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Can you guess it, from what country originally just by looking at the faces? Somehow I do. Not many people can guess it right. I'm an Indonesian chinese girl. First people impression when look at my face, always said "Are you Japanese?". What! When I told them I'm Indonesian chinese, "Oh I never see indonesian chinese face like you before, you're skin so white. Big round eyes, double eyelids. You 're the first one I saw." Huh? really?. To bad who ever have that thought. Many asian have a big eyes and double eyelids you know.
Asian skin have a few complexion, light white, yellowish, tan or even brown. Don't be surprise if you see one of dark brown skin asian. Don't make a quik judge, always ask " Where do you from originally" that is the best.
Indo girl   
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 09:06:51 (PDT)
Hey Newfound Chinese Love
I thought your story was funny although you shouldn't be having an affair. But anyway, i liked how you described the story that happened to you. You're a good writer.
Dim Sum Girl   
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 22:57:27 (PDT)
chinese men are really sexy!!!!!!!
just an asian girl   
Monday, May 27, 2002 at 04:26:28 (PDT)
Watermellon Bubble,
there are asian people everywhere who doesn't look the way others would expect. i for one have been told i look vietnamese or thai, and japanese once. their reaction to me when i tell them i am chinese is "O, you dont look chinese" or "your eyes are too big to be chinese."
i guess to every non-chinese, chinese means mandarin. but i have also seen mandarin and taiwanese female who dont have any mandarin-chinese features(light skin, small or slits for eyes).i know im stero-typing becasue not all mandarin have light skin, etc.
maybe it's also the way a chinese female may dress or wear her makeup that makes her look like another asian group.(there i go again with the stero-typing) it shouldnt matter what you look like. all that matter is that you know who you are. be like me. im chinese and damn proud of it, no matter which chinese or who/what i look like.
Mr. Hann   
Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 22:54:27 (PDT)
Looking for Love,
I think a few folks have said this earlier but I'll add to it anyways.
Hang in there, unfortunately there are a lot of jerks out there but there are a lot of nice guys too. Good things are worth the patience and effort.
As for the tacky guy, he had absolutely no manners and is not worth the waste of breath it would be to speak with him. he may be interested in you but for very shallow reasons.
It hurts now but your patience and trials will pay off with someone who will adore you someday. Hang in there.
Slider, Chinese American, 24   
Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 06:31:21 (PDT)
Is it normal for a Chinese girl to look somewhat Viet when she's not?
someone please answer my qustion! please
Watermellon Bubble   
Friday, May 24, 2002 at 04:37:17 (PDT)
lol thanks! very informative :-D hehe
on a more serious how do you say that in cantonese?
im intrigued! :-D
Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 09:24:50 (PDT)
i look for women who I can relate to. Mainly asian american women. It's a cultural unstanding of not only where you come from but also where you grew up.
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 18:47:03 (PDT)
Chinese chicks are hot!
ben gashamaru@yahoo.com   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 05:57:12 (PDT)
Looking for love,
I've met a lot of asian women with big breast. 36C and even a 40D once.
As for that tacky guy. He's interested in you, but too bad he doesn't know how to show in a better way. Well not all people are well trained in manners and proper social conduct.
I wish you the best in finding someone who will appreciate your natural attributes.
I think you should find women who have the same figure as you, who you think have good taste in clothes. Ask them for fashion advise and how they deal with this problems. Because based on my general knowledge of men, I believe what you have are assests and not liabilities in life.
I'm sure you're not the only female on this planet who feels self aware of men looking at your breast.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 14:51:58 (PDT)