Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Is it possible to embrace both American and Asian cultures and find social acceptance with both Americanized and non-Americanized groups of friends?
Yes |
No |
Which of the following factors is most important in facilitating a successful bi-cultural life?
Familitarity with both cultures |
Family upbringing |
Fluency in both languages |
Security in one's identity |
Which of the following factors most discourages bi-cultural lives for U.S.-raised Asian Americans?
Inability to speak Asian languages |
Outmarriage to non-Asians |
Fear of seeming too Asian |
Concern for kids' image with peers |
Which segment of the Asian American population currently has the greatest positive impact on American society?
American-Born |
Foreign-born, American-educated |
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My surroundings are all white culture, when I lock myself in my living room I practice Asian culture. Is this a bicultural life?-I think somehow, yes.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:23:25 (PDT)
Just remember - they won't take you seriously either. And will play you, too. So as long as that's cool with you, it's cool with me. But don't expect to garner much of a serious relationship with 7th grade tactics.
Poo being serious   
Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 12:33:57 (PDT)
You are begining to catch my drift. People are just too serious all the time. If you are going to be fake, make it as fake as you can possible be and enjoy the ride! Be the movers and the shakers of the world, not the meek ones who do nothing for fear of catching cooties (cuties?). After all, what's the worst thing that can happen after you drop the accent? I'll tell you what, since I've done it. I simply say to the guy, a few hours into a really stimulating conversation about something tremendous like the meaning of the universe, "OK, I was going to say 'aurora-borealis' with the English accent, but it's too hard to get my tongue around that difficult word, so I'll have to drop into my American accent to get it right, but the rest of the sentence is simple English and so, I'll just get back into my English accent, if you don't mind."
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 11:05:32 (PDT)
Poo - you crack me up!
I agree totally - a fake accent is lying, and FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!
chicky poo   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 18:23:53 (PDT)
That's funny I should try some of those next time I'm on the hunt.
I tried a fake arm cast once to get a few phone numbers of the girls at a bar. The sympathy thing really works with some girls.
AC Dropout   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 10:00:39 (PDT)
No way man! Kelley's a pretty name but I prefer MLK.
Martin Luther King together with Rosa Parks opened endless doors for African Americans.
May(the Asian American Heritage Month) is approaching!!!!!!
We should take this opportunity to also commemorate Parks (Rosa)! I know these people whose last name is Park. I think they would really appreciate it.
But they are Koreans.
Friday, April 26, 2002 at 21:19:13 (PDT)
Good idea MLK! Here are some other ideas!
** Act like you have a gun in your pocket, then force them into your car..but take them on a date!! What fun!!
** Pretend to have a seizure in front of them Roll on the floor and gasp..then bolt upright in the ambulance and say " so whats your name baby?" So cute!!
** Pretend you are of the opposite sex! yes, dress up as a woman if you are a man..get her to indulge her secrets and trust in you --- then voila! What a kooky look she will have on her face when you whip down your pants!!
** Heres a good one!! Lie about your age! You are 16, but claim to be 21!! Then , after screwing her , show her your drivers permit! She will giggle at the policeman as he reads her her rights!
** Pretend to need a wheelchair!! Make a fake handicapped sticker and let the truly wheelchair bound roll their asses a few feet ---who cares..all's fair, right? Then after your sponge bath..kick her in the head, saying " Surprise!"
Oh yes , nothing like showing someone the REAL you as an ice breaker. But maybe just maybe - you could spare yourself a lot of time and effort by just using the handy phrase " I have no identity - may I borrow one to speak with you?" I mean , cut right to the chase why not?
Glad I could help! Next week - how to ace a job interview for something you are UNQUALIFIED to do!! ( Paging Dr. Phony s.t.a.t. )
Friday, April 26, 2002 at 12:26:34 (PDT)