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Lately, in the San Gabriel parts of L.A. (notably Alhambra, Rosemead, San Gabriel, Temple City, El Monte) I noticed that some of the FOB immigrant Chinese women are very eye catching. I wasn't attracted to the Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland Cantonese women. But, those northern women are taller, well portioned, good symmetry and fuller figured.
I recently leased and rented out an apartment to one couple from Beijing. The man is a doctor who is always away from home at work. His wife is a fine looking woman, and lately knows how to dress and take care of herself. She knows how I look at her when I am called upon to fix a sink or leakage problem.
I also manage my parents restaurant in Arizona part time, but get bored being with all those old Toisan "abak" (uncles). We gambled dominoes, cards and majong in the back of the parking lot. I had a relation with the white girl waitress in that "take out" eatery in Phoenix. One of the "abak" one night caught us doing it in the restaurant kitchen. I thought he already left after work, but he had a diarrhea problem in the restroom to my inattention. My parents busted me and sent me back to California. I dropped out of college and have now been sitting all day in the manager's office of their apartment.
OK, last week, the Chinese couple called my office to help them fix their kitchen's sink. I went upstairs with my tools. Her husband was inside his bedroom spending time on the Net. I was working the sink, and his wife was doing nail polish with her foot. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looked back with that demon eyes.
She came into the kitchen to get a glass of drink. She came to look at the sink and then looked into my eyes. She asked if I could speak Chinese? I said no. I told her she was beautiful and she was surprised and laughing. She thanked me.
Later I was done and the kitchen was working. I told her that it was OK now. She told me that I was handsome too. She said she had never such manly and beautiful Chinese men ever. I took up her foot slowly and licked every part of it. I thought about this and then just left and said bye.
A few minutes later, she came downstairs to my office. I got up afraid and said what was the matter? She said it was OK, her husband would spend more endless hours in his room on the Net and not come out. I sat back down on my desk seat. She then came over and sat atop me. I couldn't take this any longer. We made wild love in my office with the door and shades closed. She was quite endowed with a good body, almost like white and Hispanic women. I asked her how her husband treats her? She did not even talk. She said: "he only work, work working lika a masheen. He no love me." I kissed her lips and said Chinese guys can have strong feelings too. She asked me why I am not married, so young and good looking? She then jokingly asked me what would happen if she had a baby for me? I jokingly responded her doctor husband should know if it is his or not. But, in the back of mind, this ain't no joke. Yet, I can't get out this problem. I seem to want to get in her pants everyday. Can't help it.
Yes, I am now carrying an affair with this woman. It's going to get nowhere. But, I have never loved Chinese girls ever before. I am addicted to it now.
I know that soon I will be exiled back to that desert take out, but for now I just need to have some. God help me, I know this is wrong.
newfound Chinese love   
Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 19:47:41 (PST)
o yeah, before u females and male start hating on me, i just want to say that my knowledge of women are not based on what Sun Tze said. i apologize if thats what u thought. i just found it amusing, and to a certain degree, its kinda true. again, dont hate on me cause im just joking. thank u.
Mr. Hann   
Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 16:07:38 (PST)
young ABC,
Just tell them lies, bad stuffs, be mean , write them ripped-off poems, and never treat them 1st priority.
Lady's man "Tong Pak Fu" 4greatestscholars@kwangdung.edu   
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 06:45:28 (PST)