Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Is it possible to embrace both American and Asian cultures and find social acceptance with both Americanized and non-Americanized groups of friends?
Yes |
No |
Which of the following factors is most important in facilitating a successful bi-cultural life?
Familitarity with both cultures |
Family upbringing |
Fluency in both languages |
Security in one's identity |
Which of the following factors most discourages bi-cultural lives for U.S.-raised Asian Americans?
Inability to speak Asian languages |
Outmarriage to non-Asians |
Fear of seeming too Asian |
Concern for kids' image with peers |
Which segment of the Asian American population currently has the greatest positive impact on American society?
American-Born |
Foreign-born, American-educated |
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rare stuff
So you are Siberian...?
Why would your mother forbid you to read about Chinese people (unless they were instrumental in the process of flinging your relatives into the far regions of the world to survive)? My father always encouraged me to read about the theories of Communism even though this is what tore my homeland apart and flung us way out here in sunny California. I have always been taught that the danger always lies in ignorance, not the aquisition of knowledge.
You say you have problems to 'remain' Chinese, but again, you say you are definitely not Chinese and you are white-washed. Are you trying to tell me that you are now living in a European country? I know it's not the US or any country that is English-speaking because although you write very well, it's as if this is your third or fourth language. And as far as I know of geography, Siberia is now part of China, isn't it? Just as Tibet, it was once a nation different and apart from China as we know it now. But physically, is there a difference in looks and temperament of the people? You say you are a physically strong race. Does that mean you have very big bones, or larger frame than the average Asian? I have never met a Siberian. I don't know what you look like.
I understand now, about your image of the heathen spirit idols. You are talking about idols such as the black-faced warrior king or the red-faced warrior mandarine, yes? I am scared of them.
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 21:21:47 (PDT)
rare stuff ,
Yeah christianity is white. However, that is counterbalance by the fact all churches are social gathering places. Hence, it is no longer that white. When the bible and hyems are all in Chinese. You know there is not that much white left in that church.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 14:46:32 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
you mentioned Asian churches as kind of places of resistance against white-washing. From my point of view churches are Christian and Christianity is white. So what can be shaped in any churches is only white(-washed) identity, not Asian identity.
For Asian Christians it must be difficult enough to remain bi-cultural, not to say that white-washing will be the next step in the development of their identity. Or how does church preserve Asian culture??
rare stuff   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 16:35:52 (PDT)
I'm definetely not Chinese, nor are my relatives Chinese. They are distributed over the whole world, citizens of the USA, Europe, Australia, South East Asian states. Some live among Chinese of Cantonese or Fujianese origin. That is why they have such names, ending with the letter "-m" or "-k".
Most of them DON'T know about Chinese culture because it's been several generation since they have converted to Christianity or Islam.
My mother once even forbid me to read about Chinese people/culture. I was raised up to become a white-washed man.
Asian "heathen spirit" idol does not refer to buddhas. It refers to "nagas" (in Southeast Asian terms) or "hei she" (in Chinese terms).
Again, I have problems to "remain" Chinese. The best comparisons between Western and Eastern heathendom can be made if Catholics/Orthodoxes are compared with TIBETAN Buddhists.
According to my knowledge about "my" heritage I'm as Asian and bi-cultural as the Siberian natives. So I will have to go "farer" back to the roots than you.
rare stuff   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:23:31 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
Sorry it took me so long to respond but I've been on vacation. Thanks for your response, I appreciate your insights. I think your book title sounds great. :)
curious girl   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 07:38:45 (PDT)