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Even though chinese influence has been forced upon vietnamese people, there are many differences in both of our culture. China wasn't around until the 7 states were joined up in a war, vietnam was already around under the name of lac viet kingdom and was joined up through a talk. We were invaded by the chinese, and remained under chinese rule for almost a millenium, but we never mixed. Why? How can you forgive someone that just killed your father when he was farming in the rice fields? And evidence is history, you can see that even after close to a millenium under there rule we fought back continuously and eventually took back control. If we intermarried with the chinese, then it means that we are part chinese, this in term makes it useless to fight them as we would be fighting ourselves. But we didn't because in between this thousand years we continuously fought back and resentment stuck through. In that thousand years we have fought back 20 times, that means about a war every 50 years, how can you marry someone that just killed your grandpa? When we got back control we had another 20 wars in another thousand years, how then could we marry our enemy?
Only after the Ming were defeated did alot of intermarrying occured. The people loyal to the Ming came to southern vietnam (not central or north as they hated the chinese, or south east either). After a while they found out that there are good people within the chinse people, and the chinese saw us as equals not as servants. They only started to intermarry for the last 300 years at a CRAZY rate.
A survey from Bao Dai (last vietnamese emperor) who made a thorough examination of everyones lineage book usually reaching up to 1500 years. The study showed that only 30% of the vietnamese had chinese blood, and those who had chinese blood were incorporated within 300 years to the current. Before that resentment and hatred separated the chinese and vietnamese.
History lesson   
Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 18:52:08 (PDT)
I have a question... Some chinese woman I know told me that if I marry a girl who's 3 (or 4 i think) years older than me, it's good luck or something. Are they making this chinese belief up?
Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 21:16:49 (PST)
Very intersting section of commentary
,opionated thinking. I'm Vietnamese guy and wholeheartedly agree that we are very different from the Chinese and Japanese, racially as well as culturally. Truly, we are more in common with the people like Indonesian, Thai or Fillipino. Nevertheless, I'd have to say that Vietnamese ancestors had learned a lot from the Chinese culture. Also, I think Chinese girls are really cute.
Maurice B. leteo221@hotmail.com   
Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 11:04:18 (PST)
This is all Bullshit
I hope y'all know cantonese and
vietnamese are very related in terms
of language and culture
lets just get along
chinese dude   
Monday, February 18, 2002 at 00:31:54 (PST)
Did you know many of the Vietnamese males and females are Chinese descent? Like someone here said, in Vietnam, Chinese men and women married Vietnamese men and women.
They are the boat people. Chinese have been living in Vietnam like in Saigon for hundreds of years.
Stop spreading bad things about Chinese and Vietnamese women and men. We live and choose who we want to be. Are we not all born on Earth and can talk and think as a human or we are just all dreaming of been the only superior beings.
Hong Kong actors are not all Cantonese but are Chinese. So what if some look different. Just look at your siblings and your parents. They dont all look the same. Some got long and tall bodies and others dont.
Cantonese are mixed of many ethnic groups. Most like to be called Tang Chinese not Han Chinese. It is just a name. I am Cantonese, in case you want to know. Many Chinese-American are Cantonese. We are the tallest and lightest looking Asian from the Asia continent. So what? It doesnt make me better or worse if I am Vietnamese.
Stop typing hate and becoming bigots. We should listen and understand each other. We are all Asian men and women, not machines.
The hatred you are feeling are probably coming from White, Hispanic, and Black racist propagonda in TV and other medias. They want us Asian to hate and hurt each other without doing the dirty work. Dont let it happen to you.
Proud to be an Asian male!   
Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 15:51:59 (PST)