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Oh, the Yueh weren't outnumbered in population, but in the battle fields they have always been outnumbered. This is written in the chinese annals, saying stuff like, their army was small but their peasant numbers are big.
The Yueh dissappeared basically after they moved south to guangdong, they are believed to have been assimilated into the Dong Son Cultures people. The Dong Son at that time had the most advanced bronze works and arts.
This in a sense could explain the language differences and similarities. Similarities achieved by the passing down of the Yueh ancestors language, and the difference coming from the differences between the Dong Son and the Han.
Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 20:29:16 (PDT)
Well through theory if the vietnamese were the Yueh, then the areas of Fukien and Chekien were of the vietnamese. The viets moved down after they were conquered but alot stayed, it's like the majority moved not all. Then they settled in the areas of Guangdong then they moved down again after they failed. Eventually after another war they lost once more then they couldn't move down because it was already occupied by others. The Yueh are said to have dissapeared though, it is thought that they were absorbed into the Dong Son. The Dong Son are still there, but the Yueh aren't. It is possible that the ones that stayed in Fukien, Chekien and Guangdong mixed with the Han, but they submitted and stayed, the loyal ones moved on and hated the chinese. That's why you don't see many people in china with funny toes (because of the mix the blood is almost gone), but the vietnamese in the south had very little contact and still have a large portion of their genes left. Even though they were under chinese control they were once independent under the name of Lac Viet Kingdom, they gave themselves the name KINH, and thus already had their identity. Plus only mandarins and high ranked generals came down to keep control, not many actually went down to actually live there, the general thoughts were, "why live with savages when you can live with the Han."
That's why many vietnamese have funny toes, it's impossible to not mix, but when we do we are still brothers, because when a chinese person comes to vietnam and mixes they become vietnamese, and when a vietnamese come to chinese and mix their children are chinese. You cannot determine anything but instead only determine where you live. It's impossible. The Kinh (viets) and Han (chinese) are brothers, we both came from basically the same source, but we gave ourselves a different name. It's like if me and my brother, we are of the same family (the family for the Han and Kinh are mongoloid), and we have our own names that are given to us (Kinh and Han), if my name is Tuan and my brothers Nhat, then i am Tuan, not Nhat. Nhat is my brother, but we are both in the same family, Nguyen (mongoloid in the ethnic tree).
It's just sometimes pathetic when someone uneducated pretends to be educated and say something stupid like, "what's the difference? They're all chinese." Then i think, "No we are not chinese, we are ourselves."
I've seen toes like that, my toes have alot more space in between them then my chinese friends do. And of course your going to mix with the Yueh, we lived there and you mixed with our cousins, but those that who moved definately didn't want to mix. They moved south to avoid the assimilation, and then moved more south. You mixed with the Yueh that stayed, but not with the ones that moved south. That's why you see vietnamese people who can guess if your chinese or vietnamese, they can tell who's vietnamese or not (usually a thing that the older generation can do, go up to an old vietnamese guy and ask him, "What am i? Do i look chinese or vietnamese to you? And usually they'll be right."
Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 20:24:33 (PDT)