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What's up everyone!
I would like to see some pics of you guys. I heard new people should post their pics. If anyone wants to see what I look like, go to my agency's website at www.actorsinaction.com, click on the talent link, and click on the men link, I'm #215 and should be the only asian guy on the page.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 16:07:03 (PDT)
I'm Chinese and have only dated Chinese guys. I don't think I'm missing out on anything by doing so, because I feel in my heart that you guys are the best!
Enamored Chinese Girl   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 08:48:52 (PDT)
AC girL:
You can't judge all Chinese men on the basis of a few posts. How would you like it if you were generalized with a few women of your ethnicity who have different opinions than yours?
Slider, Chinese American male   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 20:24:13 (PDT)
AC girl.
I'm just a little curious what kind of guys you like to date? Being Chinese American myself, not all of us are like the apartment complex guy. You can't let the bad apples you've had experiences with lead you to believe that ALL Chinese guys are selfish, thoughtless, arrogant womanizers. Every race and ethnicity has their own "bad guys" that ruin it for the "good guys".
I'm Chinese American and I am not like that at all. I've had good relationships and bad relationships with Asian and non-Asian women. However I don't let the bad ones lead me to think that ALL Vietnamese women are bad, or ALL white women are cheaters.
I feel your pain though. After you've been burned by someone you tend to develop a hatred towards the opposite sex. Give yourself some time and keep an open mind.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 15:59:33 (PDT)
Hi All!
I'm new to this site and I thought I'd introduce myself. I suppose I'll post myself as Max. I just graduated with a double major in marketing and advertising management. I live in Portland, OR. I'm Chinese-American 5'11", medium build. I've lived in American my whole life, however I do speak Mandarin fluently and have a good balance between my Chinese and American cultures. I'm not a banana, nor a FOB. I'm what's in the middle. Too bad there isn't a popular term for people like us yet.
I'm bigtime film buff. I'm also an actor and practice martial arts. I do modeling occaissionally. I'm into every kind of music you can think of, from all parts of the world.
As far as dating goes, I've dated girls from all over the world from Asian girls,and American white girls to European girls, Middle Eastern Girls, and Hispanic Girls. I think one of the only type of girls I haven't dated yet would have to be African and Indian. Not because of preference, but lack of contact. I look forward to exchanging opinions and, or pics with all of you.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 17:10:03 (PDT)
This is exactly why I stopped dating chinese men. I find them most immature, rude and thoughtless. Just look at these posts. It goes to show the REAL truth.
Thats all I have to say about it.
AC girL   
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 15:55:23 (PDT)
your a moron,
You are correct. If she gets pregnant it is his fault. He tries to say that if she gets pregnant he will kill her. And obviously if shes pregnant, he will have killed the baby too. Hmm.What kind of ass is this guy anyway? He doesn't sound too bright.
very very true   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 12:55:36 (PDT)
If she gets pregnant it's your own fault and you deserve what you get stupid.
you're an idiot   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 08:47:25 (PDT)
"disgusting pigs need to pay for degrading women"
"Men like you should go to jail"
Geeeze! Women can be sooo emotional! There must be an outbreak of PMS or something! Damn!
HK guy   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 00:32:57 (PDT)
Hey People, What's going on?!
Steven Empyrean20@aol.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:32:25 (PDT)
One flame started it all, and its getting hotter in the bedroom everytime,
You have no respect for women. You say you are "keeping it in the family"
You are degrading chinese women. Stop making us look like desperate sluts. Men like you should go to jail.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 08:18:55 (PDT)
One flame started it all, and its getting hotter in the bedroom everytime:
Gosh! You sound like such a filthy PIG!
Your stench is disgusting!!!!
Go and clean yourself! You smell you disgusting womanizing pig!
you treat women like crap. you suck!!!
disgusting pigs need to pay for degrading women.   
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 07:17:07 (PDT)
Dude, are you the same apartment-complex guy who keeps having these affairs? Might as well take pictures and videos and make a website out of it! More porn with straight AM and women needed on the web!
Life is Sweet   
Friday, July 05, 2002 at 18:27:14 (PDT)