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Chinese men are really nice.
Since my girl friend is from Taiwan, I had many chances to meet her brother.
He is very generous and intelligent guy.
I have a sister and if she has a Chinese /Taiwanese boy friend for marriage someday, I would gladly support her marriage! YEah!
korean man   
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 20:35:08 (PST)
I never sensed as much animosity between Koreans and Chinese as between Koreans and other Asian ethnicities, i.e. Japanese. I think there's less bad history between Koreans and Chinese. Also, as first- and second-generation Korean-Americans have their own kids, I think it will become more acceptable to date other Asian ethnicities because a stronger Asian-American rather than ethnic-specific identity will be reinforced.
Also, I like dark guys. Koreans are too pale.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 18:34:15 (PST)
Korean women are cool. Unlike many Chinese women, they have higher self-esteem and like Asian guys. High self-esteem is sexy.
Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 15:20:43 (PST)
morning massage:
man, post AFTER you date a Korean woman. Your statements are weak otherwise. Get it? And obviously to anyone with half a brain not all Korean women will give you a massage and cook you a nice meal after sex. Guess you're looking for a domestic cook/whore combo? (derisive LOL) ... c'mon man get rid of wishful thinking or crap other guys said even if their experiences prove true. People including Korean women are individuals. and your handle, 'morning massage' make you sound like some wannabe pimp or sleaze. not a way to get classy women brother, not at all. sure all men love women who can take care of them the right way i agree to that. it also goes the other way around in learning how to treat a lady. maybe the lady would like a little wining and dining herself. don't go looking for a korean woman to fulfill some fantasy. be a real gentleman and exhibit class.
Taiwanese College Guy   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 21:00:12 (PST)
Of course, I believe most Korean women marry or date Korean men. However, just under personal observations (in my own circles), it's not a rarity to see a Chinese male dating a Korean female, either. I personally know quite a few examples of this.
I'm just merely stating observations.
Asian Dating   
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 15:18:40 (PST)
yeah sure, Jae,
Do you both mean that you have never seen a Korean girl with a Viet or Filipino boy once? Not all Koreans look down on these 2 races, esp. with Vietnamese who are not too far culturally from Koreans and Chinese.
Korean FOB girls don't date out of their race that much, but Koreans born or raised here are just like the Japanese and Chinese. They also tend to date out of their own. I've seen this in the suburb parts of L.A., S.D. and S.F. I don't know about the East Coast.
morning massage   
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 01:42:28 (PST)
"OK, I have never dated a Korean girl but I can understand why many of them like Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino boys."
I have to disagree on that one mate. I dont know where u got that infomation but maybe you should go outside and see for yourself.
Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 22:46:39 (PST)
Morning messageOK,
I have never dated a Korean girl but I can understand why many of them like Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino boys.
I hate to burst your bubble. In reality very few Corean girls would even consider dating or marrying other asian men, really. As you noted Coreans are perhaps more nationalistic than most asian ethnicities so do you really think most would give you the time of day? Not to mention get hell from their families. Make some sense. And you have never even dated a Corean girl so you have no clue. Stop embarrassing the other Chinese guys on here by disrespecting Corean guys just because you feel inferiorty complex. Its the same tactic used by low self esteem white boys when trying to pick up asian girls.
yeah suuuuure   
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 18:40:45 (PST)
the age doesn't matter. It's just the way you feel about a person. Did you drop that L-bomb and M-bomb? What was her reaction? I hope everything worked OK with you both.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 14:40:56 (PST)
OK, I have never dated a Korean girl but I can understand why many of them like Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino boys.
Just coming here to this site and reading all the racist and sexist comments by Korean pride males gives an idea of how they see their own women.
Just check out the sports boards and see how the Korean male posters there never acknowledge the achievements of their own women athletes. In China, such athletes (women or men) would be seen as celebrities.
I feel sorry for Korean women, because I have met and worked with some of them, and they happen to be some of the most beautiful, kindest and industrious people you can meet. They deserve better.
morning massage   
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 17:29:11 (PST)
I never heard of those stupid stereotype you say about korean women. You never dated a korean women so how would you know.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 20:40:14 (PST)