Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Is it possible to embrace both American and Asian cultures and find social acceptance with both Americanized and non-Americanized groups of friends?
Yes |
No |
Which of the following factors is most important in facilitating a successful bi-cultural life?
Familitarity with both cultures |
Family upbringing |
Fluency in both languages |
Security in one's identity |
Which of the following factors most discourages bi-cultural lives for U.S.-raised Asian Americans?
Inability to speak Asian languages |
Outmarriage to non-Asians |
Fear of seeming too Asian |
Concern for kids' image with peers |
Which segment of the Asian American population currently has the greatest positive impact on American society?
American-Born |
Foreign-born, American-educated |
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AC Dropout
I don't know enough about Nietszche to be able to comment on what you just posted. Give me a week to read up on his philosophies and teachings and I'll get back to you on this.
I guess 'enlightenment' (the same word) means two completely different things from the western point of view as opposed to the eastern one.
What is 'Chinese KMT doctrines'? Is that something I should read up on and get back to you as well?
And do you have to be anti-social to prescribe to his theory?
And if 'all humans' could achieve this, then who will be the one who dominates and wins? That makes no sense at all. To win, you must be better than those around you, but if all humans could achieve this, then how can one individual win once all humans have achieved 'enlightenment'? I know I'm not making myself clear, but do you understand this question?
And have you attained 'enlightenment' yet?
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 23:19:38 (PDT)
though without gene tests I can't prove anything I dare to say I'm probably pure "Chinese". But my "family" was mixed since several generations.I assume that you know about the differences between the cultures within the PRC.There are many kinds of people of different race and ethnicity commonly referred to as "Han Chinese".My grandparents (immigrants) were forced to interbreed because of the arranged marriage.They never learnt to understand each other because they were a too sharp contrast to each other.The same with the generation of my parents. Nobody of these people believes in love in the Western sense of this word.They searched their partners on their own,but didn't care too much about who it was, having only in mind that marrying is a duty.Their motto is rather "love comes with time".I don't know if their interracial relationships are successful.It seems that my "family" (which I don't know by the way) has no other chance than interbreeding for reproduction.Perhaps we're not even multi-cultural,but just without any specific culture,just with our habits which derive from different origins/backgrounds.
Crying: when I was a child I realized that crying cannot express male feelings.Men feel more intense and complex feelings which cannot be expressed through crying.Maybe you,as you are a woman, fear the intensity of emotions which could make you "anti-social". That's my opinion.
I don't know many non-whites.Because my non-white mates and I are victims of the daily racism that occurs we tended to stick together.But it could also be that I'm wrong and Asians would torture/disturbe me as well because I have no clear identity.Although all my ancestors may have been "Han" it doesn't mean that I can call myself "Han", actually I think I have no right to call myself "Han", "Manchu","Cantonese" or whatever.
rare stuff   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 16:11:25 (PDT)
Thanks for taking the time to post back to me. I would like to learn more about Buddhism as my boyfriend's family is Buddhist. I've never been a very religious person at all, but I do believe in both Jesus Christ and Buddha. I like Jesus's teachings that say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". But the Buddhist idea of not hurting yourself really intrigues me. I agree that we all hurt ourselves, most of the time very subconsciously. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to appreciate and absorb both teachings in myself and my life. I have a friend (WF) that has had what she calls a "Buddhist teacher" for 10 years and she's one of the most happy, well-balanced people I know. She's never afraid to look inside herself and face her demons.
I think you mentioned somewhere else that you are part Francais, non? Were you raised entirely Buddhist? How does one practice Buddhism, do the devout pray daily and go to temple weekly?
curious girl   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:31:06 (PDT)
to rare stuff
I am begining to understand more of why you say the things you do.
You are pure Chinese? (male, I'm assuming). What martial arts did you practice and how long did you practice it? And was it the cause of your disability?
And crying is not violence to the ears of those who truly love you. It can be the way to liberate the soul from torture and also a means to express deepfelt emotions. I cry when I'm angry. But also when I'm happy, as well as when I'm feeling intense love or pride or even sadness.
What is the white pressure that you are talking about? Maybe talking it out will help you sort out your frustrations.
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 19:01:00 (PDT)
Nietzsche was just a pessimistic man of letters. The nazis were proud of him because he was a German "Aryan" philosopher, nothing more,nothing less. Nietzsche was rather a nihilist than a nationalist.I.e. he gave up to believe in anything (positive).
It's totally OK if people read Nietzsche to get a more realistic perspective.
rare stuff   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 15:09:49 (PDT)
In my quest to better understand western society. I mean the heart and theories that shape the western world we lived in. I was turned to the great German minds who started the foundation of critical philosophy as we know it today. Okay I hated Greek literature and convinced my advisor that majoring in philosophy should be a subsitutue for 2 classes in college.
Nazi based their principles on Nietszche. Nietszche was not a Nazi. He got STD and was in a coma. His sister sold ticket to see his body, by the time the Nazi came to power. There was a lot of misinterpretation of the Nazi party from Nietszche teaching.
My other facination with the Nazi party is due to the fact Taiwan political history is intertwined with Nazis. Chang Kai-Shiek sent is second son to Nazi school and his son participated in the invasion of Austria. The Chinese KMT doctrines are loosely based on the Nazi blue collar party.
Nietszche was anti-social and a misogynist due to his personal history. The Uber-man (superman) is the state of enlightenment he believe all human could achieve, once they gave up logical Socratic thinking for a more creative Bacca..(what is the roman god of wine?) thinking. To become this superman one need to excercise one's will. The process of "will to power." By dominating other individuals "will" through conflict one enlightens oneself. Hence, the famous Nietzche phrase "what does not kill you, only make you stronger."
So one's quest for enlightenment is a series of conflict with stronger willed individual until one becomes the uber-man.
This kind of though is central of western society of controlled conflicts. Our judicial system, open markets, etc. are built on this paradigm of "will to power" (domination) in order to achieve progress.
Send a check for $19.98 for this brief tutorial.
PS - The great Ironic Nietzche humor
"God is Dead" - Nietzhe
"Nietzche is Dead" - God
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 13:41:22 (PDT)