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Hey I am real mongol who said UGLY looking mongols?! Probably he never traveled to Mongolia or Russian side of mongols they are just hot looking females I am not exaggirating this I was in russia for a long time it is just matter of nature wear and tear honostly saying. Well I had been in Chinese side of mongol many times travelling and for business tour. What I noticed is that mongols on that side couldn't actually develope social household matter much due to historical circumstances and the mostly looked as if truly under un shining faces a lot but when Mongol came from north Uuh .... can chinese dress themselves like that well I am not into put down HANS what I am saying is that Mongols who where related to russian influence had gone a lot of mental broadening and horizon of knowledge when mongols in china could do a much about themselves as I mentioned above. There are too big gap in social development in two mongols in both those sides. If you look at mongol in North they are truly iron tall, strong and carizmaticaly good looking & fashionable.
People in my country still cannot confess that mongols and some northern chinese look a like which is true. In mongolian historical data a lot of mongolian groups were migrating from original place to outward. As matter of fact just in westward of mongolia there is KHazakhstan and further a lot mongol mix and originated nations. Archeologist never publically announced that just 10000 years ago they can't find any asian type nations artifacts even in khasakhstan now look whereare about all mongol looking people spread far as hungary (probably Attila was roaming)Do you know Lenin great Russian revolutioner was mongol type described as often grand mama was khalmyk-mongol.
Northern hans women as I can say is nice blend of polinesian type and northern asians they just look cool dudes. I just assure you if you never know about that. But what if we will loose our national identity by loosing pride preserving cultural face type. In many years ahead we might start to regret for shot sighteness trying to be a world integrated nations. I wouldn't encourage to overwhelmengly to marry to one another as the same time not to hate. Fortunatly, we are coming to understand that with the help of genetic search that 27 thousand years ago happened big ice age and we were reduced to 5000 or 10000 people at that time genetic diversity being reduced almost to none and we are survivors from that time. We are kids from those few group people whome you could imagine in football field all of them at once so we are not so far fetched. That's info for old styled mentally stupered dummies.
My opinion about koreo&han relation is that what you can do in this love affectioned world. If some one in crazy LOVE"!!!" you not gonna kill or cut your relations with relatives or friends so just go out to nature take a look how nature work. We MONGOLS never been FANATIC in our stereo type like arabian fanatics.
Enkhtur, Ulaanbaatar, State of Mongol enkhturs@yahoo.com   
Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 09:48:57 (PST)
oh gross.
Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 22:00:47 (PST)
I would like to meet nice sexy
Chinese girls. Email me. Send me
your picture.
Andy. crownedcomic@hotmail.com   
Monday, December 24, 2001 at 07:01:44 (PST)