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Well, from what i've seen and heard, the vietnamese in the majority have a more pinkish colored skin to them. It does make them look spontaneous, and energetic. It's not like the drunk style or the native american red, but a subtile pink not too dark.
Well, and the numbers of this pinkish colored pigment within the skin is more prevalent in vietnam, mainly in the north, central, and southeastern areas. I've been to Ho Chi Minh and only half of them are pinkish, when i've been to Hanoi, Nha Trang, Quang Ngai, Ba Tri, the pinkish colored skin became a majority within the people. I do agree that it does make them look cheery and merry.
Well, the northern chinese are pale, just like me, that's why i sun bath, but the vietnamese are light with a pinkish look. It doesn't look pale, most people need a tan to look healthy but they naturally look healthy.
Alot of chinese say that this pinkish look means they have alot of good luck, but i don't think so. Well from what i've seen about 90% of vietnam has pinkish colored skin with a light tone.
Chinese-English Travelling Guy   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 15:23:15 (PDT)
Oh, about the website, www.vietfun.com , I think the actual vietnamese women are the singer, the picture under beautiful women does not look vietnamese, though, it was create by some guy from USC, is all I know. well, I have another website, at
though I'm pretty sure this is actual vietnamese girls, probably this one are a bit richer than the rest. These girls are actually advertising themselve to be married by someone from the US. I think that's crazy, because most of them are already have money/rich because they could afford to do an advertisement like that on the web. and beside, even if they get married and live in America, it wouldn't be to their expectation. This seem like actual vietnamese girls, most of them is average, and some of them are pretty. anyway, you actually have to go someplace where there's alot of vietnamese people to know how we look like.
vn_girl http://www.vietventures.com/love_of_asia/index.shtml   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 12:10:05 (PDT)
Some people here say that I was being pathetic by trying to defend mysefl, by saying that Vietnamese girls look better than Chinese. I'm surprise to say before I even posted anything here, I've read alot of posted written by people saying that vietnamese girls are ugly and dark and stuff, which in my opinion I think they're crazy.
I never said that Chinese girl are ugly, because if I do then I'm lying, I just think that in general vietnamese girls are more attractive, and I think Chinese girls have the more cuteness than the prettyness compare to Vietnamese. And I'm not being racist or whatever, I mean, me and my family and alot of other vietnamese people watch Chinese and Hong Kong movies, I mean, what else could we be influence by? If we watch Chinese movies with a whole lot of pretty chinese girls, don't you think that we all think that they're pretty? yes, but even alot of vietnamese people know that in reality, that there are not alot of chinese girls as attractive as in the movies, so in mine and alot of my family and other vietnamese people's opinion, we think that vietnamese girls in general look better. And no, I'm not pathetically defending myself, I'm just saying what I think and what I know alot of people out there think also. How can I be pathetic, it's not like I'm lying or anything, I just stating the truth, in my opinion, sheesh. Of course, why wouldn't I be shock to read that many people was saying that vietnamese girls are big nose, dark, and unattrative, and smell bad or whatever I read before. For me, it was just soo untrue, and there nothing wrong with writing down my opinion.
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 11:53:36 (PDT)