

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a male of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to females of Chinese ancestry?
Their facial features | 58%
Their physique | 8%
Their attitude and personality | 18%
Their education & cultural values | 16%

Assuming you are a male of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with females of Chinese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 28%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 67%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 4%
Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to males of Chinese ancestry?
Their facial features | 54%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 23%
Their education & cultural values | 17%

Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with males of Chinese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 29%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 65%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 5%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I love screwing my gf and telling her how horny I am and how good she feels in Cantonese.
chinesegenepool    Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:00:05 (PDT)
Looking for love,

Most people don't think of Asian women having big breasts. Why? I don't know. I wouldn't take these people comment's to heart, though. I know it can be difficult at times. Especially when it affects ones self-esteem and sexuality. You have to realize, though, that jerks come in all races, ages and genders. Try to see the jerk for what they are and snub your nose up at them:) As you well know, there are a lot of jerks in the world. What hurts is when a jerk is disguised as a good person. Usually, eventually, a person's true character emerges and you can see a person for who they really are. Now, this isn't to say that good people can't act like jerks at times. There is a difference between the two, you know. But back to you. Do your best to accept your body the way that it is, and don't let people make you feel bad about yourself. Know that only you can decide wheather or not you let someone hurt you. I know it can be hard, but you can do it.
Outside Looking In    Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 06:32:37 (PDT)
Looking for love,

I'm really sorry to hear about that problem of yours. It's true that a lot of non-Asians tend to stereotype Asians in a lot of different ways. Most people don't stop to think how ignorant it is to place a single image on a billion people. It's NEVER easy no matter what city your from when your confronted with issues like this. As an AA I find myself constantly trying to break down stereotypes and trying twice as hard as anyone else in practically EVER aspect of life. In short, I think it's harder being AA but that's what ultimately leads us to success. The only thing that I can suggest about your problem is to find a way to ignore it so you can start being proud of your body. How you do that is up to you. You know how to deal with stress for yourself better then anyone else. I mean the only other alternative would be to let them get to you. For me that wouldn't be an option.

Chinese female,

I definately couldn't answer that question. I think that there are very decent AM in practically every city. Just remember that AM tend to be more shy and reserved then non-Asians so it may appear that we are not interested when the complete opposite is true. That's just my opinion.
Proud 2 b Azn    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 20:36:49 (PDT)
Looking for Love,
There nothing wrong with large breast. You should be happy for what you have. Some girls don't have much.
For some strange reason, i have only dated chinese girls with large breast. I don't know why, it must be subconcious thought process somewhere. large breast=milk?..LOL
As for a guy wanting to touch, well, he is a jerk. All guys wants to touch breasts but only jerk would ask for it. I hope he was joking.
I'm sorry, that you are in a predictment. If a guy ever ask you about your breast, just say, you'll never know because you will never touch it. I believe the issue with you is that you don't like to have that kind of attention. Some girls want attention and some don't --especially from strangers.
Sorry about the previous post. Due to the nature of this forum..with everything being so anonymous, i was joking around.

1/2LostSoul    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 19:26:27 (PDT)
Seriously, what are the best places in US to find quality Chinese males?
Chinese female    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 08:27:58 (PDT)
"And I think you should be proud of your large breast..."

I wish I could be proud, but I'm really ashamed of them. It's hard when acquitances and people I meet look at me suspiciously and make nuances. So I dress down, wear loose clothes to hide them b/c I'd rather have people not see me than for them to see me as someone plastic. I get this from so many people and it makes me feel so bad.

I wish they would just come out and ask so I can set the record straight. But when they're nuances, it's hard to bring it out. But on the Internet, it's much easier to be open.

There was this one tacky guy from work who asked me directly. I told him they are real, but he didn't believe me. He said that Asian girls don't have big breasts, so mine can't be real. I don't understand this belief b/c in my world, I don't think it's rare.

He once told me to prove it to him, but he's disgusting and a jerk. I don't want him touching me. It's like I'm guilty until proven innocent, but I don't want to slut around just to prove myself. My white and Latina friends never go through this.

I wish I could be proud. But how can I be proud of something that people think are fake?

Looking for love    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 02:03:58 (PDT)