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Before the fall of Bao Dai (vietnamese emperor) he commanded a survey or examination on every vietnamese persons lineage log book. These lineage log books usually reached back as far as 1500 years back from now. The results were very accurate as this was a survey that was commanded to be and lasted a few years to complete. The results concluded that at that time only 30% of the vietnamese population was part chinese, and those who were part chinese usually incorporated this blood within 300-350 years to the present. Another 20% are part khmer or cham (the evidence for why there are alot of dark vietnamese), some malay mixing also occured. These log books are very precise usually containing information like; where born, under what signs and what day, where burried, who married, ethnics (very important to the vietnamese) and etc...
It is a fact that the vietnamese established their country before china was born, their nation was under the name of viet lac kingdom long ago. China was united under one emperor after vietnam was established, china attacked vietnam and won. The vietnamese within a millenium of chinese rule had over 20 times of war and fighting back, some worked, but most failed. These wars kept the vietnamese population away from the chinese. While the chinese (han) saw the vietnamese as inferior thus didn't want to incorporate that into their childrens blood the vietnamese thought the same, but added in stupid, weak and dishonoarable, as every time a battle went on the vietnamese would be outnumbered in weapons and men. But even so they sometimes win under those conditions.
Evidence is there from the Bao Dai examinations of the lineage log book, and in history. Even after 1000 years of attempted assimilation, the chinese did not consider the vietnamese to be chinese. There is also evidence in the fact that even after a millenium of conatact and rule they fought back. This is proof that there was very little or no intermingling, as the vietnamese as many know practice ancestor worship, so they cannot fight against their own people or their ancestors. If their was a mix then the vietnamese wouldn't have fought back, as then why would they hit their own hand? But they fought back, because they did not mix and they had their own identity, and it was right for them to fight back.
Here's a quote off of AA but it follows what i have learnt in history class back in china and when i went to taiwan i have learnt the same.
The viets never broke off though, they were the Dong Son who were invaded by the chinese. I can see that the japanese came from the chinese or korean because the original inhabitants of japan weren`t the japanese today. The vietnamese weren`t even considered chinese even to the ancient chinese through cultural differences, but the influence grew stronger, and now we`re very alike but we didn`t break off. You didn`t read the first page did you? It explains why we weren`t chinese. The people who started it weren`t chinese, they were mongoloids (no not mongols, just a name for yellow asians), they are not chinese, but the chinese are them, it`s like revolutionaries and communists, communists are revolutionaries, but revolutionaries aren`t communist. The mongoloid tribe broke off, some went to northern vietnam while alot stayed in china and started to spread out to areas like japan and korea. The ones who stayed in china weren`t chinese then, the term chinese was used when china was a whole and the cultures of the 7 states were mixed, vietnam wasn`t part of that mix thus they cannot be chinese. Han was a term they gave themselves when the Han emperor was in rule, vietnam wasn`t part of that either, we gave ourself a different name, viet. We could be related through the mongoloid tribe but how did a branch become the tree? Think of the mongoloids as a tree which gave birth to a whole bunch of branches (Han or chinese, viets or kinh, korean, or japanese.). The Han and Kinh are children of the mongoloids, thus we are brothers, how then did the chinese suddenly became the father (or tree) they cold give birth to leaves (branches that grew off them, like the cantonese or the manderin, yeah i know they`re languages but i can`t think of an ethnic right now) but still they cannot be the tree. The vietnamese lived along side the chinese and was never assimilated until after the vietnamese named themselves and the chinese named themselves so we already had an identity. The vietnamese are believed to be the Dong Son or the Yueh, but the Yueh were never assimilated they moved south and avoided the assimilation so they were never part of the chinese civilization.
