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Come to think about it, my toes are funny. Not duck feet style funny, but something like gypsy feet as someone said but with bit more space in between the toes. Man, this conversation made me actually look at other peoples feet a while ago at the beach, every second sentence that came out of my mouth was, "do my feet look funny to you", and i can't believe they said, "yes"!
Funny Toes   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 23:05:26 (PDT)
From my references, this does seem to be true. There is a discussion on this on AA too (a friend told me to sign up so he can get some member points or something, some of the threads are interesting though). From what i've seen it is true that the vietnamese have the lightest and brightest skin, i can tell a vietnamese person that without getting beat up, but if i told them they have funny toes, whew i don't know what would happen...lol, no seriously they have a bad rep. in america but in vietnam they're the nicest people around, i've been there for a few days (like a week) on my way to thailand for a fun holiday. I decided to go walking around, and i went north, they do have lighter skin, and they do have unique and distinct qualities compared to the chinese. They do seem to be lighter, brighter and do have funny toes. But that's outside of Ho Chi Minh City (used to be called Saigon, i call it Saigon and someone said, "no, it's Ho Chi Minh City" in very bad english). But that's from my personal experience, i've been across the world, travelled through europe in 95' and then half of asia in 99', but i went to thailand and landed on vietnam in 2000. Interesting place.
Hey, what's wrong with being white? The viets are as light and bright as you can get in asia. Probably the lightest and brightest skinned people in asia. But that's from my view, from a halfies point of view. Eh, my mom's white, my dad's cool though. When i was in vietnam, the lighter and brighter ones seem to outnumber the darker ones in the central and north, been to the southeast and it seems to be true there too. But in Saigon the darker ones and light ones are at a tie. In america? Oh, the darkies outnumber the lighties. From what i've seen it's true.
Half-Chinese Traveller   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 15:27:16 (PDT)
Hey! This stuff is history! The statistics were taken 50-100 years ago by an emporer who is no more. It's true that the vietnamese have lighter and brighter skin, and as some might say fair skin with a nice complexion. I've learnt it in china when i was young, but it's not a very valid statistic any more. It does seem to be true that the vietnamese have gypsy feet though, that's how i find out who's what when i'm at the beach.
Hawaiin-Chinese Girl   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 15:03:58 (PDT)
'Asian and Proud of it' It's not about deaths, it's about patriotism. America has never threatened the soveriegnty of vietnam, but china, well let's say ALOT, it's about the country not the deaths.
Dodi, well i think he interpretted the statistics wrong. Didn't he say he learnt it in China and Taiwan a LONG time ago? It wouldn't be 70%! It's like 20% now probably, with 80% mixed. I would say there is alot of malay mixed in too as people know that the malay were sea bearing people, and that means alot of access to vietnam.
Dodi what are you skeptical about? Which part? It seems to be just right, but the numbers are a bit off for today's standards.
I've been to vietnam on an SE Asia tour vacation with my family, and it does seem that they do have lighter skin then us chinese. They do seem to have a light and bright glow to their complexion a bit. I may say that they have the lighest and brightest skin tone or complexion of asia. And the feet thing seems to be true, it's not something absurd like duckfeet or chicken feet. There is just more space between the toes, and the big toes is just a bit smaller (some might describe it like gypsy feet but with more space).
The skin thing so far is definately true. I would marry a vietnamese if i wasn't already happily married. :)
Truth About History   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 14:54:08 (PDT)