pure. Well now the truth comes out. Looks like Chinese are mutts as well, eh? Now I see why Whites are CaucASIAN! ROTFLMAO
Mid Center   
Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 19:25:33 (PST)
To Chinese Human Genome Project and Taiwanese and ancient northern Han are not genetically separate,
The results of the studies cited by you are quite interesting, and seem to me convincing...
I do have some questions however... I have read that the Ainu people in Japan as well as some other northeast Asian peoples are in fact more closely related to Caucasoid populations than to Mongoloid populations... is this true and if so, doesn't this suggest that there was another migration route to Asia through central Asia (rather than southeast Asia)? I have also read that native American peoples were also related to Ainu in Japan.
I would appreciate if you could address these questions.
Thank you.
Interested student of origins of East Asian peoples   
Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 19:38:33 (PST)
Great Wall,
The malay-looking man and the Korean-looking man from China both consider themselves HAN Chinese. If you test their DNA, I think you will see differences. Even though they share the same culture (ethnicity), they are not of the same race. Race implies a genetic commonality NOT a cultural one. You are wrong to assume that Chinese are a race. Genetics in Chinese people are incredibly varied as I stated before in my post. Being Chinese does not mean you belong to a race. Being Chinese means you belong to a ethnic group NOT a racial group. Please learn the difference dude.
Monday, December 10, 2001 at 20:05:55 (PST)