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I love you too. And I miss you everytime you are not with me. Max, Max, where aaaaaaaare you.......I looooooove you. :))))
Max's gf   
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 15:09:36 (PDT)
Max is a hottie,
Thank you very much for the friendly post! Hopefully in a few months I'll have my own website with more pics and video samples.
So, tell me a bit about yourself. Where are you from? Are you still in school, how did you and your bf meet? My gf is korean and she was born and raised in Russia, she's truly a great girl. I love her.
Did both of your parents approve of your relationship? What did your friends say about the two of you dating? I hope you don't mind my asking questions, I'm just very fascinated about how people interact when they date, and how peers can influence a couple's relationship.
Max orgazmo83@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 16:10:41 (PDT)
How are you? I would really like to see your picture ....
:P PrettyMoonKittty@aol.com   
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 10:44:45 (PDT)
Hey Max! I just checked out your pic and she's right...you are hot!! I know you said you haven't dated black or Indian women due to lack of contact. I would have to say that if you came in contact w/any, you wouldn't have any more difficulty dating them than you have any other women. You are very nice looking. I'm mixed (black and white) and my boyfriend is Chinese. He's a hottie too! Good luck in finding the right woman. Hopefully she'll be a sister...black or white!! haha
To AC Girl...
These people are right. While I'm not Asian, I don't lump all Asians into any category. My boyfriend is great so of course I'm not going to say all Asian men are bad. Trust me, I've come across pigs in almost every race I've dated...which includes about every race on this planet! I'm an equal opportunity dater. :-) Anyway, if you take the actions of 1 and diss an entire group for it, you'll end up not having anyone to date b/c there are bad men in EVERY race. Just my thought.
Max is a Hottie!!   
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 00:20:09 (PDT)
Xen Yen,
Does this apply to ABC or FOBs? I've known a couple ABC guys who've dated single mothers before. I think they're a little more open minded. That's just my experience though.
I was saddened to read the last couple of sentences in your post. It seems the guys you've met aren't worth it if they're going to be like that. Besides, settling for less then what you deserve won't be worth it in the long run. I realize that there isn't anything I can say to make things better. I just hope you can take comfort in knowing that there's at least one stranger out there who hopes that you'll get your wish someday.
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)   
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 22:27:52 (PDT)
I like chinese men. Sometimes they can be extremely picky and critical. I am very shy about meeting men. Its discouraging. I am a single parent. I had two babies out of wedlock and my family is not happy with me. I am in college right now and raising my sons. When a man will see me, he is interested to know me right away. When I tell him that I have a son, hes no longer interest in me. My father said because of having a child out of the wedlock no chinese man will ever marry me ever. A coworker told me that its more likely a white man will be interested in marrying me. I do notice the white men will still talk to me even when they find out about my sons. My mother said its because they are child molestor. I don't really believe it anyway. But I don't want a white husband. I want a chinese husband. Noone will marry me and I made too many mistake. It really hurts. Sometimes I feel all alone.
xue yen   
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 13:55:35 (PDT)
Sometimes Chinese people date Chinese people to meet their parents expectations in the USA. However, I find that mindset to be somewhat contrary to the western ideal of "freedom of choice in love."
So to prevent a mid-life crisis I feel Chinese American should just date whomever they please. If they happen to be Chinese that's great. If they are not, that's okay too.
Personally, I feel closer to someone if I'm able to communicate in Chinese with them. But that's just me.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:54:03 (PDT)
Nice boys with nice manners are great, regardless of ethnicity. If they're cute too, I'm interested ( sorry if that sounds superficial ). But I really can't stand the type of Asian boy who thinks he can lay claim to me without even asking. Just because I'm an asian girl and he, like SAW me, he starts acting like he's ENTITLED to date me or something.
twentysomething cdn   
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 04:03:19 (PDT)
Strong AF,
I guess in a way it's true. In my opinion Asians (at least the ones that still have traditional values) have a more realistic outlook on relationships. I think in North American society people either date someone either because of looks or some unrealistic romantic fantasy that 99.9% of the time never comes true. I just think that yes being friends at first helps but I think there's much more to it then that. I'm sure there's a lot more I didn't mention
On another note. I have to agree that although I don't think there's anything wrong with being in an IR but being with someone who has the same values, traditions...etc makes a difference. It's hard enough making a relationship work without having to add potential problems to it.
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)   
Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 23:07:41 (PDT)
I like dating chinese males because we have so much in common. We can relate better than I would with a white guy, (or any other ethnicity) and can share jokes and such that are ethnically related. Plus, my family encourages it, so it's perfect!
That is why I'm most likely going to marry a Chinese man. And if not, some other Asian. Asian males are just cuter to me. But still, marrying a Chinese man for me, is ideal.
bring me a chinaman!   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 05:06:41 (PDT)
Thanks :)
I have been doing research on chinese marriages. I have found that the best marriages that seem to really work good are ones that start out as friends. Like they are friends at first and then become more. I guess I can't just say this probably is only true with chinese couples. I am thinking this may be true with all couples to make relationships work. Does anyone know if this is really true?
