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there are a total of 54 ethnics in China so it was probable the yueh is one of those ethnics, but they're not kinhs, as said in the post of taiwan history freak.
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 08:25:04 (PDT)
in the past, Vietnam once owned a small part of southern China. But only a small part ( i think the turf couldn't go farther than guangzhou) so they already established their nation before China came into being. so it's very possible the areas where the northwestern chinese move to was what is known now as central area of China (Shanghai, Wuhu,etc.these are areas where women are usually praised for their delicate beauty). you can assume the canton provinces has been viet land back then, so what currently is known as central area of China has been the Southern chinese regions where northwestern men has settled in.
And it's important to note before Han dynasty, China already enlarged its territory from Qing dynasty. Emperor Qin help unite the 7 countries (including the central and southern regions, but not Vietnam because Kinh built their own kingdom separately from Han. China was already very large back then, probably only a bit smaller than its actual size. So the han inhabits in North, centre, and South of China. thus we can exclude the notion Han people were exclusively from the North. If the northwestern men came to the South there's great potential they were mixed w/ hans, not viets. and from my knowledge, Western Chinese, even Northwestern chinese are not han.(think of gypsy). Generally speaking, people from Northenmost like Northern china plains are not Han too ( think of manchurians). They may have more in common with koreans.So if your ancestry is han, it's because your southern ancestry are han not that your northwestern ancestries have Han blood. After the Qin dynasty, the chinese were named han, inhabiting from North to South of China. But even until this time, Lac viet still remained a separate country so there were no mixing.
In both South and North of China, there are a lot of ethnicities, so chances are the northwestern men are mixed w/ other ethnics, not just yuehs. And there's not strong evidence so far that the yuehs are kinh. kinh were assimilated into chinese culture n\but not the yuehs (from what i've learned).
Think about it. how could men from far north western be able to travel by horse to the southernmost China, not to mention they had to go through desert and other barren regions in cruel weather, incurring long lasting famine.
China invaded the northern part of Vietnam (which i believe are the neighboring regions such as Canton, Yunnan,...). it wasn't until Quang Trung became vietnamese emperor that he took back the lost land. But after his fall (18 or 19 th century), the land was lost again falling to China's hands. the lost land became chinese land and viets in this area were mixed with chinese. so that's why today you could see cantonese don't look the same like viets. They look more and more chinese.
Sorry my ENglish is poor. Hope it was somehow understandable.
Aznhistorybuff A. Kim   
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 08:17:33 (PDT)
The light and bright vietnamese skin is true, but as for the toe, honestly i've never seen any fair-skinned viet with the funny toe. *shrug*
as for the viet/southern chinese mixing, how could a tribe be mixed with 50 % of a nation??
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 03:11:16 (PDT)
i believe kinh and yueh are 2 distinct groups. think about it! Kinh people had established their own kingdom (Lac Viet) 4000 years ago in vietnam, long long before the yueh people fled to south.
and most chinese people are Hans. I've never seen a southern chinese who look a little like arabian or persian. If southern chinese are a mix of Northern chinese, persian, arabian and pure viets, why do they not have light skin? If southern chinese indeed have majority viet blood, could you find out a cantonese with vietnamese toe for me?? the truth is chinese look different. Chinese in Northern, Central and South area don't look the same and it's not a result of mixing with foreigners. If you believe otherwise, plz provide me a reliable link.
as for the chinese/vietnamese mixing history, it's true that there was very few intermingling in the past. Even today, majority of chinese vietnamese live in the South of Vietnam. Let's take a look. Vietnamese populaton is about 76 million. The number of chinese in Saigon is currently estimated to be 1 or 2 million, while in the the whole northern area (all northern provinces combined)there is only about
300 000 chinese or so. Not that they fear racism, but Saigon is where the living is the most affluent in nam, thus they can develop tradings there.
Kinh and Yueh are not the same.   
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 02:55:12 (PDT)
Kinh and Yueh are totally different people. Read Taiwan history freak's post again! the kinhs are dong son people, while Yueh lived in central China and a part of them move to Vietnam, but they move to South Vietnam thus avoid Han assimilation. which explains why most northern and central vietnemese are not yuehs.
