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Mimi said,
"Most of the times I can't even tell the difference between Chinese guys with Vietnamese guys in America. They are both short and act like gangsta wannabes
Chinese like Korean said,
"I'm not shocked, but annoyed by the fact that Korea people always tend to stereotype Chinese people."
What chinese like korean said fits.
I also had a friend who was asked if she was korean. she's a southern chinese who looks nothing like a korean or a northen chinese.( i know, i know, im stereotyping too.) she's beautiful and friendly.
this just happen 2 weeks ago. she was with her friend and some korean guy came up to her and try to bust his mack. he asked her if she was korean. she said no. then he stills goes on to saying that she has to be korean or at least have some korean in her to look that good. By this time shes getting annoyed. All I gotta say to you koreans is get over it. Not all hot asian females are koreans.
Mr. Hann   
Friday, April 12, 2002 at 09:05:45 (PDT)
Proud Terp
I'm also Chinese, from HK too - came back from the US and lived in HK for 10 years already. I find it intriguing about your marriage with a Korean girl.
Since I live in HK, there should be about 95% of the time you would be more likely to socialize with a Chinese/CA girl than any other girls of other ethnic origins. I would think sharing alike cultures and values with a Chinese/CA girl would be much better, since there would be no cultural shocks or anything.
By the way, you sounded like all Chinese women have gambling habits - they don't. What are you talking about? The ones that do have gambling habits, like Mahjong, are usually in their 60s. Nowadays, with more means of entertainment, Chinese women usually just do not go gambling anymore unlike days of the past. You've probably watched too many HK movies... heheheh
Anyway, I believe your special relationship with the Korean girl is because you don't have a good command of Cantonese or that you know English only. But even that, there are many CAs that speak perfect Cantonese and English that also look amazingly pretty. Considering the chances of you meeting with a Chinese or CA, I find your relationship quite strange.
Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 22:44:24 (PDT)
Most of my dating experience actually are mainly with Chinese girls, a few Japanese, and some asian-mixed. All of the women I met were wonderful.
But I would honestly say I fell in love with my wife and not her race. She is nothing like anyone I ever met. And obviously she feels the same.
Getting parental approval on her side was difficult. I would recommend that any Chinese guy who are interested in Korean women be respectful and patient with her family. Like I said, Koreans can be very stubborn and old fashioned at times.
Proud Terp   
Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 11:35:32 (PDT)
Proud Terp,
You are one lucky guy then... I have never seen such a combination before (HK guy with beautiful Korean girl)...
Just curious, why did you choose beautiful Korean girl over beautiful Chinese girl?
Did you ever know beautiful Chinese or HK girl? I guess if you're good enough to get a beautiful Korean girl, you would be good enough to get beautiful Chinese girl, right?
ABC in NYC   
Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 09:50:20 (PDT)
I am chinese (from HK) and I am married to a beautiful korean girl. Honestly, I don't see that much difference in culture living in the U.S. We respect and enjoy our slightly different culture everything from food to language, although I must say one thing I really like about Korean women is that they are not into any type of gambling habits (Mah-Jong). One thing you have to watch for is that they can be very stubborn also.
Proud Terp   
Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 09:02:26 (PDT)
Most of the times I can't even tell the difference between Chinese guys with Vietnamese guys in America. They are both short and act like gangsta wannabes. How can I differentiate?
Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 14:14:26 (PDT)
I'm not shocked, but annoyed by the fact that Korea people always tend to stereotype Chinese people. For countless number of times during middle of conversation, Korean people suddenly ask me whether I'm Korean, I have to tell them no and they have to tell me back that you look kinda Korean. Its really narrow minded for Korean people to form their judgement based on what they see in American, since 99% of Chinese in America is probably from far souther China or Taiwan, which look drastically different then Chinese from more northerly climates. If I pass as Korean, over 60% of 1.2 billion Chinese probably do well. Northern Chinese don't look exactly like Korean actually, subtle differences are Chinese tend to have narrow pointy nose, close set eyes and are physically taller and bigger than Koreans. Koreans are a little bigger than Japanese and just as stocky as Mongolians. That is why the average height in Jilin province(with greatest amount of Korean Chinese) has lower average height than all the sorrounding northern chinese provinces.
Chinese like Korea don't like racism   
Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 00:03:24 (PST)