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AsiAn GirLiE,
I don't think Korean parents would mind their sons dating other races. Maybe some would. But, I'm a Eurasian girl and dating a Korean. He's wonderful.
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18   
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 22:59:19 (PDT)
To Jae Lee
Hello I'm 22 years old Korean man living in South Korea and my girl friend is from HK.
You told:
Chinese women don't seemed to talk much and they dont smile that much====>Your experience is way different from that of mine. Actually my girl friend is very talkative. She loves to share her joys and trobles with me, and I really like to appreciate that because that means she thinks of me as for her real partner.
You don't need to put your concernings into that part. In reality every Chinese woman is different depends on individual like as Korean women.
You must show her that you are really
interested in her culture and her as well! Whisper in her ears. Tell her how you love her. Be cool to her. Send her flowers. Call her up very frequently. Spend more time with her. hehe same to all women actually.
You told:
When it come to marrage though my parent don't want Chinese women ===>My parents(of course Koreans) love my girl friend very much from their true heart.
Last month May 15th it was her birthday,and my father gave her a very useful present (that was waterman fountain pen)to encourage her to study hard-Yes it could be kind of old fashined present but since my father is 50's, it was the best present in terms of his thought works.
To be honest my girl friend blubbered with impressed by my father! THAT WAS VERY NICE MEETING BETWEEN HER AND MY PARENTS.
I hope all Korean parents could have open minded to non Korean spouses like my parents.
As I know,Korean american society is more closed towards that part and plus to the women right, i think that's probably because korean american society needed to preserve their culture and less inter-cultural exchange from the language barrier. (i meant parents generation-gyopo il sae)
so that closing tendency possibly could have been transferred into their kids even they are born and raised in america.
bottom line, my opinion is that if you happend to meet really nice chinese woman that you really have desire to make a relationship with her,it is not differrent from when you approach to a nice korean woman. and if you unlukily have very close minded parents,you also need to persuade them to love her. that's all.
sorry my english is very bad but i am assuming you have no problem to understand what i am trying to say?
JunHo from S.Korea justsaywow77@yahoo.com   
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 22:05:14 (PDT)
I think Chinese girls are cool , they're nice but they dont seemed to talk much and they dont smile that much. I still think some are pretty cool.
When it come to marrage though my parent don't want Chinese women , they don't mind too much if they're Japanese but Chinese they say are just too different. They think Language, culturally and looks wise are too different.
Jae Lee   
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 10:16:26 (PDT)
Asian Girlie
Some would and some wouldn't. Even if some wouldn't at first,they'll come around if you're nice to their son.
Lets see what you look like? Look more Chinese or white?
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 18:33:15 (PDT)
<<< . . . I'm not sure if their families would approve. [I'm Chinese/white] So to all you Korean guys out there..what is your opinion?
AsiAn GirLiE >>>
--It would depend on the parents personalities. Some would absolutely oppose but some may be accepting if they see you are a sincere, kind-hearted girl. Being pretty and well educated is also a plus. Like everything else in life, it depends.
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 17:05:06 (PDT)
Korean guys yend to have nice bodies..the ones that work out that is! I've never met any Korean guys untill recently, and let me tell you. WHOOHOO! The only thing is, although they are attracted to me.. I'm not sure if their families would approve. [I'm Chinese/white] So to all you Korean guys out there..what is your opinion?
AsiAn GirLiE   
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 14:43:01 (PDT)
Is there any Chinese clubs in NYC?
Friday, May 24, 2002 at 19:23:30 (PDT)
So, where are all the cute Korean hotties in LA? You guys seem to like to hang out with your own in K-Town....
Give us Chinese girls a chance...
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 14:01:01 (PDT)
Dang, I've never really been into Korean men, but I just saw the music video for G.O.D.'s song "Gil" and it has changed my mind indefinitely!!!
They are so hot!!! The song itself is very sexy. The guys have incredibly soft yet masculine voices.
Cute Chinese Girl   
Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 11:18:01 (PDT)
Korean Man,
Thanks. I think he's very shy. But he's alittle daring now though. He talked to me the other day but is still shy to really start a conversation. But he's always staring at me in class. Hahaha..........But I sometimes think it's funny coz it's really weird lolz
Malaysian Chinese Girl   
Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 01:22:52 (PDT)
To my dearest Malaysian Chinese Lady
haha I don't know why he did act like that you mentioned.
it depends on what he has through his head.so next time when he follows you,ask him why he does.
hehe good luck!
Chinese women are the royals.
by the way my girl friend is from Taiwan!!! THE BEST!!!
Korean man   
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 16:27:39 (PDT)