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 00:06:03 (PDT)
"In my ancestral Canton province, it is said that all the Viet (Yueh) people were slaughtered by a Tang general/rebel Wong Chao. In the history, it mentions Wong Chao as killing 100,000 Yueh, Arabs and Persians in the city of Guangzhou alone in the years prior to the fall of the Tang Dynasty. Only later around the middle of the Song Dynasty, did the population started to pick up again. But, it can be reasonable to assume that the Han Chinese who resettled there often had no choice but to marry the Viet (Yueh), Arab and Persian women who were orphaned or widowed after that war. Otherwise, how do we explain the high incidence of Thalassemia (a Middle Eastern disease) among the inhabitants of Guangdong?"
Really?? could you elaborate more on the Thalassemia disease?? i think the arabs or middle easts people are beileved to be mixed with Northern chinese, not Southern Chinese. I've never really seen a southern chinese with arab features. if people in Guangdong are mixed with persian, could you find out a chinese with hazel or light brown eyes?
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 23:15:44 (PDT)
The Yuehs and kinh are different people. King are descendant of Dong Son culture. the Yueh in Vietnam is only a minority whereas kinh make up 89 % of the population. Yueh people mostly live in Southern China and they 're not Kinh.
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 23:08:35 (PDT)
"Often it is the Han men from the north coming to resettle in the south marrying local Viet women and then later absorbing the rest of the pacified Yueh (Viet) tribes who chose to remain and be part of the Chinese nation and culture. Only those who rejected this fled to Vietnam jungles. Nobody was really totally killed off or genocided, as our genes indicate that a large scale absorption and intermarriage took place."
Nope. the Han men are from Central China, not from the North. gypsis, manchus,...lived in the North. a part of Han people are from northen china, most are from the South and Central area. Before the union in Qin dynasty, China consists of 7 countries which extended form Northen to Southern China, and none of these countries has a majority of Yueh people. one fact should be learned that Southern chinese and Norhten chinese look DIFFERENT. If a southern chinese has some Northern facial feature, it's because his ancestors moved from Northern China to the South. i know a lot of northen chinese immigrate to cantonese provinces. that's why you see beautiful HK actresses w/ a bit of northern features.
i can see that viets are lighter than southern chinese. there's difference btw chinese from North, Central and South.
Beijing fob   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 22:41:15 (PDT)
from what i heard from a viet, he said there are 2 types of GIao Chi feet. one type is what you guys describe above, and the other is with the big toe directed inward.
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 22:29:17 (PDT)
"We have Han genes through the paternal side (15-20%) and yet we cannot deny our more dominant and numerous Yueh genes whom we got also."
are you sure?? all the southern provinces in China combined are 10-20 times bigger than vietnam. The size of viet territory before chinese invasion consists only of the actual turf and a part of Guangdong. the rest belongs to China. so the majority of southern chinese are MOSTLY of Han blood. the fact is southern chinese and northern chinese DO look different, not because southern chinese are mixed w/ viets. i'v e been to guangdong (China) and Vietnam and i can see southern chinese and viets also look different (viets are lighter and brighter). evry ethnicity in China do look different.remeber what was said before, viets population is very very small compared to chinese. whever there was a war, they were always outnumbered by chinese. So why can a majority of southern chinese be mixed with viets??
btw, the arabs and persians are believed to be mixed w/ northern chinese i think.
if you are certain of the info, please give us a source or some link.
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 22:23:41 (PDT)
I'm a Chinese girl. I haven't seen that many Vietnamese guys before.
I heard that Vietnamese people kind of look like a mix of Indonesian and Chinese.
I'm like in love with Indonesian guys. In particular Chinese Indonesian guys.
If Vietnamese guys look Indonesian and Chinese...then I "LOVE" them too O_~
If they don't ...
that's cool.
I saw this one Asian guy When I was in Toronto... he was so good looking!!!!!!
I rarely see guys that are as memorable as that one.
I think he was either Vietnamese or Chinese.
Or maybe he was Korean.
Beijing Angelique   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 22:22:28 (PDT)