

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to males of Vietnamese ancestry?
Their facial features | 53%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 23%
Their education and cultural values | 20%

Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with males of Vietnamese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 3%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 60%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 26%
Assuming you are a male of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to females of Chinese ancestry?
Their facial features | 70%
Their physique | 12%
Their attitude and personality | 12%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a male of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with females of Chinese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 15%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 68%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 16%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To East Asian Male;

you opinions are not wanted here, your on the wrong page. I think you've been watching to much "jerry springer...stop being so bloody rude...either grow up or shut up!
FALONG GONG/DAFA    Friday, September 14, 2001 at 13:58:25 (PDT)
what is up with all viet dudes giving me dirty looks when i talk to viet girls?? they look like they're about to "cap my ass". am i "in your territory" viet man?? grow up!!
East Asian Male    Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 15:06:16 (PDT)
to gigi
hey, y dont you vent some of your feelings to your bf. tell me if he sticks around. ure so stupid. y are u with him if you hate viet? us born? who cares. doesn't speak the language? who cares. strip him down to his bones. babie, he's a his bones and in his heart. u cant change that.
gigi so blind gigi dunno bf is viet    Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 12:04:09 (PDT)
gigi girl,

As a chinese woman I am so shamed of what you have said about Vietnamese people. I do not know any Vietnamese personly. I have never seen your face neither. But, I am sure there are tons of Vienamese woman or men are much better better looking than you or you father or brothers.. Are you ok if people from other races call you urgly just because you look different from them. Shame on you!! I feel bad for your boy friend. He should dump his superfial girl friend.. MoodyCat
MoodyCat    Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 09:57:20 (PDT)
I don't think Viets are culturally inferior to any other group but because since a visible number of viet youths belong to or dress in gngster style, I think that gives a negative image.
Nao    Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 18:30:27 (PDT)
GIGI girl,

You have an inferiority complex. Even the ugliest viet women is better looking then you. You're so jealous of Vietnamese, that you can't even think straight, in fact, I doubt it if you even have a brain. If you stop spreading your cheap legs for all the guys you see, then perhaps you will notice that most vietnamese have CLASS!!!!!
Emmie    Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 01:45:14 (PDT)
Hey look I know there's a rumor clouding over your head that all vietnamese are ugly but hey , It's NOT True! Alot of viet people are good looking okay , alot of us are tall too!
VIET PRYDE    Saturday, August 04, 2001 at 19:29:48 (PDT)
why are we hating on each other. there's enough hate in this world with all the races.. now we got inter races hating on each other? why are we putting each other down and shit? this is wrong and very ignorant, especially you "gigi girl." "gigi girl's" ignorance is making this world uglier. why you be hating on other ethnicities... your boyfriend needs a better person. any person but you. how can you stereotype someone by their facial features and such? how can u say that 90% of vietnamese people are ugly? you should look at yourself.. you are totally ugly inside and out for saying such things as you did before. your kind of thinking is disgusting. the vietnamese language is beautiful. ALL languages are beautiful! a language is a language is a language. if you can't appreciate the languages that are upon this earth.. then you need to wake up cause you got your senses all whacked up!
angered and disgusted by these comments    Friday, August 03, 2001 at 23:29:37 (PDT)
i am absolutely disgusted to read the comments made by gigi girl. That is the most offensive and not too mention incredibly ignorant thing to say. It is sad enough to see discrimination and prejudice towards asians, but to see this kind of mentality among asians is even more pathetic. I can't believe that you would have the audacity to make such comments...and even more surprise to allow yourself to look like such an asshole for writing something like that. Damn i wonder how your bf feels about what you think of people of his ethinicity. It's people like you that make me want to throw up...your name shouldn't be gigi girl but more like go-kill-yourself-girl.
gigi girl should go shoot herself    Thursday, August 02, 2001 at 21:36:48 (PDT)
To GiGi Girl,
You make me laugh out loud. You’re very funny. Your parents and you don’t like Viet people but you date a U.S born Viet boy!
I suggest that you should date a Filipino instead because Filipinos are more American than any Asian group.
For me, if asked I like Chinese girls? My answer is YES. As matter of fact, I do like Chinese girls as much as Vietnamese girls, no more no less. I’m not prejudice like you and your parent.

A Viet guy    Thursday, August 02, 2001 at 16:01:28 (PDT)
I'm Chinese dating a Viet for the past 5 years. My parents hate Viet people, saying they are inferior. My parent's don't know we are going out. I'll admit, even though I'm dating a Vietnamese, I generally do not like them (besides the food). I think that 90% of the Vietnamese peoplge (guys & girls) I have met or seen are ugly. The girls dress like sluts and the guys are short and skinny. They are generally cheap, smell bad, and I also dislike the language. The reasons why I found my man attractive is because he doesn't look Vietnamese. He is also US born thus he doesn't really know the language. All I know is that Vietnamese males are at the bottom of the list. It's only if you can't find a Chinese man, then a Japanese, Korean, Philipino, then Vietnamese.
gigi girl    Wednesday, August 01, 2001 at 14:17:52 (PDT)
chinese girl , eewww , hehehe just fooling around. In general, i prefer vietnamese girl. I think vietnamese girls often look better than chinese girls. I sometimes go to chinatown to eat some viet food and i haven't seen any good looking chinese girls so i have to go to viet crowd :). Maybe i am wrong but that's what i have seen so far :). Any good looking girl wanna trade pic with me to see chinese girl vs vietnamese male :)
viet rules    Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 20:15:30 (PDT)