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I must admit Korean women are my favorite of all the asian women...NOT because of their physical appearance (I found North and Central Chinese girls to be the most beautiful), but mostly because of their "spunk". Sorry to generalize here, but from my extensive experience, they are very tempermental and never boring. Other asian women tend to be too passive and shy.
As for all the nasty racist stuff here...let me set this straight:
1. Chinese is NOT a race. It is a cultural and geo-national affililation.
2. Chinese DO NOT think Koreans originated from China. Korean culture is rooted in shamanism and nomadic traditions. In fact, historically, Chinese equates Koreans as a separate people just like Japanese and Mongols.
3. Chinese is a embracing culture. We DO NOT HATE other peoples. Harmony is the goal of historical Chinese thought (Taoism, Confucism, Legalism). There is no Nazi mentality in China because there is no single race (Han is just a ethnic term...no genetics involved).
Anyways, if you desire unpredictibility and spice, try dating Korean girls. They may be a little too much to handle, but that's the fun!
Beijing-born Chinaboy   
Friday, November 09, 2001 at 23:40:16 (PST)
Pissed off chinaman..
You screwed up BIGTIME!! But hey, like my father always said, "Sometimes you learn the hardway!!" I know I did way too many times!
Think of this as an enlightning experience...Now you won't make the same mistake twice.
I live in S.F. also and this story is all too common over here. As everyone else says, you should have used a condom!
Just remember one day when that kid grows up he is going to want to find his real dad...I hope you will be there for him to explain the silly mistake you made.
Been there done that   
Monday, October 29, 2001 at 01:16:06 (PST)
wow... p@ssed of chinese guy, that does change a lot. 5 years old now huh? Well, I guess it would be better not to say anything now--afterall, the husband is probably very much attached to the child. (besides, he has to have done the math behind the pregnancy term himself--perhaps he has resolved the issue himself.)
well, I think getting involved in church functions is good and all, but I don't think you should adopt for the purpose of "atoning." Like I said, what's been done is done, and if her family has resolved that difference, there really isn't much you can do anyway. Besides, you should only adopt if you want to start a family--you shouldn't do it because you think you want to "even the score" with God. It's not like God has a score card, and it's not like a baby should be looked upon as burden or responsibility or whatnot. at some point, you have to forgive yourself too.
good luck with you life, afterall, that was pretty dumb thing for her to not tell you that she was married.
self-righteous moralist   
Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 06:31:27 (PDT)
For me, a Chinese guy, dating Korean girls was anything but easy. Some of them (the FOB ones) seem to have stereotypes of Chinese men and look down on us. In high school, I initially got rejected by a Korean female classmate to the Winter Ball dance. But, as we got to interact more her feelings towards me changed. She asked me if I had a partner to the Prom Dance? I had many candidates, but since she was so hot I opted for her instead. After the dance, we talked near the hotel's balcony. Her head was on my shoulder and she told me she really had a crush on me the first day of school but resisted my advances because her friends told her that Chinese men lusted after the Korean girls. But, as she got to know me for who I was as a person, she couldn't resist me no longer. Her friend gave her a pack of Trojans that night before Prom dance and dinner and she said she wants for us to be together forever. And, we are still going strong after 8 years. Planning to marry after Thanksgiving this year. I would never exchange anything I did for her.
dedicated to Sara   
Friday, October 19, 2001 at 17:33:11 (PDT)
Self-righteous moralist: the more I think of it, the more guilt I have. Yes, I am aware of how I am not being fair to Inhee's husband. The child is 5 years old now. If I all of sudden go and tell him the true circumstances, I know that I am tearing apart a family. I only cause more and more hurt in the end. I don't know what to say? I donate to charity and join church groups now. I know nothing can repent for this sin. If Inhee had really wanted to be with me, she would have chose to 5 years ago. In the back of my mind, I am afraid this will come back to haunt some way or the other. I have already begun looking into adopting a boy from Korea to atone for my sin. That's all I can say or want to say for now...
A pi.s.sed off Chinese man in S.F.   
Monday, October 15, 2001 at 20:17:01 (PDT)
Hi, I understand your feelings, but put your feet in Inhee's husbands' position. If this kid grows up and doesn't look anything like him/OR if this guy does the math(gee why she having the baby a month early?) then the marriage might fall through anyway. If this is the case, now she's a single mother, with a stigma in a socity that does not tolerate female adultery. (and moreover, in korea, in case of divorce, often it is the case that both parents DON"T want the child so that it is easier for them to remarry. Your child may end up in an orphanage, especially considering how irresponsible Inhee is in the first place.)
AS FOR YOUR comment about parental arrangement, I don't know ANYBODY in korea who gets into a marriage they don't like using this method. My sister was setup by my parents, but surely she didn't have to marry him (In modern korea, parents play "match-maker" role more than marry off their daughter forcefully.)
Whatever the case maybe, its disturbing that you see yourself and her as a victim. Of course, you didn't try to get her pregnant on purpose, and you didn't know she was married. BUT it still doesn't excuse YOU for unprotected sex.
AND you want her to lead a "normal" life? well, if you ask me, the damage has been done already, and you should be thinking about minimizing the damage.
I don't know how far into pregnancy she is in, but well, I'm gonna piss off a lot of christians here, but I'd say abortion is an option. (of course, she may disagree with this option) in anycase, if she does have a child, i'm sorry to say this, but you are in the child's life whether you like it or not.
C'est la vie.
I'm sorry for Inhee, but if I was the husband, I'd think i have the right to know, and the right to seek separation before things get even messier. You respect her decision, but you don't respect her husband's. Well, how can you possibly want sympathy, when you rationalize your mistakes? Dude, stare at it face to face, people will forgive you over time, and people won't always castigate you for something like this, BUT you are a man now, and you should act like one.
self-righteous moralist   
Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 14:59:29 (PDT)