Because 2k years ago, when we warred with the chinese and lost they tried to assimilate us, our culture was different, we were lighter and brighter, with toes a bit different than theirs. Our toes were more spread apart, and more movable, they blamed losing to us numerous time while being outnumbered and having few weapons on this. They say that we had an advantage, and our toes makes us run faster, stronger and have more endurances, while they were the ones with the advantage, with the fact that they have always outnumbered us in military (the one they sent), in weapons and it`s advancement. Even after decades of attempted assimilation, we never married them and had offspring, not unless it`s a rape. They saw us as primitive, they hated our bright and light skin color, they hated our toes, they hated our culture. They didn`t want to tante their pure Han blood, and didn`t want a mix for a son/daughter. We in return always thought they were stupid, weak, ignorant, and fools (a result of hatred, not necessarily true, and probably not, just telling you what they thought). We in turn didn`t want to incorporate that in our blood, it was forbidden to marry chinese, and forbidden to marry cham (related to khmer but not them). It was low for a chinese man/women to marry a vietnamese (kinh, the ones originating from the ancient dong-son culture, and they in turn came from the ancient dong-son culture, this culture is traced to 3000 bc, some say to be even farther than the chiense, extremely peaceful nation, then the chinese invaded making us fight). So not many intermarried, and those who did, were shut out of the vietnamese community, and those who did in the chinese community lost face and dignity. Only after the 1900`s did they started to marry the chinese, and it happened at a CRAZY rate. They were then accepted after centuries of living in the south (the chinese were afraid of living in the north, and in the central or southeast, as even now they still hate chinese.) Now so many viets are part chinese people tend to think it happened milleniums ago, but for a fact only 30% of the kinh are even part chinese or anything else, the other 70% of them are pure kinh, that`s why you see so many light skinned and bright, but living in the middle between the tropic of cancer and equator kind of makes you dark. But when my uncle came from vietnam i thought he was cambodian, but after two months we became REALLY light, almost like a white guy, and bright too. And the kinh make up 90% of the vietnamese population. There`s 3% chinese (not of any vietnamese blood) comming during the minh period. Those statistics were taken before the war, by the emperor Bao Dai, he was curious, and demanded everyone to examine there books till the end usually reaching a max of 1900, and it turned out that there were only 70% of the kinhs to be pure, and there were 30% of a mix. The kinh at the time made up 890% of the nations population. Everyone in vietnam keeps a lineage book, kept by the head of the family (under him can be thousands of people), my dad would have been the head, but the war came and he left, now his brother keeps it.
A result from the study also concluded that the darker vietnamese are part khmer or have khmer blood somewhere along the line 1500 years ago. If you ever go to vietnam you will see that most people in the central areas and northern areas are alot lighter and brighter, most in the southeastern parts are the same. This is a characteristic of having a majority kinh blood (pure viet or the ones from the dong son and the lac viet kingdoms). People say that these are teh lightest and brightest skinned people in asia, but living in between the tropic of cancer and the equator makes you a bit dark. Some people makes insults and say they are part white and say they mixed with the French, but how can the french mix with 50% of a nations population? The vietnamese you see in america are mostly from the south (like saigon/ho chi minh city) where there was a large khmer population which results in khmer blood along the way. That's why you see them as a dark people, but if you ever go a bit north they get really light and bright. Go to hue or something or ba tri.
That's all i know of the vietnamese people, sorry but i don't study vietnamese history much. But history astonishes me, i'm born in china and lived in taiwan for a while. They tought me this stuff for a week and then moved on to other parts of earth. And it seems that it is also supported by vietnamese history as well. The vietnamese people interesting, and they are in fact light, i went on a tour of SE Asia in 1998, and this seems to be true, as i went north the skin did seem to be lighter and brighter in the vietnamese population. And they all do seem to have a lineage book the size of an encyclopedia. Very nice people, but when i went into Hong Kong the skin got a big darker, i guess the vietnamese do have the lighest asian skin i've seen so far as a whole in the population. (They're still very anti-chinese at some times though, you can't really forget 2 thousand years of aggression that easy, but luckily i had a vietnamese friend with me, he seemed a bit dark, but he's froms saigon).
This may be an insult but the vietnamese are very light, probably the lightest and brightest skinned people i've seen in asia.
Ah asians and the "white" is bad thing, just be what you are ok, it's not bad to be light. I'm taiwanese/chinese and i have no idea who to support in their conflict, as they both seem to be right.
Taiwan-American History Freak   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 16:24:46 (PDT)