Strong AF   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 23:39:02 (PDT)
AC girL,
Hang in there:)
Steven empy23@msn.com   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 00:39:46 (PDT)
Strong AF,
You have a very good point. There is no argument. There should be no argument. What your husband does, right in front of you no less, is wrong. Anything that hurts you is wrong. I don't know if you can attribute it to him being Americanized, so to speak. I think men from asia are just better at hiding thier extra-marital stares:) Maybe he's not "american" enough. There are many married american men of many races that I found that don't seem to gawk at other women. They may still notice them, I would suppose. But I think the real issues are, if whether or not you feel that your marriage is weak enough that you feel you will lose your husband. Hopefully, it is still strong, and you can get you husband to cease such scandalous displays. My 2 cents.
Steven empy23@msn.com   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 00:28:42 (PDT)
"If I marry it will most definite be respectable and sexy Chinese American man."
Which one- your boyfriend or his roomate that you're sleeping with? You don't deserve a respectable man.
Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 18:24:50 (PDT)
I think chinese+chinesee couples make the best relationships and babies.
made in Hong Kong   
Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 12:52:03 (PDT)
Ive seen it all, and then some,
Yea right! Not in your wildest dream!
I know that I am not a perfect. That has nothing to do with the topics. The topics is Chinese men and women. I happen to real deeply love Chinese men like no other. If I marry it will most definite be respectable and sexy Chinese American man.
cantonese flower   
Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:54:20 (PDT)
I will just say that I know a little tooo much about her. I have moved on.
I don't think I will ever date interracially. There is something about Chinese women that completely mesmerizes me.
and then some   
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 12:51:37 (PDT)
I've seen it all,
i take it that you and cantonese flower have some history with each other?
Mr. Hann   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 14:05:59 (PDT)
Proud 2 b Azn(AM),
Try the Extramarital Affairs forum. You will get a better picture of Miss Cantonese FLower. You will see just how manipulating and a backstabber she is! I love my Chinese women but not poisonous snakes like Cantonese Flower!
I've seen it all   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 14:06:12 (PDT)
Ive seen it all,
Okkkkk...and are you going to continue and elaborate a little more? Or are you just going to leave it open ended?
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)   
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 22:22:38 (PDT)
Chinese girls? What can I say? I am a Chinese man who absolutely loves my Chinese sisters. To me, they are the most beautiful women in the world. Especially the ones from Northern China, absolutely gorgeous.. and many with great personalities too that only enrich their attractiveness in my eyes. I hope to be able to find the Chinese girl of my dreams one day and settle down, but until then...
Chinese hunk   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 19:24:43 (PDT)
Whats the thing with these women like Cantonese Flower. She is a cheating, manipulating woman. Usig both men at the same time. How clever.
Ive seen it all   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:01:54 (PDT)
Problems in your marriage have nothing to do with being FOB or not. It is obviously that you and your husband have some issues.
don't blame   
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 10:51:14 (PDT)
wants to know,
I have problems in my marriage that I do not wish to discuss them. I do have a friend who is happily married. They don't have the problems that we have in our marriage. She is Chinese and married to a Vietnamese husband. She said they don't even argue. I am not sure if it is because of our backgrounds. Because he was born in America and I was born in Hong Kong. I think hes too American sometime. My friends marriage is so much happier than us.
Strong AF   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 10:13:12 (PDT)
Strong AF, does your husband really gawk at white women, right in front of you? Do you see a lot of other Chinese men doing this?
wants to know   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:17:57 (PDT)
I think chinese men are wonderful. They are understanding and patient and so loving. They are absolutely the very best. No man can ever take their place. I have never dated interracial. I never see myself doing that.
cantonese flower   
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 16:15:57 (PDT)
I don't see the reason for a woman having to apologize when she only said how she felt. Men sometimes have a way of making women feel ashamed of their feelings many time. I am married to a Chinese American man. I cannot say whether I am happy or unhappy. It is hard to decide really. Men will be with someone committed, and always gawking at White women. If the woman does that then they get mad at her, and even want to get rid of her and the guy also. I think there is a fine line not to cross. Now I am not sure if White men do this. I also have heard that Vietnamese don't really do that to wives and girlfriends. My friend is married to a Vietnamese man and they don't have the problems that I am going through with my marriage. She said they don't even argue.
Strong AF   
Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 14:47:28 (PDT)
I live on the east coast
Proud 2 b Azn(AM),
I went to the place you were talking about, and scrolled through your messages. I think you seem to be a very courageous guy and I admire this alot. I still think there are some very attractive Asian men out there. I think I have been closing myself off for some time. I think that is what has drawn me to this website. It has many things that I have always been curious about in Asian men. I think my parents regret that they raised me in a predominantly white community. I can see it in their eyes.
AC girL   
Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 12:10:05 (PDT)