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this is funny..i just stumbled on this page and had no idea that the whole japanese/chinese thing was going on..i recently went to japan..(btw im chinese) i dunno, in that states i dont get that many people interested in me as i did when i went to japan. it may be because i live in the most rural area in the us, but im not sure..there is definetely a weird attraction between the two.
Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 02:12:35 (PDT)
I believe that many Japanese-Americans people don't look "Japanese" (i.e. they don't look like the people in Japan) because ethnically they're not - they're Okinawan. One of my best buddies was born and raised in Hawaii. He is considered Japanese, but his family roots are not in Japan, but Okinawa. I know, I know, Okinawa is part of Japan and they speak Japanese there just like on the main Japanese islands. But the people there are of a different ethnic stock than the main Japanese islands.
Asian Dude   
Saturday, August 04, 2001 at 01:45:04 (PDT)
That's probably because Japanese Americans have been in Hawaii since the 1890s. Since then, they have probably mixed with many other Pacific Islander/Asian people on the island. I know one chick that has an almost brown tan, a face like a fpumpkin and the body of a sumo wrestler, yet she claimes she is 100% Japanese. YEAH RIGHT. Only Samoans and native Hawaiians have physical features like that, so there must've been some miscegnation down the family line.
Korean Boy   
Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 18:49:48 (PDT)
I'm a Chinese & I have a Japanese guy who is interested in me. He is very gentleman & generous with me but of course it is too early to tell if he's really a nice guy or not. I have only 1 thing to say: Regardless of race/religion, Japanese or not, men are generally almost the same. There are good ones, bad ones, & dangerous ones too. And we have only to be wary of them & be extra careful about their real intentions.
Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 06:47:54 (PDT)
To B:
I think half of the JA population live in HAwaii so they probably were from HAwaii. And the other half live in sunny southern california so that's why they were tanned. haha Japanese seem to live in sunny places with nice beaches. :)
where da chinese women live at?? Cold places with frozen lakes?
Friday, July 13, 2001 at 01:45:28 (PDT)
You don't fall in love with someone because they are Japanese or Chinese--you shouldn't, at least. But it so happened that I met the man I am going to share the rest of my life with--in Japan. As a Chinese-American girl, this was a totally new experience. When I came back to the U.S. and told my friends and family about Kenji, I found myself describing him first by his nationality. But I didn't want Kenji to be just "Karen's Japanese boyfriend" in people's minds. I want to stress that it's a bad idea to stereotype guys. For example, some girls from Taiwan after watching too many Japanese dramas, have this image of Japanese guys. To the guys and girls out there, please don't make the mistake of dating someone simply because of some false image that you might have of people of their nationality. I fell in love with Kenji because of the person he was inside. He could have easily been Chinese, and I would still have fallen in love with him. It's important to keep in mind the reason why we date--to find the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Because Kenji came from a culture sometimes known for its insensitive husbands and enslaved wives, I was especially careful to make sure to know what kind of person he was. I got to know his family, his friends, and most imporantly, himself, in all kinds of situations. My family was obviously surprised that I would "choose" to marry a Japanese man, but that's because they hadn't known Kenji as himself yet. Once they met and got to know each other, my family also fell in love with him. It's no longer important to them that their son-in-law is a Japanese, but that he's a kind, generous man who will be taking good care of their daughter. Chinese female/Japanese male relationships are fascinating, simply because it's almost a taboo due to our past history. It takes a lot of effort on both partners to make a relationship work, and it cases like mine, a little extra effort is required. But just remember that the most important thing is to choose wisely your mate. There are good guys and bad guys in every nationality.
Yours truly,
Karen Lee
Karen Lee KarenLIshida@hotmail.com
I'm a Chinese female engaged to a Japanese.
It was his personality which attracted me more than anything else.
I'm looking forward to moving to Japan next year.
London girl susan@baba8.freeserve.co.uk
Alot of JA guys seem like they're all from Hawaii, even when they're not. They've got that look, wierd features, like they're part something else and tanned, plus short and skinny arms and legs but thick middle. Plus, alot of them have long mustaches and small eyes. At least the ones I've seen here in California.
I am a chinese girl and my boyfriend happens to be japanese and I think we're match made in heaven! Although sometime I do think about how war vistims were once treated by Japanese sodiers but that's got nothing to do with my man!
But I must admit that it started off with mutual physical attraction, but with time we have really grown to love each other.
Happy Girl
I'm japanese and male, and i love all women, but i don't think i'll ever spend my life with anything else than a asian woman, coz i think asians are ment to be with eachother, AND i'm personally in love with a chinese girl ^-^.. baibai (^-^)/~
satochi satochi82@hotmail.com
I'm a japanese male and i'm in love with a chinese girl ^-^. don't believe in asian-white relationships. and i don't have anything against white girls, but i think the best choice for me is an asian gf ^-^. doesn't matter if she's chinese or japanese, as long as she loves me ^-^.
tears of aquarius,
You sound eerily like I girl I know at school. You're really melodramatic, and full of corny lines. Even your tag is corny as hell.
*sigh* i love japanese men... there is something about their face that is so compelling...
also... i really like the way japanese girls look and dress.. a cute yet stylish way.. *sigh* i wish i lived in japan so i could buy those same clothes~~ but i guess going to taiwan is good enought since japanese stuff in taiwan are a whole lot cheaper than in japan.. strange isn't it...
tears of aquarius
what can i say...japanese guys sometimes walk nice and have sweet voices...they look really gentle and have great hair ^^ but then again, any guy could have those things and more so...
I met a Japanese guy once. He approached me at my health club. Never noticed him before. He could barely speak English. He wasn't trying to pick me up but wanted to talk about something. Looking back, I'm impressed that he even summoned up the nerve considering how reserved the Japanese from Japan are. (Well, they seem reserved to me). Anyway, he was cute too. I, too, find Japanese men culturally fascinating.
I don't know some Japanese guys have really cute faces n most of them have a good sense of style which makes them look even hotter in my eyes ^_^ ke ke
Chinese Girl
Actually, I would rather marry someone who's Asian but not in the same culture as I am than marry a Caucasian or African-American if I could choose. But then again..who knows when love strikes?
I'm taiwanese and I like Japanese guys. The half Taiwanese and half Japanese actor, King Chen Wu is so fine! woohoo!
yummy chica
Please I'm trying to find pictures of Misia......anyone please who have any good sites of misia....or pictures....please send it too me. OK...you've got questions well I just loved her since I heard that song "Its Just Love",....
Anyway.....heres my email...
I am quite young, and have suddenly found Japanese men very attractive both physically and culturally. It's quite strange, but they are my fav type of guy! That's all I have to say!!